Biotin, how much is too much?

I don't think there's really a toxicity limit. I take 5,000 a day. But according to all the websites I researched, the scientists haven't found a toxic limit or toxicity limit. You may want to check w/ your physician first if your not sure.
I thought I read somewhere, you could take up to 10,000 mcg (10 mg) per day. I take 5,000 mcg per day, but I'm thinking about upping it.
If not already, please drink plenty of water. Biotin has caused some LHCFs to break out including myself. I really had to up my water.

Biotin is water soluable, so it would take and extreme excess to become toxic. I would just take the recommended amount.

Fat soluable vitamins become toxic very quickly.
I drank 1-2 liters of water with various doses of this from 500mg to 10,000mg. I always broke out. :perplexed

Some are sensitive. :nono:

Please, as the other ladies have said: DRINK WATER.

I have suggestions in my fotki for how to use biotin topically to get the same benefits as well if you find it breaks you out, in my biotin review.
