BKT alternative?

I'm still loving this treatment. I still get some frizz now and then, but it's nothing like before the treatment.

My hair is healthier with it and I retain length a bit better.

WIN-WIN in my book.
I'm still loving this treatment. I still get some frizz now and then, but it's nothing like before the treatment.

My hair is healthier with it and I retain length a bit better.

WIN-WIN in my book.

Do you have any more photos? None of the photos on this thread seem to work for me :(
Are there any ladies that have had experience with BKT salons in Chicagoland? I have been looking at these products for years and have been natural for 2 years now and really want to get a good trim and styling from someone that we trust. Thanks in advance.
I'm getting the treatment again in two weeks. I'll try to remember to take pics. I don't do anything the night before to prepare before the treatment. No burning like a relaxer. Very easy process.
Results and full process up on my blog.

Here is a pic.
Note: Stylist said due to my lack of hair care e.g. havent deep conditioned for probably 6 weeks and my hair has been pretty dry and not good (hair became an after thought due to exams) the results arnt as good as they could be and as I condtioner the results should get better and the results should be better next time round due to stronger hair in the first place.

Results and full process up on my blog.

Here is a pic.
Note: Stylist said due to my lack of hair care e.g. havent deep conditioned for probably 6 weeks and my hair has been pretty dry and not good (hair became an after thought due to exams) the results arnt as good as they could be and as I condtioner the results should get better and the results should be better next time round due to stronger hair in the first place.

Beautiful results! :)
MixedGirl, thanks for sharing your pics. Your hair looks just fine to me and it'll continue to get better with time.

For the ladies with the DE/other treatment(s), do you let the treatment completely wear off before you reapply? I like the strength that it gives my hair, so I try not to let it wear off too much. I re-apply every 8 wks. The treatment is supposed to last up to 12 weeks.
This is my version of a relaxer. I don't EVER plan to be without the DE treatment. My hair is overall much better. I even retain better. I used to pray for something that would minimize the frizz/kink and not break my hair off. God answers prayers!!
MixedGirl, thanks for sharing your pics. Your hair looks just fine to me and it'll continue to get better with time.

For the ladies with the DE/other treatment(s), do you let the treatment completely wear off before you reapply? I like the strength that it gives my hair, so I try not to let it wear off too much. I re-apply every 8 wks. The treatment is supposed to last up to 12 weeks.

Yes I love it,
I will most likely get it again.I plan to let it wear off doubt i'll get it again till around September. The price is a bit much considering im a student haha!
Please let me know how it is once you wash it a. Does it make your hair feel like a relaxer?

I will have updates on my blog in detail and i'll do my best to remember to put it on here.

Do you mean does it feel like a relaxer now?
If so, no, because my hair feels healthy, silk, smooth and soft. My hair didn't feel like that with a relaxer.
I have been getting the DE silkening spray for last three weeks and I love it!!! I have never been so satisfied with my hair. Love the movement and silkiness. I am relaxed at ten weeks. I may just transition using the DE transitioning mousse. I tried to transition last year unsuccessfully on my own. If the transition mousse is any thing like the silkening spray I should be good to go!
Also if anyone is interested I am currently learning about a new type of bkt called "keratin shock" treatments. these do not straighten hair but are moreso for reducing volume. they do not contain any special active ingredient or so they say. i will continue my investigation.
MixedGirl, thanks for sharing your pics. Your hair looks just fine to me and it'll continue to get better with time.

For the ladies with the DE/other treatment(s), do you let the treatment completely wear off before you reapply? I like the strength that it gives my hair, so I try not to let it wear off too much. I re-apply every 8 wks. The treatment is supposed to last up to 12 weeks.

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I just got the DE treatment for the 3rd time last week. I also cut off the remainder of my relaxed ends. Below are pics of my hair 3 days after I got it done.


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I just got the DE treatment for the 3rd time last week. I also cut off the remainder of my relaxed ends. Below are pics of my hair 3 days after I got it done.


Your hair looks great! What is your styling regimen with the DE system? Do you rollerset or flatiron your hair? Also what products do you use? Sorry for all the questions, I am new to this treatment. :)
I just did the Arosci IRS and I am PSYCHED! I wanted to be able to wear stretched braid-outs without them frizzing to oblivion so I took the plunge with the foam. I didn't think the serum would be strong enough since I live in Houston.
I was afraid it wouldn't work after I read about someone's negative experience with it in Houston (I think it was Kurlee?) but I'm super happy to report that my hair barely swelled at all when I went outside. My straightened hair was usually damn near an afro within 10-15 minutes of leaving the house (everywhere - regardless of temperature or humidity), but my hair still looks great! It's very soft, smooth, and has a great sheen.
If this continues to works out as well as I think it will, it will definitely be an HG for me!