BSL 2010 Challenge

Its coming along im not taking any pics until after summer im going to weave this hair up again and see what can go down lol im 2inches away from brastrap lenght so i cant wait

It grows into a natural "V", so I don't have to do much.

1: Part hair down the middle of head (back to front)

2: Comb all hair towards the front

3: Look up toward the ceiling (hold head back as far as possible) and grasp the ends firmly

4: Cut straight across the ends (I took off about 1/2") on both sides

5: When you comb your hair back again, the tail will be gone and you'll have a slight "U"

Only snip a little at a time and keep re-evaluating the trim by combing it back and looking at the back in a mirror.

Someone posted a link to this method a while ago, but I don't know what thread it was in. HTH!
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update... as of right now i am past APL ( longest my hair has ever been).. I am shooting for BSL by my 2year post BC...

if i achieve it, i may hit up the MBL in 2010 challenge :look:

That sounds awesome, Keep up the great work!

My scalp started tingling when I read sounds DIVINE! And I totally understand how you feel. You just wait until your next relaxer, Your hair will be:gorgeous:...and it'll be swanging like:rocker:

Mark my words...:grin:
Teeheehee YOur so silly, making me laugh with your swang :rocker:

i took this like 20 minutes ago. the black line is APL, the red is where i am, and the blue is where i wanna be. but i am SOOO close to BSL. I am hoping to be there by the end of april/beginning of may

WOW, Great progress pic, keep Up the great work!

I just washed my hair friday, the first washed after my relaxer. I notice a little breakage, so Im thinking about washing with Elasta QP relaxed shampoo and follow up with Aphogee 2 min Kertain tomorrow. Maybe im just paranoid, I don't know. My hair is doing really good, im very happy with my growth from my relaxer, don't want to lose it. Yeah I think im just trippin. Better safe than sorry.

I also purchased the Suave Almond and Sheabutter conditioner, its version of Aveda conditoner. I will probally use it next week for a cowash. It smells good.

I also decided I will only stretch 10-12 weeks only. I love my freshly relaxed hair-no need to look like a helmet head if i don't have to. BSL will come, I have 9 months to make it.

Hey Ms. Princess, The same thing usually happens to me, the very week right after I get my relaxer. This month was different. I definitely think the Aphogee 2 minute should keep it in check!

Ok - I BC'd on July 15th last year and I didn't join this challenge b/c I honestly didn't even know it would be possible to make it in 2010.

I was APL before I cut - after I was probably very layered SL.

Well today I decided to stretch a section in the back and see where I was.....:blush:
I have about 2 1/2 inches before my nape is BSL! :woot::dance7::clap::clap::clap:

My hair hasn't been that long since before I was old enough to be wearing a bra!! :grin:

B/c my hair is cut in layers, the front is APL, and my bangs are chin length, but I love the shape they give my curls, so I don't want blunt hair. I'm now hoping to make BSL by my BC anniversary in July -- if not THEN, I want it for my friend's wedding at the end of September.

I'm so geeked right now!:spinning:

COngrats congrats that is awesome, :) YGG!

Everyone is looking good!

Self-trimmed last night into a nice U-shape. Only trimmed a 1/2". I'm pleased
but it will push back my goal of full BSL by a few weeks.

Ur looking good to Sipp100, Your progress pictures are amazing :)
I'm so glad you joined, Janet. :welcome2:

Thanks! You were the first to invite me...I guess I need to post my reggie soon...I'm excited!
Hi ladies, i havent checked in in a while cuz i've been really busy with work. I'm 21 weeks post now and still going strong, i keep my hair in plaits most of the time so i'm not having any issues yet. I'm gonna do a length check at the end of this month, i'm not sure where i am right now.
I'm now drinking a smoothie I just made. The ingredients I put in it are:

2 packets of Amazing Grass Green SuperFood, berry flavor
2 tablespoons of maca powder
A few tablespoons of organic cane sugar
1 banana
Frozen strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and mangoes from Whole Foods and Trader Joes
About 4 oz of Odwalla Super Protein in Vanilla Al'Mondo
About 4 oz Of So Delicious Coconut Milk Beverage in Vanilla flavor

And it tastes DELICIOUS! I can feel the healthiness, LOL! Can't wait for my chlorella to come in.
I tried the Suave Almond and Sheabutter Conditioner. Its pretty good and my hair felt moisturized.
I washed my hair then F/U with this.
Just checking in. Hair's still straight -- I am moisturizing every 2-3 days with a dab of coconut oil and avocado butter and mostly bunning/ponytailing it. I really want to try rollersetting (inspired by kblc06) but I am supposed to be going into senegalese twists when this blowout is done with.
Just poppin' in to say hi! I'm still sporting my twists faithfully, and I have to say I'm LOVIN it! All I have to do when I get up is take my hair net off, spray a little moisturizer on my twists, and keep it moving!

