BSL 2010 Challenge

Hey everyone. Haven't been posting often here. I had to do a major trim a couple of weeks ago, so now I'm back to just below APL, when I was only an inch a way from BSL. Hopefully I'll reach BSL by the beginning of this year. I had to re-examine my routine and habits, but I feel all is well now. Anyway, here's my new schedule

DC/Wash/Detangle: Once a week (every 5-7 days)
Prepoo: Deep Conditioning Treatment
Shampoo: Sulfate-free shampoo
Condition: Rinse-out conditioner of choice
Detangle: Wide-toothed comb

Moisturize/Seal: Daily
Castor Oil: Applied to scalp every other day, plus mixed in DC's.
@JJ, don't get discouraged, it's going to be okay:bighug:Do you know what part of your hair is experiencing the breakage? Do you think it could be do to styling? It's still early in the year, If you don't meet your goal at the beginning of summer I'm sure you will hit it by the end.

I pray I don't have any set backs, I'm sticking to one style for the rest of this year and thats natural braids. My SO has already started giving me the side eye:grin: but I don't care. I keep telling him if it's that serious then I will consider buying a wig but I refuse to straigthen right now. I can't wait until the end of the year, I :pray: reach all my goals.
Ok, I need a miracle lol. I would love to reach BSL in January but lets be realistic. I'm not even APL yet. I love this challenge and I'm not backing out, Imma do me and lets see how close I can get to BSL,

Good for you, don't give up! I'm in the MBL challenge which is a stretch considering I'm only 1 inch past shoulder length, I'm staying positive though, plus I'm having fun trying to get there.
Still in tree braids, it will be 5 wks Monday. I will also be 35 weeks into my stretch/transition on Monday. I washed the braids today with a spray bottle mixed with diluted phytonectar shampoo. After towel-drying, I sprayed in a mix of diluted braid spray and Infusium Leave-in. I'm enjoying the ease of braids, but really miss feeling my own hair and touching my new growth. I'm going to try and keep them in for 8 weeks. I am so curious to see how much closer I am to BSL. after pre-pooing, washing and dcing my hair i finally decided to flat iron my hair to see the length and ladies.....I'M APL!!!!!! :dance7:
Seriously girls...this is the longest my hair has EVER BEEN, EVER! Thanks LHCF and you lovely ladies who's helped me though my HHJ.
I wont officially claim it until i relax in May. BTW, i'm 23 weeks post so my hair should be a little longer than the pic below.

I was dying to see if I made I took my install out. I'm currently pre-pooing with Amla oil under 2 wool hats. I'll pre-poo for about 2 hours and then start my regi. I'm really hoping and praying I made it. I can't officially tell until I relax in May. Side note: I'm 23 weeks post and I'm dying here ladies...dying I tell you :wallbash:

I'm right with you...I'm trying to wait until august to relax and I'm hoping to be past APL by then...that will put me at 8 months post

Ok, I need a miracle lol. I would love to reach BSL in January but lets be realistic. I'm not even APL yet. I love this challenge and I'm not backing out, Imma do me and lets see how close I can get to BSL,
Don't feel discouraged...I feel like we are both in the same boat...shoot for the moon and you might not make it but more than likely you will land on a star :yep:
Dusted my hair today. Having layers in the back makes it hard so, I'm looking forward to getting my split ender so that I can really get the back done. *sigh* Why oh why did I get layers? Ah well.
Checking in! I am 3 days post relaxer and just did my Joico 17 minute miracle regime. I then applied Redken AntiSnap, sealed with Mizani Intense Nighttime and cornrowed my hair which will stay for two weeks.

I can't wait until summer to see the results of my protective styling!
I am unofficially joining this challenge, better late than never. I am presently APL. :yep:

Wash and DC 1X per week. Alt protein and moisturizing conditioners
Rollerset and dry under hooded drier

Products your using:
Shampoo- ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo
Moist. Conditioner - NTM
Protein- Sebastien Penetrait followed by Alter Ego Garlic Cond.
Salerm-B21 Leave-in
Protectiv- Moisturizer

Starting Hair Length:
Goal Month:

Pics for starting goal:
Avatar pic
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Happy Friday ladies, :D

Congratulations on all the ladies who Made it to BSL/BSB U R definitely an inspiration to us all here.

I am very sad, I am use to no breakage and just long shed strands maybe equaling 5-10 strands. Now I comb my hair over the toilet with the lid closed so I could see shedding and breakage and I am getting minor breakage, but breakage none the less. And before the breakage came, I don't know if my glasses made a difference or not ( I got lasik surgery so I don't wear the glasses anymore), but my hair hasn't grown since December, and the growth I did get was cut because my hair is the same length as December. I am very sad, but hey I have 3 more months for check in, :D Just had to vent a little~ I think I am going to Steam moisture in and after leave my cap on for about 1 hour next week.

OMGosh, Im sorry to hear about this. Breakage is not good. Well at least you have an ideal where its comming from. Hopefully the side effects will stop soon. Im sure the steam treatments will help. after pre-pooing, washing and dcing my hair i finally decided to flat iron my hair to see the length and ladies.....I'M APL!!!!!! :dance7:
Seriously girls...this is the longest my hair has EVER BEEN, EVER! Thanks LHCF and you lovely ladies who's helped me though my HHJ.
I wont officially claim it until i relax in May. BTW, i'm 23 weeks post so my hair should be a little longer than the pic below.


