Black Open Marriage Couple


Well-Known Member
I started a thread on them a few years ago, it was from their early days of blogging. They pop up every few years, the last I saw them they were on Dr. Phil.

I think this documentary is a more positive spin on their open relationship.

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did she used to have a blog? if it's her and I'm remembering correctly, she had to apologize to his girlfriend for being disrepectful after something happened - i think she was jealous and made a comment? can't remember details.

twas an interesting read though.
did she used to have a blog? if it's her and I'm remembering correctly, she had to apologize to his girlfriend for being disrepectful after something happened - i think she was jealous and made a comment? can't remember details.

twas an interesting read though.
Yes they had a blog, there was lots of drama and mess on it. Very entertaining read. They were honest about it in the video though. I did notice that they were more passionate and affectionate with their other lovers than they were with each other.
Yikes... this is scary. She looks a lot like my cousin. The person he chose to cheat with though...:look: and I noticed he was making out with her in his marital home... my goodness, this was just painful to watch. They both looked like the were faking about how much they enjoy this lifestyle
I haven't watched the video, but from the still image, they look EXACTLY like every Black couple, that I know of, in an open marriage.

The men always look a bit zesty and the women are overdone and over the top. I'll watch later to confirm my judgement. The men also have the same hair style...that is so weird.
I don't believe them. She seems to be trying too hard to convince people that she's happy...? Also, her not knowing how many sexual partners she has....nah. And what happens if one of them isn't seeing another person and the other is? What if the side pieces want more?
I don't believe them. She seems to be trying too hard to convince people that she's happy...? Also, her not knowing how many sexual partners she has....nah. And what happens if one of them isn't seeing another person and the other is? What if the side pieces want more?
She mentioned in the video that she gets along with most of her husband's girlfriends except for the ones that don't use their common sense and try to replace her.

I am sure she has had women try to "steal" him away.

The lifestyle is too much drama for my liking
She mentioned in the video that she gets along with most of her husband's girlfriends except for the ones that don't use their common sense and try to replace her.

I am sure she has had women try to "steal" him away.

The lifestyle is too much drama for my liking

Common sense would say, sleeping with other people than your spouse would cause issues but there they are anyway :lol:

I'm just trying to understand what the spouse is providing that the others can't. Why not just be single? Why stay married and are they still "in love" while dating other people?
Common sense would say, sleeping with other people than your spouse would cause issues but there they are anyway :lol:

I'm just trying to understand what the spouse is providing that the others can't. Why not just be single? Why stay married and are they still "in love" while dating other people?
Love for a lover doesn't end just because you may love someone else as a lover. That's like saying you can only love one child or only love one parent. It is possible to love multiple people in a certain role.

A spouse has a shared history, entangled lives, and identified common goals for the future together. Poly people who marry picked each other to definitely spend the rest of their lives with and take care of each other when they are old and need care. A girlfriend isn't going to replace the need and desire for their spouse. And leaving the wife to make a girlfriend the new wife doesn't make sense in their minds. The fun in having a girlfriend is that you two can just focus on the good times together and not the stresses of running a household, family, and financial responsibilities together.
If this works for them then that's fine. But their particular relationship gives me pause because it was born out of cheating. From their explanation she decided to accept the cheating and tell him she was going to step out too because he was. That stayed in my head when they explained he likes to keep his lovers separate and maintain a level of privacy and intimacy while she was showing him all the guys she was picking and her boyfriend even talked about the husband. It all seems really one sided and like she's flaunting it more to make it seem like she's cool with it. This is just my opinion of course.

In comparison, the white couple talked about it and decided they wanted to explore it. No mention of cheating before. The girlfriend's lover is attending coaching sessions with them for crying out loud. From watching their story it looks like this was born out of actually wanting to explore how a relationship like this would work. As opposed to fixing a relationship and calling it open after a struggle with cheating.
Love for a lover doesn't end just because you may love someone else as a lover. That's like saying you can only love one child or only love one parent. It is possible to love multiple people in a certain role.

A spouse has a shared history, entangled lives, and identified common goals for the future together. Poly people who marry picked each other to definitely spend the rest of their lives with and take care of each other when they are old and need care. A girlfriend isn't going to replace the need and desire for their spouse. And leaving the wife to make a girlfriend the new wife doesn't make sense in their minds. The fun in having a girlfriend is that you two can just focus on the good times together and not the stresses of running a household, family, and financial responsibilities together.

1. Love for a lover is a different love than familial love.

2. If you want a fun, carefree relationship, I just don't get being married at all. Just hire a caretaker if you are worried about getting old alone. There's an increasing community of singles at every age.

3. And I was thinking moreso from the woman's perspective. She could be a single parent (custodial or non-custodial) with multiple lovers and not have to take on the burden of a spouse since marriage usually shortens a woman's life span. :look:
1. Love for a lover is a different love than familial love.

2. If you want a fun, carefree relationship, I just don't get being married at all. Just hire a caretaker if you are worried about getting old alone. There's an increasing community of singles at every age.

