Defying Gravity
I'm not scared of it damaging my hair. I'm more so concerned about the long term health implications. The fact that info is doc scarce and no one can really seem to clearly explain what carbocysteine is (we know it's an amino acid compound) and how it performs when added bonded with oxoacetamide/glyoxyloyl, what happens to it in high heat, the % in the formula and how closely related it is to formaldehyde. It is definitely a cousin of it. The fact that these companies have scientist make up these formulas, they know exactly what the risks are and they are aware that the public is leery and yet, on their websites and online, you cannot find a definitive and straight up answer besides, "it's safe". *sigh . .. .
I still want to do it though.
Just ventured back to the Assuage site - $125 for the whole kit vs $167 for the DE (thanks @Dove56 for contacting Payne )
Decisions, decisions ...