Congrats on making APL!!! Its feels so good, once you accomplish a hair goal. BSL is right around the corner, just stay focus.
Good Morning yall. Well I wanted to treat myself yesterday. I went to the Hairdresser and got a rollerset. THen I just had her to wrap it. I think I will get rollersets instead of blowdry and flatiron. Also its alot cheaper too. My curls were very pretty and once I upwrap it, my hair will have alot of body.
My Split Ender just arrived. Wow. I can't use it until later tonight. Ah well. after pre-pooing, washing and dcing my hair i finally decided to flat iron my hair to see the length and ladies.....I'M APL!!!!!! :dance7:
Seriously girls...this is the longest my hair has EVER BEEN, EVER! Thanks LHCF and you lovely ladies who's helped me though my HHJ.
I wont officially claim it until i relax in May. BTW, i'm 23 weeks post so my hair should be a little longer than the pic below.


How exciting for you! :bouncegre Longer than you've ever been! Congrats on making APL!! after pre-pooing, washing and dcing my hair i finally decided to flat iron my hair to see the length and ladies.....I'M APL!!!!!! :dance7:
Seriously girls...this is the longest my hair has EVER BEEN, EVER! Thanks LHCF and you lovely ladies who's helped me though my HHJ.
I wont officially claim it until i relax in May. BTW, i'm 23 weeks post so my hair should be a little longer than the pic below.


Congratulations on making APL!!
Happy Friday ladies, :D

Congratulations on all the ladies who Made it to BSL/BSB U R definitely an inspiration to us all here.

I am very sad, I am use to no breakage and just long shed strands maybe equaling 5-10 strands. Now I comb my hair over the toilet with the lid closed so I could see shedding and breakage and I am getting minor breakage, but breakage none the less. And before the breakage came, I don't know if my glasses made a difference or not ( I got lasik surgery so I don't wear the glasses anymore), but my hair hasn't grown since December, and the growth I did get was cut because my hair is the same length as December. I am very sad, but hey I have 3 more months for check in, :D Just had to vent a little~ I think I am going to Steam moisture in and after leave my cap on for about 1 hour next week.

Sorry to hear about your breakage. Have you tried doing a protein treatment? I'm sure the steaming will help also.:yep: Hang in there.
Ohhh, please give us a review!! :grin:

Definitely! I hope it does what it says it does. If so, this will definitely make dusting the back of my hair easy. I just hope it doesn't chop me up. :nervous2: Ah well, only one way to find out. :yep:
Definitely! I hope it does what it says it does. If so, this will definitely make dusting the back of my hair easy. I just hope it doesn't chop me up. :nervous2: Ah well, only one way to find out. :yep:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Okay???!! I am so glad that you are going first! :blush: :look:
Checking in...wait did I ever sign up?...:look: :ohwell: many challenges...

I'm taking a break from the buns also. And from pulling my hair back in puffs during the week. I have started back moisturizing(water) and oiling my ends twice a week and wearing the whole head baggy at night.
When I moisturize my hair at night, I still put it in 7 twists, but now I stretch(not tight) each twist and pin it down. When I get up in the morning my twists are moisturized and elongated so it's easier to untwist and secure my natural hair up into a plastic hair clip and wear it that way. Not pulled tight. I have that schoolteacher look going, but I don't mind.
My hair dries soft during the day. It's secure, not pulled tight and the ends are not exposed. I had to cut almost 2 inches from last year's neglect, so hoping this protective regimen works out.
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I took out my extensions, but I cornrowed my hair right back up again. I am going to cowash with WEN mixed with Aphogee 2 min recon and will spritz some stasoft fro as a leave in.
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Still just above BSL...
My hair did this with APL too...

I feel your pain. I'm doing the same thing...hovering just above BSL :perplexed

I just had a baby in February, so I'm also scared that post partem shedding may start and take away some of my progress. Anyhow, I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. I'm currently DCing with a Cholesterol treatment. My first DC in 2 weeks :blush::look:
I'm strugglin over here!!!...detangling has been a nightmare for the last two months so I've had plenty of breakage and will need a major trim...FINALLY, last night's detangling section was a breeze and I only lost a few hairs...I also joined the cowashing and wet bun challenges in hopes of retaining length and thickening my hair back up...I'm not giving up but may need to move my goal month to Dec instead of Oct depending on the condition of my hair after the other challenges are over.
Just checking in...I don't know if I every posted my reggie, so here it is:

I wash every week or every two weeks...I'm unofficially in the bunning and rollerset challenge, so I alternate between the two styles. I also just joined AdoraAdora's "jheri curl juice" challenge...I am a "no-pooer", I use WEN (fig) Cleansing Conditioner...pre detangle, CO wash, then either roll it up or twist it and sit under the hood dryer (I am looking for a soft hood bonnet)...If I bun it, I let it dry and then the next day, add water (just to the parts that I need to slick back). I am very excited to see how close I can get to BSL...I have said it before and I will say it again, you ladies are truly an inspiration!
Ok, so I'm going to wait until Wednesday to use the Split-Ender. I was too lazy last night and decided to wait for my "me day" on Wed. That gives me time to check out others' reviews on youtube.

Peeking at my hair last night I realize that I have an inch more til BSL. I'm so hoping that I can grow to MBL by my birthday at the end of June. :pray::pray::pray: Is that too much to hope for? Of course, it might depend on how this split-ender session goes. :blush: