BSL 2010 Challenge

I'm in!! at least I know i have a chance at achieving that goal!! I'll be counting on you for support!! Keep it simple is my anthem now!!!
Here are update pics...I relaxed last Wed at 15-weeks post...the first pic was taken last week while my hair was still wet...the second pic was taken today on dry hair isn't bone straight all over so I flat ironed :perplexed that piece to do a length check...when it warms up, I'm gonna try cowashing to see how my hair likes it.

what's my length?

APL BABY, you need to change that from SL to APL cause your Upgraded! LOL Congrats, :D that is awesome!!!!
So I've been using a chelating/clarifying poo (yeah it does both things) every 4 weeks. I figured I needed to chelate because I used to use the no-lye relaxer (switched to lye in November). Do you ladies think I'll harm my hair by continuing to use the chelating poo 1x per month even though I've switched relaxers? It also clarifies so I use it for that purpose. TIA

I clarify once a month, because I use a Sulfate free shampoo so I want to avoid build-up. So I think it should be okay, I don't see any harm. :)

But if you find it drying stop and just stretch it to 1.5 months and so forth. :)
Checking in:

I need 4 inches to become BSL (top of bra) and 3 inches to become my ultimate goal of MBL (bottom of bra). I'm 5'2.

Today, I moisturized and sealed using NTM's Silky Touch and coconut oil. Fifteen minutes ago, I completed my basic co-wash with VO5's Moisture Milks in Strawberries and Cream. Then, I moisturized and sealed with HE Long-Term Relationship Leave-In, castor oil, and coconut oil. I'm air-drying using the scarf method and then I'll bun it in my silk scarf before I sleep.
I'm feeling lazy today. My poor twists have seen better days. I'm going to try to hold out at least until Friday before I do another DC and cowash. We'll see how it goes.:yawn:

I haven't done a length check in a while. I know my little "V" is at my brastrap, but I want the rest of it to catch up before I officially claim BSL. MBL will be my next goal. I should be able to reach it by the end of the year...if I don't do anything foolish.:perplexed
Jade how long have you been taking the Mxi-hair for?
Only about 2 weeks, and I'm not sure if it's one thing that I'm doing or a combination of everything, but I'm seeing a vast difference in my hair! As I posted in the MBL thread, the new growth on the sides/near the edges of my hair is starting to look like the new growth in the back, middle, crown area - thick coily curls, and it's never been like that before. My hair in those areas was always very fine. ALWAYS. Until now.

I was thinking maybe it was the Mega-Tek (also been using just about daily for 2 weeks), but who knows? Whatever it is, I'll just continue doing everything I've been doing, because I am loving these results!
I'm feeling lazy today. My poor twists have seen better days. I'm going to try to hold out at least until Friday before I do another DC and cowash. We'll see how it goes.:yawn:

I haven't done a length check in a while. I know my little "V" is at my brastrap, but I want the rest of it to catch up before I officially claim BSL. MBL will be my next goal. I should be able to reach it by the end of the year...if I don't do anything foolish.:perplexed

Ms_CoCo37, i think your hair is gorgeous!:yep:
but what you wrote about the length has me thinking.....

if our bottom back longest layer reaches our bra strap, is that technically bsl?
do we have to wait until our shortest layer gets there?

i have alot of layers in my hair, which is terrible trying to grow out.
i'm trying to decide if it's better to grow my hair out to bsl, then chop it up to apl just to have all layers at almost the same place or if it's better to leave the sissors alone until after past bsl.....:perplexed

what type of growth trim plan do you ladies use?

Only about 2 weeks, and I'm not sure if it's one thing that I'm doing or a combination of everything, but I'm seeing a vast difference in my hair! As I posted in the MBL thread, the new growth on the sides/near the edges of my hair is starting to look like the new growth in the back, middle, crown area - thick coily curls, and it's never been like that before. My hair in those areas was always very fine. ALWAYS. Until now.

