5000 mcg of Biotin too much?

Updates? I'm taking 10,000mcgs of Finest Natural Biotin. My head is itching and throbbing. I hope it's growth. I'm also Mega-tekking too.
I have been taking 5000mcg since march or april and recently started taking 7500mcg with no ill effects. I drink a ton of water so maybe that helps!!! Not for sure if its doing much for my hair but Im gonna keep on taking it
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i take 10mg/day. i have noticed that i do ocassionally break out, but noticed that since i started using acne washes and paying more attention to myskin, the blemeshes dont last as long. i have been inconsistent with use, and have tried to dedicate myself to taking it and my msm faithfully for 6 months, and review my progress then.
I take 5000 mcg every day and it is working too well! LOL! The hair on my head is growing, but I find myself shaving much more.
A guy who seemed pretty knowledgeable at the vitamin shoppe says that most naturalist recommend at least 5mg (or 5000mcg) of biotin for stimulating healthier skin and hair production. He told me that he takes 7.5mg's (or 7500 mcg's) of biotin daily and he hasn't experienced problems. I told him that I was concerned about biotin because some people have experienced ill effects using it. He told me that a person can experience ill effects using any kind of supplement, whether natural or not, depending on the individual, and especially if too much is taken. His skin was flawless, btw. :grin:. But, long story short, 5000 mcg's seems pretty ok for a normal, healthy individual.
Is it okay to start at 5000mcg or is it better to work your way up to that dosage to get your body used to it?
Is it okay to start at 5000mcg or is it better to work your way up to that dosage to get your body used to it?
when I went up to 7.5 mg of biotin I just started when I finished my last bottle of the lower dosage and I have had no side effects and Always get compliments on my skin:grin:
Start low and go slow, and you should have no problems w/ taking Biotin. IMO to start at 5000mcg you are asking for problems. I would start:

1st week- 1000mcg
2nd week- 2000mcg
3rd week- 3000mcg

and so on....it gives your body time to adjust. This is the way I start any supplements. This is also how I taper if I think something does not agree with me, although the taper would be more aggressive.
I started with taking one 2500 mg a day and graduated up to two a day, for a total of 5,000mg a day; so far, so good!
Start low and go slow, and you should have no problems w/ taking Biotin. IMO to start at 5000mcg you are asking for problems. I would start:

1st week- 1000mcg
2nd week- 2000mcg
3rd week- 3000mcg

and so on....it gives your body time to adjust. This is the way I start any supplements. This is also how I taper if I think something does not agree with me, although the taper would be more aggressive.

SelfStyled is right. Adjusting to biotin sometimes causes weird affects. Today I felt shaky and light-headed, not to mention starving only 2 hours after I ate breakfast, which are symptoms of hypoglycemia (as I mentioned before, I'm taking 5mg's of biotin, which I started taking about 3 days ago). I did some research and spoke to a pharmacist at my local drugstore and he said it's most likely the biotin that's causing it. Biotin not only aides in healthy hair, skin, and nail growth, but it also has been proven to lower blood sugar levels in doses higher than 2.5mg's and is even at times given to those who have type 2 diabetes. Also, it aides in the digestion of carbohydrates and fats, so it makes you digest them more efficiently. Some bodies are more sensitive than others and take a while to adjust to a new routine, so just to be on the safe side, start with off with a lower dosage.
I've been taking 5mg daily I wonder if I step it up would be beneficial or will my body excrete the excess? :-/

Biotin is a member of the B-complex family, which is a group of water-soluble vitamins. All water soluble vitamins are eventually excreted through the urine, so they don't cause build up in the body like minerals and fat-soluble vitamins in excess amounts. It just can be hard for some to adjust to higher dosages initially.
I have been taking 10,000 mcg for the past two weeks. I was taking 5,000 but decided to take the jump. I have not received any ill effects but it has taken me two years to get this high of a dosage I started out with 300 mcg.
:ohwell:i feel like such a wimp....i use a biotin supplement and another product that has biotin in it...my total intake is 750mcg...:ohwell:
my face broke out but still kept on until i realized my body wasn't adjusting even tough i was drinking half my weight in water each day. i might try to finish my 5000mcg bottle this summer since i'm fixed on retaining 2 inches, but i will likely take one every other day.
I forgot that I even started this thread.
My update: Never stuck with biotin. I think I threw it in the back of the cabinet. Well, I pulled it out this past week and I plan to be faithful to it. I'm at 5000 mcg's per day. I take it with B complex and L-Cysteine. I need to add msm and probably silica to my regimen.
I take 5000mg every morning since Dec. I rarely eat bfast. I never experience any side effects at all. No break outs, upset stomachs, etc. My hair is def benefiting
I don't think it is too much the only side effect I have with Biotin is my facial hair is growing like crazy but hey my hair on my head is too so I just have to wax a liitle bit more until I reach my goals........
Started taking 5000mg of biotin today, hope to have no ill side effects :nono:.. Will check in periodically to give an update...
I take an extra 5mg of biotin on top of the the 2mg contained in my Maxi-Hair. I just started the extra biotin this month, but so far, I have not had any negative side-effects.