BKT alternative?

@chanjune80 how did you like the design essential strengthening system? How long did it last? Im hoping this place does a good job it is in atlanta and everwhere i called was expensive.
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@chanjune80 how did you like the design essential strengthening system? How long did it last? Im hoping this place does a good job it is in atlanta and everwhere i called was expensive.

I really like it. I am a long term transitioner (I think around 15 months, maybe a little longer). I was doing really well but in the last 4 months it was taking longer and longer to detangle and style. My stylist told me about the DE system in April but I was iffy because it was new and I couldn't really find any reviews on it. I started to get desperate(my hair is really thick) and I did not want to big chop. My stylist and I work well together and I trust her opinion regarding my hair so I knew she wouldn't recommend anything that would damage it. After asking a ton of questions I took the plunge. I have only had it for 6 weeks, so I am not sure it it will last the entire 12 weeks or longer that is quoted. I can tell it is wearing off little by little but it is definitely still easy to detangle and style my hair. I will definitely do it again, but I would not pay more than $150.
I really like it. I am a long term transitioner (I think around 15 months, maybe a little longer). I was doing really well but in the last 4 months it was taking longer and longer to detangle and style. My stylist told me about the DE system in April but I was iffy because it was new and I couldn't really find any reviews on it. I started to get desperate(my hair is really thick) and I did not want to big chop. My stylist and I work well together and I trust her opinion regarding my hair so I knew she wouldn't recommend anything that would damage it. After asking a ton of questions I took the plunge. I have only had it for 6 weeks, so I am not sure it it will last the entire 12 weeks or longer that is quoted. I can tell it is wearing off little by little but it is definitely still easy to detangle and style my hair. I will definitely do it again, but I would not pay more than $150.

Ok thankyou, i think i am going to do it. do you have to use anything to maintain it?

So the front they put in the product and blew dry your hair to achieve texturizer like results

and in the back they flat iron and you were able to achieve straight results

Was there any problems with dryness? Did your hair revert? Would you do this again? How long does this last?

Forgive me if you answered some of these before...I do have brain farts some times.

Adel10, yes they only blew out the front but did the whole process in the back. However, this did not give me the look of a texturizer, it just helped make my texture appear more consistent since the hair in the front is looser than the back.

Recently, I have had problems with dryness but I think that is moreso because of me coloring my hair. I say this because I did not have issues with dryness the last time I got the treatment on uncolored hair.

I haven't worn my hair straight since receiving the STS so I don't really have to think of reversion. However, over time the system slowly wears off and detangling is no longer as easy. My curl pattern only loosens slightly with this treatment so the change is not drastic in the look but helps greatly when detangling and styling.

It last for approx. 6 washes with sulfate free shampoo. This was my second time receiving it and I would do it again (but not at a hair show, I'm done with those for a while). I hope that answers your questions.
Are there any more arosci reviews? I like the fact that you can get a smaller sample size vs. buying a whole bottle just in case youre not in love. I did see an English black girl doing a review on youtube that looked good.
I wonder how the arcosi would compare to the naked assauge. I may try it in the future.

I used the pravana pefection on my texlaxed ends and it straightened them out and made them less tangly. I liked the way it made my hair feel when flat ironed in. It felt velvety. Im too scared to use it on my ng though. There was a very noticable change in my hair unlike the milder treatments i have used up to date.
Napp where did you buy the Stretch It Straight Smoothing Creme?

I'm trying to decide during this or Nunaat. I am looking for something that will last for about 2 weeks.
@Napp where did you buy the Stretch It Straight Smoothing Creme?

I'm trying to decide during this or Nunaat. I am looking for something that will last for about 2 weeks.

i bought it at a regular bss. between this and the nunaat ultra keratin touch, i think the nunaat would be better. the Stretch it straight was really awful to blow dry and flat iron in and you cant really wear the hair straight with the treatment in(i did anyway but it was really gross feeling) it feels like sand in your hair.

if you want the treatment to help keep your hair straight id say do the nunaat. if you dont mind washing it out right after treatment go with the SIS creme.
i bought it at a regular bss. between this and the nunaat ultra keratin touch, i think the nunaat would be better. the Stretch it straight was really awful to blow dry and flat iron in and you cant really wear the hair straight with the treatment in(i did anyway but it was really gross feeling) it feels like sand in your hair.

if you want the treatment to help keep your hair straight id say do the nunaat. if you dont mind washing it out right after treatment go with the SIS creme.
So after you apply the cream, blow dry, then flat iron, you are supposed to wash it out. But after that you can style as you wish right?

I really only need the results to last a week I am going somewhere for a wedding.

Don't supposed you (or anyone else) has a suggestion for a similar product?
So after you apply the cream, blow dry, then flat iron, you are supposed to wash it out. But after that you can style as you wish right?

I really only need the results to last a week I am going somewhere for a wedding.

