BSL 2010 Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I get my due braided up :)

My shirt for measurements came I am only reaching the three inch line. It's okay though, I am still going by my measuring tape LOL

HUH :perplexed :ohwell::spinning: :drunk: I will sure miss seeing my hair for 4 weeks :lick:
Thank goodness I can look at you ladies hair :grin: :lick: it will keep me going.

4 weeks to go!

I will be back every so often to let you know how I am doing and I will update my fotki as well. :D
excuse me JJ, but could you please refresh my memory on what a SHS is?:perplexed Scissor Happy Stylist

so if i understand correctly, MBL (which you are right now JJ) I am not MBL right now I wish I was, and could have been but that is spilled milk time to move on :cry2: <--- sorry I broke down, LOL, should not be far from BSL, and thus not too far from BSB either. I guess it would depend on your torso length, most are not too far from one another but some have alot of inches between and with the diagram in my fotki it isn't either. I go by that since it is a sewing diagram and it has the correct measurements for dress making ;)
(it took me forever to get from SL to APL so to think of having to do something like that again would make me barf!:blush: )

i prefer BSB too because there's no mistaking where that is.
That is why I like it because there is no discrepancy with change of bras.
i am so sad to know that a shs (thx for the explanation) did that to your gorgeous hair!

i must've missed that beat because last time i saw, you were MBL!

it takes forever to grow, but just minutes to ruin.....lately i've read too many horror stories on here about ladies changing hair lengths because of stylists who don't understand.

all this work and energy i'm putting into getting to BSL, i don't think i'll go near a stylist until i'm at least WL first,lol!

hopefully that, even they cannot ruin!
i am so sad to know that a shs (thx for the explanation) did that to your gorgeous hair!

i must've missed that beat because last time i saw, you were MBL!

it takes forever to grow, but just minutes to ruin.....lately i've read too many horror stories on here about ladies changing hair lengths because of stylists who don't understand.

all this work and energy i'm putting into getting to BSL, i don't think i'll go near a stylist until i'm at least WL first,lol!

hopefully that, even they cannot ruin!

I honestly don't think she meant it, :look: I was turned watching television, and I was like U know my head isn't straight and when I turned right she was Snipping which meant it wasn't even, but according to hubby it was 2.5 inches I say 2 inches, Because I measured LOL! he goes :nono: it looks like more. I am just like WOW 5 months gone like that.

Sad you know your a hair gal when you can just say how many months just got snipped off.

I have grown a 1/2 inch since and it hasn't even been a full month Whew Hew, so I hope that is good news. :D

What that experience did for me was to realize no more trims until I get to WL and I will be dusting my own hair with my Split Ender :) so I will get my 2 inches back by not cutting them off in the first place :D
Grow you know WHaT why DID I HAVE a dream about the SALON I worked at years ago; What happened was my hair was WL. and I went for a flat iron, and my former employer was talking to me, while doing my hair. SOme of the stylist about 10 were giggling, I walked to the bathroom and then came out they were holding some hair laughing and looking at me, I had a clip in my hair holding it up and the flat ironed piece down. I walked and just :look: and kept it moving. Then I heard someone say good for her. I looked in the mirror this Byatch done cut my hair about 2 inches from the root. I WAS :shocked: then I was like that **** isn't funny and they were waving my hair at me. You know what I went and got my 8 sisters and we had fall out, they were like we are here to talk, but this one girl got in my face and was like you came up in here acting so and so ..... I was like :perplexed: I came in here for a flat iron and was talking to FB (former boss) I don't know you from here nor there. Yet your waving my hair around talking about good for her. R u serious? Any who I sued their *** all of them for conspiracy and assault, they all had to pay me money at the end my hair was only 5 inches in that space, :( but at least I got paid :D so more conditioners for me. It was HORRIBLE. I really was like they have balls.
girl, rather than a dream, that sounds like a nightmare!
whew, if i ever went from WL to TWA without consenting, i might end up in jail!
i wouldn't have time to go get my sisters, getting that stylist would be the only thing i had time for!

but you had me cracking up on the part about them laughing with your hair in their hands! waving it at you and all! lol! thank GOD, that was only a dream!

but i'm glad that you have recovered from that 5 months of work the lady chopped off!
already got another new half inch!
you grow girl, you grow!
girl, rather than a dream, that sounds like a nightmare!
whew, if i ever went from WL to TWA without consenting, i might end up in jail!
i wouldn't have time to go get my sisters, getting that stylist would be the only thing i had time for!

but you had me cracking up on the part about them laughing with your hair in their hands! waving it at you and all! lol! thank GOD, that was only a dream!

but i'm glad that you have recovered from that 5 months of work the lady chopped off!
already got another new half inch!
you grow girl, you grow!

Recovered :lachen: that happened June 30, 2010, I haven't recovered anything much yet :lachen: just a little 1/2 inch that I so love but wish it was in addition too.

Me say you say muhmokusah (what can we do?, it is what it is)

I am sad but what can I do!
Grow I have to not look down and keep my head up. If not..... Well I don't know another choice :D

you are absolutely right! keep your head up darling! you still have a beautiful head of hair, so no permanent damage was done.

i still feel so sad about that, though.
makes me want to hunt down your stylist!:lachen:
you are absolutely right! keep your head up darling! you still have a beautiful head of hair, so no permanent damage was done.

i still feel so sad about that, though.
makes me want to hunt down your stylist!:lachen:


i realize i get anxiety about leaving challenges. lol. my longest layer is BSL, but my second layer is only a bit past APL so, i am trying to get that one to BSL by the year's i stay? lol
lol! i don't plan on leaving until most all (not my bangs) of my layers are BSL, so i don't see why you shouldn't stay!

you can be a nice inspiration and encourage others to make it!

of course, we'll have to see what JJ says......
Tonight I decided to use my maxiglide. It was easier than what I thought. I also saved some money by not going to the hairdresser as well.

I wash my hair with CVS brand moisturing shampoo and condition with Aveda Damage Remedy Restructuring conditioner.

On still damp hair applied, Aphogee kertain Green tea reconstructer and a little of Silicon Mix conditioner. Than I let it airdry to 70 to 80 percent dry.

My hair was very soft at this point. I then applied CHI silk infusion and Argon oil, let it sit for awhile, then proceeded to use my maxiglide. WOW my hair was silky smooth and very shiny. I did not use the teeth and had the setting on 3. My hair was straight after one pass. Also im 10 weeks post.

So Im very happy with my accomplishment.

My ends seem dry, so afterwards I baggied my ponytail for 45 minutes.

Done and did it myself

well done with the DIY job, did u check ur length to see how close u are to BSL? so u think this shedding is normal? :ohwell:, i hope it is. i dont think my hair is thinner, its even seems thicker, so maybe its nothing like u said. just dont want any set backs right now. 50hairs a day sounds loads though:blush:
Im getting close, making progress.

well, it sure is good to hear someone say that!

i wish it were me too.....right now my hair is in its shrinking stage because i'm a month post perm and it seems to have grown out a bit faster this time. (it would usually take at least 6 weeks to look like this...)

instead of seeming's inching back up to my shoulders!

that's sweet NikkiQ! thanks girl!

but it's tough when your hair feels like it's at a standstill...and yet you feel so close you can taste it...
that's sweet NikkiQ! thanks girl!

but it's tough when your hair feels like it's at a standstill...and yet you feel so close you can taste it...

I have faith that you will make your goal by December. Everyone here rocks!!! Total inspiration and motivation. :grin:

Still trying to make it. Seems like I've been at "almost BSL" forever now! But anyway, I see progress and I'm not giving up!
It is all about Progress, Healthy Hair and retaining. Length will come with time so put a smile on those faces :)
I really think I stumbled onto something with this wet bunning. I know that frequent cowashing is a definite summer DO for me, as I have been doing it for three summers now and always get great retention.....but I really think that protecting my ends is aiding with my retention even more. I did an impromptu length check tonight after DCing with Matrix Conditioning Balm, Megatek and castor oil, and my hair rests very comfortably between my shoulder blades. Back in the beginning of June when that SHS chopped my hair up, it barely touched blunt APL. This makes me happy....and excited!
Hello Ladies,