I was thinking maybe it was the Mega-Tek (also been using just about daily for 2 weeks), but who knows? Whatever it is, I'll just continue doing everything I've been doing, because I am loving these results!

you know, i've been taking it for a month now, and i have this same problem with my edges, thick coily rather than my usual waves, i never thought it might be the maxi hair, my nails are alos stronger and much longer. i also use megatek, but just twice a month as a deep conditioner. i'm going to do a two month lenght check and see how many inches i gained since taking it
you know, i've been taking it for a month now, and i have this same problem with my edges, thick coily rather than my usual waves, i never thought it might be the maxi hair, my nails are alos stronger and much longer. i also use megatek, but just twice a month as a deep conditioner. i'm going to do a two month lenght check and see how many inches i gained since taking it
A good problem to have IMO..:grin: Maybe it is the maxi hair if we're both having the same result and you don't use the mega tek as much as I do. My nails seem to be growing in well, but I don't pay much attention to them, lol. I'm going to do a length check too, one of these days. It's time for an update anyway.
i agree, its a good problem to have :grin:you will be BSL very soon judging from our avator pic, lucky you. i'm looking at getting there end of year, maybe sooner with maxi hair.i dont think Mega tek made my longer, but then again i never used it on my scalp regularly. it did make it stronger and darker in colour though, so it does something.I like it and i have used it for over a year now :yep:
Random thought:

Summertime can't get here fast enough. That's when I predict I'll reach my goal of BSL. I plan to reward myself with a 1 inch trim and highlights (just the top half of my head). I plan to keep the hair at BSL for the rest of the year and keep a regular trimming schedule. Who knows, maybe I'll try for MBL in 2011. I just think BSL will be all I can handle. I guess will see...
Ok, so since I was having trouble uploading my comparison pics a few pages back, I just added my new length check to my avi....
I did a touch up last Saturday and rollerset and gently teased the curls out.

I am hoping to stretch until May this time.
Ms_CoCo37, i think your hair is gorgeous!:yep:
but what you wrote about the length has me thinking.....

if our bottom back longest layer reaches our bra strap, is that technically bsl?
do we have to wait until our shortest layer gets there?

i have alot of layers in my hair, which is terrible trying to grow out.
i'm trying to decide if it's better to grow my hair out to bsl, then chop it up to apl just to have all layers at almost the same place or if it's better to leave the sissors alone until after past bsl.....:perplexed

what type of growth trim plan do you ladies use?


i have lots of layers too. the shortest is chin length and the longest is apl. my goal length is bsl with with long layers. (my hair is so thick, i think layers look best with my features) so, i'm not cutting to even out. and i'm claiming bsl as soon as my longest layer hits!:grin: i have about 3.5 ins. to go....
I am bunning today, I am using a clip in bun, putting my hair underneath and protecting my ends, :D I am wearing a headband and it is cute.

I got my 4 hairpieces yesterday Hairsisters cancelled one of them so it is no longer 5.

I am claiming BSL/BSB when my full back reaches it.
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Ok I have been :hide: and I want to say that everyone has REALLY inspire me. I dont think I will make BSL by Dec 2010 (I currently barely SL) but I am trying. I am not going to "officially" join this challenge but I am doing my own from the sideline and learning a lot from everyone here.

I am currently wearing cornrows as my PS for 2010. My last relxer was Oct 5, 2009. I did a BC fom SL to NL. I am wondering what is the steamer I keep readiing about? I have been using the hair therapy wrap for my dc.
Protein with aphogee 2 step treatment (getting a relaxer next week), then deep condition with Matrix Biolage ultra hydrating balm, aussie moist 3 min miracle, NTM and evoo under heat for 15 min and w/o heat for 1 hour. Applied my leave ins and air dried. __________________
Just checking in. Going to clarify (it's been forever), hard protein treatment, and steam in the next couple days. Took out a sew-in right after NYE and got my hair flat-ironed and ends dusted for a length check (siggy pic). Getting it flat-ironed next Wednesday for an out of town trip and then will be wigging it up for another month or so. Taking a weave break until the spring. Also thinking about coloring my hair black...
Checking in. Still wearing cornrows & half wigs. This week I am going to switch it up and have my hair cornrowed into a ponytail & add a phony pony. I will come back & add a picture when I get it done.
Here are update pics...I relaxed last Wed at 15-weeks post...the first pic was taken last week while my hair was still wet...the second pic was taken today on dry hair isn't bone straight all over so I flat ironed :perplexed that piece to do a length check...when it warms up, I'm gonna try cowashing to see how my hair likes it.

what's my length?