Don't supposed you (or anyone else) has a suggestion for a similar product?

yeah you wash it out and you can either wear it curly or straighten it again.

hmm if you need your flat ironing to last a week i dont think you need a bkt ot bkt like product. maybe something like sabino moisture block would help. i think maybe you should check the naturals that straighten thread.
Based on my needs I bought the renpure 14 day treatment. I am going to use it tonight. I have a question though: after I use it the first time and wait 24 hours to wash can I use a regular heat protectant when I want straighten a few days later?
I just had the treatment made by Naked at the salon on Saturday. No fumes, but it did take around 4 hours start to finish. It was totally worth it IMO.

The process was shampoo, detangle in small sections with some type of conditioning treatment being ran thru from roots to ends, then a deep condition. Next, some type of mousse was applied in very small sections and detangled again in small sections.

Then my hair was blow dried in very small sections on high heat and flatironed. Another shampoo. Then blowdried lightly and flatironed again. Also received a cut.

My hair came out feeling like silk. The shine was amazing and it was worth every minute in the salon. My stylist stated it lasted 12 weeks and I received an introductory special of $125 (normally $200). After my hair was shampooed for the last time I noticed my curls were much looser, defined, and were very easy to detangle. I'm fully natural... length is BSL after my cut. My detangling sessions are what prompted me to get the treatment. I don't have time to style my hair and I don't care what anyone says natural hair is hard work. Wearing my hair in simple styles (fros and pony) cause ssk galore. I'm over it for the next few months.

Anyway, my hair type is 4a/3c and I've been in and out of the rain all weekend due to the storm. My has not frizzed or reverted at all.

I will keep you ladies updated on if it lasts for 12 weeks and will probably post pictures later. Hope this helps someone.
bumping. i want to try something new for black Friday. pravana gives to much of a permanent effect for me. and the naked does not last very long in my hair but i feel the safest using it. im looking for something in the middle. QOD has this BKT line that looks interesting. it comes in blonde,regular and turbe. i was thinking of buying a bottle and seeing how it worked out. you can also get a 4 pack of 4 oz each(16 oz together) for a little over a hundred bucks and one bottle is around $40.

here is a picture of the turbe kit


i was also looking into the QOD kerapremium liss
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for anyone who is interested i found a few new formulas

kerapremium platinum
Keratherapy Advanced Renewal Smooth - Step 2

Keratherapy Natural Renewal MAXX Keratin
GLOSS Moderne Gloss Lisse Smoothing Gloss
GLOSS Moderne Gloss Extreme Smoothing Gloss
Bio-Ionic Agave Healing Oil Smoothing Treatment
Rejuvenol glycoliss
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Napp do you think the Arosci and DE treatments are stronger than what you used? How so?

I think the DE might be a bit stronger than the naked but the arosci might be the same or weaker. Either way, the formulas im currently looking at are either in a liquid or cream solution. These seem to work better than the foams.im also looking for a more economical formula
I've called Arosci several times to see if there was a local stylist that performed the service. No reply. That made me not want to use their product. I just need something that will allow me to blow dry and maintain straight results without flat ironing. My hair swells up after I blow dry. I was hoping this treatment would help me eliminate flat ironing.

Any fine haired ladies use the DE treatment?
I've called Arosci several times to see if there was a local stylist that performed the service. No reply. That made me not want to use their product. I just need something that will allow me to blow dry and maintain straight results without flat ironing. My hair swells up after I blow dry. I was hoping this treatment would help me eliminate flat ironing.

Any fine haired ladies use the DE treatment?

Wow thats horrible customer service:nono:

yodie are you looking for a treatment where you only have to blowdry and flat iron once and then maintain with blowdrying or one that you only have to blowdry and the hair stays straight?
@Napp, yes, that's what I want to do.

@yodie i am confused. which one?

only have to blowdry and flat iron once and then maintain with blowdrying


only have to blowdry and the hair stays straight?

also what hair type are you and are you natural or relaxed? I will keep my eye out for you
Napp sorry for the confusion.

I want to get a treatment that will allow me to blow dry my hair straight enough to style each time thereafter without it frizzing/blowing up. So, I want to be able to wash, blow dry and style minus the frizz and swelling. I want to eliminate the flat iron.

I'm natural, fine strands, 4a/b.
@Napp sorry for the confusion.

I want to get a treatment that will allow me to blow dry my hair straight enough to style each time thereafter without it frizzing/blowing up. So, I want to be able to wash, blow dry and style minus the frizz and swelling. I want to eliminate the flat iron.

I'm natural, fine strands, 4a/b.

so to get that kind of result would you mind flat ironing every now and then or do you not want to flat iron at all?
Flat ironing every now and then as in every 3 months would be fine. I'm just trying to give my hair a rest. I was hoping the treatment would allow me to blow dry straight enough so that I could either wear a twist out or pop in a hot curler without my hair reverting.
How are the people using Design Essential doing? I was thinking about trying this but there doesn't seem to be a lot of info......:look: