I'm going to keep my tresses in a bun for the cold weather and would like to join this challenge too. I'm almost APL :)

Will post pics soon as I figure out how to do it!
COUNT ME IN:drunk:
I need to be in the (strenghin challenge) tooo cuse i just relaxed my hair early:wallbash: ,i am goin out of time and i know i want able to do my hair to out of town.I (THINK:ohwell:) pass bra strap AIMING for full(( MID-BACK length) i need to check my progress :ohwell:
COUNT ME IN:drunk:
I need to be in the (strenghin challenge) tooo cuse i just relaxed my hair early:wallbash: ,i am goin out of time and i know i want able to do my hair to out of town.I (THINK:ohwell:) pass bra strap AIMING for full(( MID-BACK length) i need to check my progress :ohwell:

ummm...:look:....if that is your hair length in the avatar....
it already looks bsl to me...are you lookin for the midback challenge for '09?

*someone back me up, co-sign, summin...*
sign me up! i'm around apl, maybe a little past it. i thought i'd make bsl this yr, but no dice. i'm hoping if i change up some things, maybe i'll make it next yr.
I decided that I want to join... I don't think I'll make it (not apl yet)...but I'm definitely up for the challenge!!
I'm just SL too - We still have 4 months left in this year - I think 8 inches in 16 months - that's a solid 1/2 inch a month - we can dooo it!

This is how I feel. I might get there New Year's Eve, Dec. 31, 2009, but I think it's possible!
Hi my fellow challengers - I have 2 questions 4 u:

1. Do u think it's possible 2 go from APL 2 top of BSL n 6 months wearing a sew-in the entire time?

2. Am I shallow b/c even if I don't ever make it 2 WL, I just want 2 grow my hair longer than my mother-in-laws? :look: 2 make a long story short, my DH was raised on that good hair/bad hair crap & he & the rest of his family thinks that no one has hair as good as hers & that's why her hair is longer than every1 elses. I'll admit she has beautiful hair - no relaxer & she goes 2 a Dominican salon like once a month. She's just a little bit off from BSL. So 2 be noticably longer than her I need to make MBL.

Okay I'm reading this & I probably am shallow but honest nonetheless.:ohwell:
Hi my fellow challengers - I have 2 questions 4 u:

1. Do u think it's possible 2 go from APL 2 top of BSL n 6 months wearing a sew-in the entire time?

2. Am I shallow b/c even if I don't ever make it 2 WL, I just want 2 grow my hair longer than my mother-in-laws? :look: 2 make a long story short, my DH was raised on that good hair/bad hair crap & he & the rest of his family thinks that no one has hair as good as hers & that's why her hair is longer than every1 elses. I'll admit she has beautiful hair - no relaxer & she goes 2 a Dominican salon like once a month. She's just a little bit off from BSL. So 2 be noticably longer than her I need to make MBL.

Okay I'm reading this & I probably am shallow but honest nonetheless.:ohwell:

1) It's entirely possible b/c for most BSL is only 3 inches after APL anyway and 3 inches in 6 months is normal hair growth :yep:


2) Girrrrrrl, please! aint no shame in that at all!:lachen: swing your hair in her face when you get there :lachen::grin:
I'm just brushing CBL now. Realistically, I think I'll still be about an inch or two away from BSL come Dec 2009 but I'm gunnin for it. :grin:
I'm in. I thought I was going to be at least apl by december but it ain't gonna happen so hopefully apl by june (my goal length) then bsl by dec.