3. And I was thinking moreso from the woman's perspective. She could be a single parent (custodial or non-custodial) with multiple lovers and not have to take on the burden of a spouse since marriage usually shortens a woman's life span. :look:
1. Well yeah it's different. Love for a lover comes with territorial feelings. Sharing a lover can bring up feelings of jealousy, anxiety, and a whole lot of other negative feelings for some people. It's not for everyone, but it is possible to have feelings for more than one lover. Our hearts can be very big, even though it can cause a lot of heartache.

2. Same reason as anyone wants marriage - status, stability, continuous emotional support and love, financial security, health benefits, etc. it's not just wanting someone to physically care for them when older. These people (polyamorous) want to have their cake and eat it too. Some people can manage marriage and dating successfully. Many people cannot.

3. And I agree. The couple in the video don't appear to be in a healthy situation. I feel for their child having to be in that mess. She should have cut husband out if he couldn't agree to monogamy. It's obvious she is a bit insecure with the whole thing. Being in an open marriage out of duress definitely will shorten her lifespan.
I'm not interested in the video but I know a poly couple in real life. They are some of the coolest people I've ever met. They were together and open for years before they tied the knot earlier this year.

I have questions for her, but I'm not sure that I'm close enough to ask :look: . I get the sense that she enjoys seeing her man with other women. If that's the case, I get it.

*the relationship is open on both ends.
1. Well yeah it's different. Love for a lover comes with territorial feelings. Sharing a lover can bring up feelings of jealousy, anxiety, and a whole lot of other negative feelings for some people. It's not for everyone, but it is possible to have feelings for more than one lover. Our hearts can be very big, even though it can cause a lot of heartache.

2. Same reason as anyone wants marriage - status, stability, continuous emotional support and love, financial security, health benefits, etc. it's not just wanting someone to physically care for them when older. These people (polyamorous) want to have their cake and eat it too. Some people can manage marriage and dating successfully. Many people cannot.

3. And I agree. The couple in the video don't appear to be in a healthy situation. I feel for their child having to be in that mess. She should have cut husband out if he couldn't agree to monogamy. It's obvious she is a bit insecure with the whole thing. Being in an open marriage out of duress definitely will shorten her lifespan.

See that's the part I feel they're not addressing well enough. People always say "monogamy isn't natural" but it's natural for people to be territorial with a lover. Just because we can rationally understand it, doesn't take away human instinct.

I've known a poly couple but that was different because they shared the same lover. Now I was trying to figure out how they addressed jealousy in that situation but an open marriage involving several people? That's a whole lot of human instinct to corral.
Before I say something ignant ( yes ingant) is there some significance to the gold in the middle of her forehead? It seemed to change size and shape throughout the video.
You know it ain't! :lachen:

I used to live in Asheville and it is the epicenter for "Woo" so I definitely understand why they moved there to peddle their lifestyle/business
See that's the part I feel they're not addressing well enough. People always say "monogamy isn't natural" but it's natural for people to be territorial with a lover. Just because we can rationally understand it, doesn't take away human instinct.

I've known a poly couple but that was different because they shared the same lover. Now I was trying to figure out how they addressed jealousy in that situation but an open marriage involving several people? That's a whole lot of human instinct to corral.

See in the video when they talked about how they decided to be open and the husband talked about his jealousy when she started taking lovers...I was like this relationship is strange. He goes on to say he's heard of men being with other people but at the time he hadn't really heard about women being with other people. That told me they didn't really understand what having a open relationship meant (at the time) All they knew was he was going to keep cheating so she was going to figure out how to deal with that. In that case I don't think the jealousy is manageable which is why the wife behaves that way.

Again drawing comparison to the white couple - there is jealousy there on the boyfriend's part but it seems more because he hasn't found a lover yet and his girlfriend's lover just so happens to be a friend of his. Also, he kind of expected her to take it slow while he jumped in the deep end and it ended up being the other way around so that probably adds to his jealousy. I think once they find their footing there won't be much jealousy on their part. Because he seemed a little more comfortable at the second session when he mentioned going camping and spending time with another woman. The only thing they may have to manage is their lovers catching feelings because the best friend/lover seems like he wants the girl all to himself and is confused about what kind of relationship he has with her.
See in the video when they talked about how they decided to be open and the husband talked about his jealousy when she started taking lovers...I was like this relationship is strange. He goes on to say he's heard of men being with other people but at the time he hadn't really heard about women being with other people. That told me they didn't really understand what having a open relationship meant (at the time) All they knew was he was going to keep cheating so she was going to figure out how to deal with that. In that case I don't think the jealousy is manageable which is why the wife behaves that way.

Again drawing comparison to the white couple - there is jealousy there on the boyfriend's part but it seems more because he hasn't found a lover yet and his girlfriend's lover just so happens to be a friend of his. Also, he kind of expected her to take it slow while he jumped in the deep end and it ended up being the other way around so that probably adds to his jealousy. I think once they find their footing there won't be much jealousy on their part. Because he seemed a little more comfortable at the second session when he mentioned going camping and spending time with another woman. The only thing they may have to manage is their lovers catching feelings because the best friend/lover seems like he wants the girl all to himself and is confused about what kind of relationship he has with her.

Yeah I watched it and best friend/lover said she was making it sound one sided when in fact, she was telling this fool that she wanted to have both their babies and ish. :nono: That's the kind of miscommunication that will get somebody killed. She wasn't trying to have cake and eat it too....home girl wanted cake and pie! :lol: