Black People have the Worst Kind of Hair...


New Member
Ok, so I've been dating my boyfriend for nearly 8 years. When we initially started dating, his Dominican family didn't like me, but I just chalked it up to them not wanting him to get too serious too fast (which was completely understandable).

It never occurred to me that they (well, not his whole family, just his mother and his little brother) are SERIOUSLY RACIST. His mother dates Black men, but she refused to marry them or have Kids with any of them becasue she doesn't want a child with (and I quote) NASTY KINKY BAD HAIR :nono:

I didn't used to hang around his family often because they can be very obvious in their dislike of me, but since he proposed, I felt like I needed to mend bridges, so in the past year, I started attending family functions...etc.

Well, last night, his uncle (who IS married to a Black woman) begged me to do his Daughter's hair b/c his wife is out of town. So I get there, and my SO's mother was geared and ready to put a re.laxer in that poor (4 year old's) beautiful hair. Not only was she combing her DRY HAIR but she was using a fine toothed comb. There were globs and globs of hair on the floor.

After I managed to get the re.laxer out of her reach and Luis (his uncle) tells her to let me take over, she gets pissed and starts screaming about how a Re.laxer is the only way to tame BAD HAIR and how she wishes her brother wouldn't have married a Black woman becasue we have the WORST HAIR in the world.

Then she tells me that I should be embarrassed to walk around with my Kinky hair b/c it looks and feels disgusting. According to her, Dark Skin Black people are the worst kind of people, and she cries just thinking about how Black her grandbaby's are going to be. Then she trys to convince my SO that he should find a Dominican girl to date, becase Black children are ugly (as she says this, she points at her 4 year old neice) ...That's when Luis gets into it with her...

Out of respect for my SO, I didn't say anything. I let him handle his mother, but I've been wanting to tell that ***** off for years!! I just let her go on her rant, while I braided his cousin's hair.

But my BLOOD WAS BOILING!!! Steam was coming out of my ears ya'll!
I don't know how I managed to stay calm, but if I ever have to be around that woman again...I don't know what I will say or do.

Anyway, I just needed to vent.
Oh, my gods!!! And she was saying all of this in front of that poor baby!??!?!?!?!?!?!

:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

That's sad, horrifying, and tear-making, all at once.
Wow! How sad and toxic she is! I soo sorry you and that baby girl had to witness that garbage. I would stay farrrr away as possible. I hope that the little girl isn't around her a lot if at all either. She is toxic!
OMG! :blush:I know you wanted to:catfight:that is so sad that she'd say something like that-especially in front of a 4 year old. She needs her :spank:
Humph. I can't wait until you SO's cousin's mother gets back and has to hear what she said. LMABO. My money is on the sistah.
So the mom seems to like black men and maybe their **** but not the actual people. This is nothing new though. That seems a little better than some of the hispanic people I know. Cause they will flirt, date and have sex with black men. Trn right around and talk horribly about black women. Have the black man's kids and then reassure EVERYBODY and their momma...."He's not black He's Dominican!" (talkin about the child) :rolleyes:
wow, i understand how we have to keep our mouths shut around " the mothers" sometimes...

but i am sorry, i think i would have had to have a mature convo with this she crazy:wallbash: is she trying to destroy the young girls self worth.

WHAT RAS colour is she and how is her mane???

I am so disgusted
Oh my gosh. I felt so sad reading that. I feel bad for that little girl. I know what its like to have people talking about your hairtype. People are always surprised that my hair is the length it is b/c I never had ultra soft coolie hair. Ignorant fools. Dominican hair salons are like that too. I took my little cousin. They combed out her hair with a small toothed comb from root to tip and then claimed that her hair was hard to comb.
I wouldn't have anything to do with her.

She would never come around my kids, light or dark :nono:

I agree. If I were in this situation she would NEVER EVER come around my kids. I don't care if she is the grandmother. EVER EVER EVER!!!!

She will taint there minds with this kind of thinking if the child is light skin. And if the child is dark skin she will treat them like s*** and compare them to the other little spanish cousins just to make him or her feel bad. Trust me!
Reading this really pisses me off. I wish you could of tried talking to her and educating her in a real sophisticated way. But some people want to believe what they want to believe...
Wow!!! Girl, I don't know how you've put up with this for so long. I feel so horrible for you and especially that poor 4 year old baby. I couldn't imagine. What a disgustingly horrible woman!
Oh my god, how disgusting. And that poor little girl. With every sentence you wrote my mouth dropped farther and farther. That women is loony! What will your children have to be exposed to, hearing that they have the worst skin and hair and that they should be ashamed to walk around looking like themselves because they are so ugly? Wow.
Oh my gosh. I felt so sad reading that. I feel bad for that little girl. I know what its like to have people talking about your hairtype. People are always surprised that my hair is the length it is b/c I never had ultra soft coolie hair. Ignorant fools. Dominican hair salons are like that too. I took my little cousin. They combed out her hair with a small toothed comb from root to tip and then claimed that her hair was hard to comb.

OMG yes. This is why I am really working hard to become a DIY'er....these salons pissed me off to NO end. They have the smallest toothed comb and want to go from root to tip when I'm like 5 weeks post :wallbash: then they wanna catch attitude when I say hell now and give them my OWN comb. They said my hair broke off with their comb because of the color in my hair ( only the front of my hair is colored and she was combing the BACK at the time....dumb ****). You would think since this woman had the same hair type (from what I could tell from her roots) she would know better than to try to do that with my hair:rolleyes:.

I used to go weekly and now I will do everything on my own and only go for my touch up because I'm too scared to do it on my own.
wow, i understand how we have to keep our mouths shut around " the mothers" sometimes...

but i am sorry, i think i would have had to have a mature convo with this she crazy:wallbash: is she trying to destroy the young girls self worth.

WHAT RAS colour is she and how is her mane???

I am so disgusted

She's a shade or two short of being White and her hair is dyed Blonde. It's crazy, becasue her father is darker than me...

My SO said that when she woke up in the hospital to discover that her son wasn't light skinned, she told the Nurse that he wasn't hers...:nono:

She's pathetic!

I wanted to take Jaz out of the room, but since we were at her house, I didn't feel like I had the right to go any further than the living room.

*blinks hard and read again*

Umm, WHAT??!!


I applaud you, I really do. I would have probably left there single.

It's one thing to feel a certain way but to say that about a child and make THEM feel a certain way? Hell no!

That is so terribly sad. I'll say a prayer for her cause that is all that can help an attitude like that.
Thats Effed up :nono: girl I do not see how you do it. Because those are fighting words. And how dare she speak of your future children and that child like that. She would never ever ever ever come around my children. I am praying that you keep yo cool and not beat the ish out of that *****. Cuz I think I would. Because after that a$$ woopin she would have a reason to not like black folks for real. I'm sorry I'm getting carried away. Let me get out of here. Sorry you had to endure that.
Not only will she not be allowed around my kids, she isn't even invited to the Wedding (my SO's decision...he is angrier than me)
I guess she forgets dominican/hispanic is not a race but an nationality/ethnicity...and i guess she forgets all that negro blood laced in her lineage/DNA. Ughh! And the cheek to take it out on the child/children? Man that would have been the moment i would have lost it...
Ignorance is bliss. I wish I had your skills because your hair is always on point. Too bad your future MIL is like that. You must have love for your man to put up with her garbage. :rolleyes: U rescued the baby in time.
Outside of the IGNORANCE.

1. I AM glad that he stood up to his mother on your behalf. (You have a good man)

2. Feel comforted that not everyone in their family is (as she is). You will know who you can relate to, when times with her get ruff.

3. Be sure the neice is protected from her sharp tongue. She'll do the same for your children.

4. You exercised more restraint than I think I could have under those circumstances. God Bless
Very disturbing indeed!!:perplexed That situation would make me seriously rethink wanting to be a part of that family.:nono:

SHE'S the only one that thnks like that, his aunt, who is married to a Black man, is so sweet. His Grandmother had to deal with the same nonsense when she married her husband, his Grandfather (who has a the same complexion as...Steve Harvey). She's the only maniac, I love the rest of them...
I guess she forgets dominican/hispanic is not a race but an nationality/ethnicity...and i guess she forgets all that negro blood laced in her lineage/DNA. Ughh! And the cheek to take it out on the child/children? Man that would have been the moment i would have lost it...

Preach!! We had this discussion on the 4th of July, and she got so mad, I was try to tell her about the Black Diaspora but she wasn't having none of that, that's when I learned that she's one of those people who refuse to see the truth even if it hit her with a Mac truck, so I let it go.