Big Choppers Wanted...Please!!! Advice Wanted


New Member
I am debating about doing the BC now because I want to play with short hair, but I am scared that the only style that would be cute is when it is straightened, and of course I am not doing using heat on it everyday. I figured this would be a good time, since my hair is btween SL and APL. I want long and healthy hair so this opportunity would also be good to grow a healthy head, and since it is not that long, if I decide to cut it, it would not be like I am cutting BSL or MBL hair.

Do you have any alternative methods that were used while having short hair?

How did you get a good wear out of your starightened hair?

Any Advice period?:grin:

If you have any pics of styles you used or someone you know, that would be AWESOME as well!

Thank you soooo much.

Also provided is kind of the look I would be going for

I like this hairstyle a lot! I know I would have to have long bangs in the front, just because I feel I have to have hair in my face lol and short in the back.


Kelly's is cute as well, it not as short as I want it, but I think I should be able to be more versatile with it.

My hair has also broken off in the middle due to dryness, and I have short pieces everywhere.

I am down for cuttigng my hair, I just need to know what are my options as far as other styles...
Are you sure you want to BC if you're going to keep it straightened? These looks would work better with relaxed hair IMO
Just be sure before you BC that you will have enough inches remaining to do these styles, I'd say you need 5-6 inches!
Are you sure you want to BC if you're going to keep it straightened? These looks would work better with relaxed hair IMO

I wouldn't keep it sraightened, but I want my cut to be in a style...sorry if I was unclear. So I guess I just wanted to know what other BCers did. Like I am sure natural was one way, but were there other things they were able to do?
When I BC'd, I just wore weaves and braids from time to time because I liked the versatility but mostly I did not have the natural hair care skills then, that I have NOW....

I cut it all even, not necessarily in a style...When I wore it out I wore cute headbands and clips.....I didn't straighten my hair for 13 months after I BC'd, and that was only for a length check and found out I was already past SL in the back.
if i were you i would get the kelly rowland bob cut. because it is probably the only style that will look close to even when you decide to let your hair revert from straight. the other styles might leave you with a lopsided afro.

yeah..idk if there are many women who bc'd hoping to achieve a style when straightened. The only reason i'm saying this is because from the pictures u've attached. The style you want is considered short while straightened and would more than likely look better as a relaxed style but at the same time i'm sure theres someone who could give you what you're looking for.

I know that when i bc'd i did it just to cut off my relaxed ends...:yep: maybe later i'll get a style cut into it but for now its all about growth.
I see what you're saying. These cuts will work if your hair is in the 3s or looser coiled 4's. If your hair is 4a/4b you will end up looking like this guy when you let your hair reverts

ETA so my suggestion is a longer transition so you can have some hair to work with when you BC. With longer hair even if your hair is tightly coiled you can do braidouts/twistouts to achieve the look of the shape of the cut. Unless you're ready to work a TWA there is no point chopping now
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Ok thank you for all of your answers, I am not sure what I am going to do. I guess it is just frustrating seeing pieces of hair all throughout my head, and cutting it would be the way to get rid. I was trying to transition without the BC, but I am so confused on what to do. Again thanks for all the input and will be taken into consideration!
I did the Hallie cut. I couldn't keep it up straighten so I got braids until I was comfortable and started wearing wash n gos.