Just checking in! I am waiting for a growth spurt as I only need about an inch or inch and a half to reach BSL (not sure due to different bras). I would love to be there by the end of September.:ohwell:
I just couldn't contain myself from length checking. I was supposed to stop that mess until the end of this challenge and my other hide your hair challenge :(
Fortunately I can just write it off as the final length check as the challenge did only start yesterday lol 5 months :pray:
july 31st update:


  • hyh start july 31st length.jpg
    hyh start july 31st length.jpg
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Thanks JJ, truer words have not been spoken. I definitely need to re-focus and be glad about my progress so far :thumbsup:

:yep::yep::yep: Great Job Baddison :)

I really think I stumbled onto something with this wet bunning. I know that frequent cowashing is a definite summer DO for me, as I have been doing it for three summers now and always get great retention.....but I really think that protecting my ends is aiding with my retention even more. I did an impromptu length check tonight after DCing with Matrix Conditioning Balm, Megatek and castor oil, and my hair rests very comfortably between my shoulder blades. Back in the beginning of June when that SHS chopped my hair up, it barely touched blunt APL. This makes me happy....and excited!

I am so happy your on top of your game Lilsparkle :)

Hello Ladies,

Just checking in! I am waiting for a growth spurt as I only need about an inch or inch and a half to reach BSL (not sure due to different bras). I would love to be there by the end of September.:ohwell:


i think i'm still on schedule for october this this one, i cant wait, just three months :grin:
:D I second this!

I just couldn't contain myself from length checking. I was supposed to stop that mess until the end of this challenge and my other hide your hair challenge :(
Fortunately I can just write it off as the final length check as the challenge did only start yesterday lol 5 months :pray:
july 31st update:
OOoooh, Hide that hair, you know I am a Mascot for that challenge :lachen: , LOL
I just wanted to offer some words (I know you ladies are like SHUT UP ALREADY)

But no..... :lachen:

Ladies this Challenge is still going on. We still have 4 glorious months ahead of us. We are able to retain, obtain and refrain. Retain and obtain the inches we get. Refrain from losing them.

Some of us have had setbacks, and will be fighting time. It's not over. You'll suprise yourself with the progress you get. I have Joined the Hide your hair challenge for the rest of the year trying to meet my MBL goal this year, with my 2 inch cutback I am pushing it but SO what, that is what Boundaries are meant to be, PUSHED!

SO No GIving up dropping out. BSL 2010 is still going on and so many have made it so NO giving up ladies :) I believe with proper care you'll make it, even it you don't believe.
I just wanted to offer some words (I know you ladies are like SHUT UP ALREADY)

But no..... :lachen:

Ladies this Challenge is still going on. We still have 4 glorious months ahead of us. We are able to retain, obtain and refrain. Retain and obtain the inches we get. Refrain from losing them.

Some of us have had setbacks, and will be fighting time. It's not over. You'll suprise yourself with the progress you get. I have Joined the Hide your hair challenge for the rest of the year trying to meet my MBL goal this year, with my 2 inch cutback I am pushing it but SO what, that is what Boundaries are meant to be, PUSHED!

SO No GIving up dropping out. BSL 2010 is still going on and so many have made it so NO giving up ladies :) I believe with proper care you'll make it, even it you don't believe.

Thanks for the encouragement!! I'm not giving up!! I'll be posting an update pic. after I do my tu later this month.
I just wanted to offer some words (I know you ladies are like SHUT UP ALREADY)

But no..... :lachen:

Ladies this Challenge is still going on. We still have 4 glorious months ahead of us. We are able to retain, obtain and refrain. Retain and obtain the inches we get. Refrain from losing them.

Some of us have had setbacks, and will be fighting time. It's not over. You'll suprise yourself with the progress you get. I have Joined the Hide your hair challenge for the rest of the year trying to meet my MBL goal this year, with my 2 inch cutback I am pushing it but SO what, that is what Boundaries are meant to be, PUSHED!

SO No GIving up dropping out. BSL 2010 is still going on and so many have made it so NO giving up ladies :) I believe with proper care you'll make it, even it you don't believe.
I think you are the best challenge captain I have ever had the pleasure to know. I'm really glad to be a part of this challenge, even if for some reason I can't overcome this setback by December. Thanks girl!