i'm in.:yep: don't have current pics (i gave up when i realized how slow of a grower i am). will have to take a couple and post when i get home from work.
I want to unoffically/lurk on this challenge because I think I'll be BSL by July (or sooner) and full BSL by the end of 2009 :grin:
It looks as though I will reach APL in March. That leaves me with 9 months to reach BSL. I am planning to trim every 10-12 weeks instead of every 6. I know I will see more progress with less trims.
If I haven't posted before....count me in.

I want to be BSL by Dec 09.

Starting pics below


  • IMG_0605.jpg
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  • IMG_0612.jpg
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My hair is inching along. I'm determined to make BSL in 2009. My most recent pic is in my avatar.


  • Oct 2008 update touch up#1.jpg
    Oct 2008 update touch up#1.jpg
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Thanks Muffin. :yawn: You and me both! Look at your hair girl.... I just hope that my hair stops breaking off. :spinning: (Sorry it took so long to post - I just saw your response).

We can do it!!

That's okay. Better late than never I always say, lol. I'm on pins and needles myself. I'm relaxing on the first and I really hope I made it :drunk:.
So I just recently cut off about 4 inches of my hair. yeah that's alot and I'm around shoulder length when stretched. BUT I still have optimism to reach BSL by 2009. I've just purchased the MTG and I have high hopes that I can get about an inch a month, even 3/4 would do it for me. We'll see! My hair feels so much better though.
I'm in :yay:

Doing big THANGS in '09!

The plan is to keep it moisturized, protected, and healthy :yep: