How did you get through a painful break up?

Did things that he didn't approve of while dating....drank, smoked, went natural, shaved the back of my head, had sex, started dressing better, upgraded my car, embraced God, spent time with friends and family, walked in nature, zumba, and have been open to trying new things.

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Go on dates with other guys and travel alot .Distraction is key .i know the feeling when you constantly think about a person ,you can find a hobby but you d still end up thinking of him . Travelling and meeting new people is exciting fun and allows you to really enjoy yourself .
What helped me was grieving. Cry, sulk, be angry, Get it all out! Then you work on moving on! The best thing you can do is look at the lessons you learned from that relationship and appreciate them as something you gained. But also take a moment and evaluate that relationship objectively, and I guarantee you will find a list of bullsh!t that you dodged and be grateful for that!
What helped me was grieving. Cry, sulk, be angry, Get it all out! Then you work on moving on! The best thing you can do is look at the lessons you learned from that relationship and appreciate them as something you gained. But also take a moment and evaluate that relationship objectively, and I guarantee you will find a list of bullsh!t that you dodged and be grateful for that!

:up: :up: Great post!
I decided to do things that I enjoyed...went out with friends...accepted invites out even when I didnt want to go when you need to but stay busy and learn what you like and what makes you happy and DO IT!!!
get a journal that you won't get attached to because all that venting will be garbage.

Get you a personal training friend + get a makeover at the makeup counter

Get a hair cut or color

Fill your time. Invest it doing something you said you'd do but never did.
It's hard. I was doing good. I guess I was on auto pilot. Now the anger and frustration is surfacing again. I must have to get through the process and experience the pain. I just keep nurturing the pain. The scab is healing but I keep picking at it. I am strong but I have my sad moments. I know I am better off without him. It still hurts that we couldn't make it work.
i have no idea. i think time heals all wounds. but it depends on the relationship itself at times i cut off ALL contact never seen him again nor talked to him again. Other times i went back and forth with the guy until he was out of my system.
Depends on the guy. One guy took me YEARS to get over him. Even when I dated other dudes...I always had that ONE in the back of my mind and my heart set on him. YEARS. Dating other guys helped a lil bit but the other guys did not compare to that ONE terms of our chemistry. Not all new guys will help you get over an old relationship. What helped oddly enough was knowing that we had both moved on in a way that meant we could not go back. He was with someone new and I had dated enough guys after him that getting back with him would not have been the same. Not for him and not for me. So I just looked forward to the future.

If God can create that ONE you thought was so perfect for you - but wasn't - then God can create one who is TRULY perfect for you and have him remain that way
another man helps..sometimes :look:

I hear ya. But I wonder if it's wise to do.
I want to move on but scared that if he pops up, I'll hurt the current guy. It's been almost a year and in still scratching my head about what happened.
Thank you mzlady. I heard the negative stuff his friends and family were saying about me. It pissed me off and made me sad. I have to just cut off all times but I can't. We have one tie left. I have to realize those people mean me no good.