BKT alternative?

I've had the DE treatment for 5 wks now and I LOVE it!! (went to a stylist).
What a blessing. I'm one of those people that can't wear relaxers and all the heat, heat, heat destroys my hair.

My hair is so easy to maintain and do on my own now. It never frizzes (I work out) and I never even have to use the flat iron anymore. The shine and moisture retention are awesome.

So far it's a WIN WIN and I don't want to be without it.

I previously used the Arosci treatment on one half of my head. I applied it myself. The DE treatment seems a little stronger, but not in a harsh way. I prefer the DE treatment (for transitioning straight styles) over Arosci.
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I've had the DE treatment for 5 wks now and I LOVE it!! What a blessing. I'm one of those people that can't wear relaxers and all the heat, heat, heat destroys my hair.

My hair is so easy to maintain and do on my own now. It never frizzes (I work out) and I never even have to use the flat iron anymore. The shine and moisture retention are awesome.

So far it's a WIN WIN and I don't want to be without it.

I previously used the Arosci treatment on one half of my head. I applied it myself. The DE treatment seems a little stronger, but not in a harsh way. I prefer the DE treatment (for transitioning straight styles) over Arosci.


I'm glad you love it! Are you natural? If so has this altered your curl pattern at all?
I'm a natural that prefers to wear straight styles for the look and health of my hair (healthier ends). DE didn't alter my curl pattern at all. My hair still has shrinkage after I wash. I usually have tons of shrinkage - UGH! My shrinkage is a little less than normal with this treatment, but it's nothing like a relaxer. My hair blow dries straighter than normal. It's so much easier now.
I'm a natural that prefers to wear straight styles for the look and health of my hair (healthier ends). DE didn't alter my curl pattern at all. My hair still has shrinkage after I wash. I usually have tons of shrinkage - UGH! My shrinkage is a little less than normal with this treatment, but it's nothing like a relaxer. My hair blow dries straighter than normal. It's so much easier now.

I am glad to hear that it didn't alter your curl pattern! I haven't done a treatment since late July or August; I am leaving my hair alone for awhile but I don't want anything that will mess up the natural curl pattern!
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I've had the DE treatment for 5 wks now and I LOVE it!! What a blessing. I'm one of those people that can't wear relaxers and all the heat, heat, heat destroys my hair.

My hair is so easy to maintain and do on my own now. It never frizzes (I work out) and I never even have to use the flat iron anymore. The shine and moisture retention are awesome.

So far it's a WIN WIN and I don't want to be without it.

I previously used the Arosci treatment on one half of my head. I applied it myself. The DE treatment seems a little stronger, but not in a harsh way. I prefer the DE treatment (for transitioning straight styles) over Arosci.

Is it better than chi enviro
I have an unopened bottle that I might sale
I did quite a bit of research before getting this treatment. My hair is very fragile, fine, and stubborn. One wrong product, technique, or a bit of slacking off and here comes a setback. UGH! All that to say - make your own informed decision.

I asked many trusted stylists their opinions about the treatment, if it was a yay or nay for my hair type, etc. Most of them told me not to get it, etc. only because they didn't know about the product rather than look it up and make an informed decision. Had I listened to them, I would've still been getting frizzy hair just from walking up a couple flights of stairs. Yes, it was that severe.

Just sharing.
Nothing negative to report right now. I will if anything negative happens.

One more thing. I primarily use the DE shampoo and condish that come with the product. Well, I wanted to try my AO Honeysuckle Rose condish. Bad idea. Seems to have made some of the treatment wear off a little. I'll stick to DE shampoo and conditioners for my hair.

Stylist also told me that there is a spray that prolongs this treatment. Nice!!
Forget pravana was very drying to me and someone else said it made their hair permanently straight

i didnt find it drying at all. it did loosen my curl a little bit too much though. thankfully it only loosened a small section.
Anybody know of where to get the Design Essentials in the DC Metro area or better yet where to purchase online. I didnt get it from Paynes when the link was up and now I dont see it on the site anymore :(
Im glad to here the good reviews about design essential getting my hair flat ironed to see if it thickend up since my weave disaster. if it is thick enough thinking about getting it. Anyone know someone in atlanta doing it that won't cost and arm and a leg
yodie, is it still going strong. What products do you use to maintain the style to keep it straight? thinking of getting it in the end of may

I LOVEEEEE the DE treatment. My hair doesn't break as much with it, it doesn't frizz, very easy to blow dry (if the treatment hasn't worn off). I feel like this treatment is a godsend for people like myself that didn't want uber natural hair and couldn't wear relaxers.

I really don't do much to maintain my straight look because I wear my hair up more than anything. I wash with either the DE sulfate free shampoo or CON's Argan oil Shampoo. Deep conditioners have been a little more challenging. Stylist uses DE Express condish, which doesn't do much in my opinion. I tried Aubrey Organics HSR and it seemed to remove some of the product because my hair felt very different afterwards.

So, I've been steaming with oils, essential oils and DE Express condish.

Other than that I pin curl my hair at night if I'm wearing it straight and that's it.

I LOVVEEE this treatment and won't be without it.
Found a salon in the UK that dos it SO happy!
Rang this number: 020865052222 and they told me about a salon in south London, which is about an hour from me and I'm now SO tempted. Im going to ring and ask for prices because my hair is pretty long and dense tomorrow, anyone know general prices?

When I rang that number though they were pretty confused as if no one had eve rang before haha.
Got it done!
my hair is bouncy and shiny, and straight. It took 2.5 hours, but that was because she curled it too... I will let you all know how it goes.
If I can get some decent ones I will post it.

Excited for pictures!

Rang up a salon in England and it going to cost me £150 including the shampoo and the conditioner? Not sure if i've heard that wrong or not but thats a great deal! Also she was pretty nice, she had a London accent which made me laugh haha.
It doesn't change price depending on hair length, yay. I'll possibly be grazing waist length very very soon so thats good!
Really excited may get it done, may get it around my birthday (May 31st). I then have a wedding in early July in Croatia so hopefully it would last and will be good because of the humidity out there.
She said I can swim in chlorine or the sea but it will possibly ruin its effectiveness but thats good to know that the chlorine wont melt my hair off or something.
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