My natural hairstylist gave me this revitalizer spray that I love.:love: It's called Satin Tame. It has Protein, Keratin, Collagen, Mink Oil, Jojoba Oil and Silkening Agent.

It's like manna to my hair...this is definitely one of my staple products.:yep:
:hiya: Hey beautiful ladies!

Checking in here. I'm only 6 weeks post and I feel like my new growth is getting outta control. I've decided to do some more protective styling, but I want to take a break from the buns. I made my own custom halfwig (rather a 3/4th wig). I hate regular halfwigs because they look so shiny and fake. I used Indian Remy Virgin hair and I think it looks quite natural. :yep: I will moisturize and seal my hair protected underneath my mesh cap and I will rollerset the hair that I leave out in the front. I plan on doing this for quite awhile. Hopefully, the next couple of weeks!

I'll post progress pics in about two weeks when I self-relax!
I'm still going strong over here. I'm tipping BSB; but, somehow I've developed a wee bit of hairexia. Since I don't blow-dry until my relaxer days (3x a year), I air dry and it makes my hair look shorter than it is. Ugh!!!! 10 weeks post of a 15-week stretch.
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Hey ladies...checking in. I'm 10 weeks post and I have a sew-in right now. I'm trying to see how long I can actually stretch. I'm hoping to go for august. Right now I'm about 2 inches from APL and I'm shootin for BSL by december. The pic in my siggy is from today :yep:
Congrats to ALL who made it to BSL since my last post!!
I'll be satisfied if I still have hair in December!! My big post natal shed continues and at this point i'm gonna call it a set back :(...MY left hair line is noticeably thinner. I'll continue to care for my hair and see where i'm @ in December!
Congrats to ALL who made it to BSL since my last post!!
I'll be satisfied if I still have hair in December!! My big post natal shed continues and at this point i'm gonna call it a set back :(...MY left hair line is noticeably thinner. I'll continue to care for my hair and see where i'm @ in December!

I went through the same thing. I shed hair like it was going out of style. But, it did grow back pretty fast. I think you can still make it. Just make sure you continue with your prenatals, drink plenty of water, incorporate nuts in your diet (if your not allergic), and massage your scalp regularly. Simple, but they can work wonders.:yep:

Congratulations on that GORGEOUS little angel!:littleang
Congrats to everyone that has reached BSL! Great growth and beautiful hair ladies :)

I BKT'd yesterday so here is a length check. Had light dusting on my ends...trying to hold out for a good trim in june/july.


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I twisted my hair last night...they're sooo much longer than they were 9 months ago! i think i'm gonna make it!! woo hoo
I was dying to see if I made I took my install out. I'm currently pre-pooing with Amla oil under 2 wool hats. I'll pre-poo for about 2 hours and then start my regi. I'm really hoping and praying I made it. I can't officially tell until I relax in May. Side note: I'm 23 weeks post and I'm dying here ladies...dying I tell you :wallbash:
I was dying to see if I made I took my install out. I'm currently pre-pooing with Amla oil under 2 wool hats. I'll pre-poo for about 2 hours and then start my regi. I'm really hoping and praying I made it. I can't officially tell until I relax in May. Side note: I'm 23 weeks post and I'm dying here ladies...dying I tell you :wallbash:

Good luck with that, girl!! I'm praying for ya and I'm dying to know too. It's contagious! :pray:
Happy Friday ladies, :D

Congratulations on all the ladies who Made it to BSL/BSB U R definitely an inspiration to us all here.

I am very sad, I am use to no breakage and just long shed strands maybe equaling 5-10 strands. Now I comb my hair over the toilet with the lid closed so I could see shedding and breakage and I am getting minor breakage, but breakage none the less. And before the breakage came, I don't know if my glasses made a difference or not ( I got lasik surgery so I don't wear the glasses anymore), but my hair hasn't grown since December, and the growth I did get was cut because my hair is the same length as December. I am very sad, but hey I have 3 more months for check in, :D Just had to vent a little~ I think I am going to Steam moisture in and after leave my cap on for about 1 hour next week.
Ok, I need a miracle lol. I would love to reach BSL in January but lets be realistic. I'm not even APL yet. I love this challenge and I'm not backing out, Imma do me and lets see how close I can get to BSL,