You looked APL to me...CONGRATS!!!
Well this stress free week is over. After one week, I finally washed my hair. However I been using Hairveda Hydrasilica Spritz, this stuff is good. It made my hair so soft. Usually after a few days, from using products, my hair would be stift and hard, this time I went a whole week, without even cowashing and just steading wetting my hair and adding products, i been doing this for a whole week, and my hair & ends were still soft. I know it because of the Hairveda H.S. I really like this alot.
I also spray it on after I finish styling my hair-the smell is awesome too. I love this stuff.

Do anyone else use it too. I would like to read your views on it. I realize I been using this stuff everyday. No dry hair this week.
I am bunning today, I am using a clip in bun, putting my hair underneath and protecting my ends, :D I am wearing a headband and it is cute.

I got my 4 hairpieces yesterday Hairsisters cancelled one of them so it is no longer 5.

I am claiming BSL/BSB when my full back reaches it.

To me-it seems like you are already there for you siggy, cause you also have a bump in your ends. Your hair is beautiful by the way.
To me-it seems like you are already there for you siggy, cause you also have a bump in your ends. Your hair is beautiful by the way.


Thank you so much. I want to wait until my hair is mid bra to claim it and 1/2 inch below my bottom bra stra (MBL for me) to claim MBL.
Today I didn't feel like washing my hair myself so I took my own products to the salon. They washed w/ ABBA moisture scentscations poo, used a Fanstasia IC reconstructor, and DC'd w/ ORS Replenishing conditioner. It's the first time I used the ORS since maybe September? I can't recall exactly. I notice the Silk Elements smooths my cuticles more than the ORS does. But the ORS still gets the job done.

The lady told me I need to get a trim next time I relax. I don't wanna! :( I really want to wait until I'm an inch past BSL to trim back to BSL. I want to be BSL by the summer but I don't know if I'll make it with a trim. I'm not sure how many inches away from BSL I am, but if I had to take a while guess, I'd say maybe 2? Hopefully not more. :/
Just checking in... I have layers for days and i just realized that one side of my hair is growing faster than the other so i'm considering triming to even it out.


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Had a major exam so I am just now washing my hair....
-Clarified with Suave.
-Washed with CON- green
-And DC with Aphogee 2 min (I guess you can consider that a DC)
I am air drying at the moment.
Today I didn't feel like washing my hair myself so I took my own products to the salon. They washed w/ ABBA moisture scentscations poo, used a Fanstasia IC reconstructor, and DC'd w/ ORS Replenishing conditioner. It's the first time I used the ORS since maybe September? I can't recall exactly. I notice the Silk Elements smooths my cuticles more than the ORS does. But the ORS still gets the job done.

The lady told me I need to get a trim next time I relax. I don't wanna! :( I really want to wait until I'm an inch past BSL to trim back to BSL. I want to be BSL by the summer but I don't know if I'll make it with a trim. I'm not sure how many inches away from BSL I am, but if I had to take a while guess, I'd say maybe 2? Hopefully not more. :/

Esq. if it were me I would wait until I reached my goal. If you are doing PS anyway I don't see what the need would be to trim now, unless your ends are really chewed up. I'd say hide thoughs end and keep it pushing.

Just checking in... I have layers for days and i just realized that one side of my hair is growing faster than the other so i'm considering triming to even it out.

This sounds like my hair :spinning:. I have 3 different layers in my head and the left side is actually 1 1/2 inches longer then the right. At this time it doesn't bother me, because I don't wear my hair out, however once I get to midback I'm going to hold there for another year to grow out some layers and even out before I proceed to Waistlength.