Breaking Up with Someone Due to Acne

I wonder if her body looks like it did before she popped out his son? I mean..what if he dumped her because she got a few new stretch marks or something. What are their ages?

Her body looks like it did before their son (of course, I don't know about the stretch marks); as for their ages, she's 26 and he's 27
^^Cool. I was just using that to make a point because I think it's a crummy reason to dump someone.
I definitely think its something else other than the acne. The acne is just something she added to it. She doesn't like something about him or something he did and then the little things start to piss her off. So now its the acne, or his weight, or his breath, etc. :rolleyes:

She has to know that acne is treatable. I just want to ask her is it really acne? C'mon acne really?
Well are we talking just a pimple or two, or a full on bubble-wrap situation? :look:
I guess if it's a bubble wrap scenario, I guess we all know your stance on the issue. :look:

I just feel like if you're willing to leave a man because of something as temporary as acne then the love was never really there. Wow, willing to leave over acne. G-d forbid he became paralyzed, or has other physical complications that does not have in his his original 100% best light.

I agree with the majority that feel like there is more to it to the story..but we don't know these people, so who knows how this will all pan out. OP please keep us in the loop. This chick aggravates me.
Four years, a child and no marriage in sight? Can't say that I blame her.

OP, glad you clarified that it was a few zits. I watched MTV's True Life - I Have Acne last night and I had no idea that acne could be so severe. Even though the folks were seeing a dermatologist some of them looked like their faces were completely inflamed or peeling off from the treatments.

But I agree with Miss J that it may have to do with being a long term relationship that's not going anywhere.
SMDH she couldn't be my friend because she'd hate me if she ever came to me with some stupid mess like this. Breaking up with someone over acne? I've also suffered, well since my teens from bad acne (Thanks Mom!) and been self conscious about it but I've never been broken up with over it and the guys I've dated never mentioned it (assuming they knew it was touchy for me) even though they've had flawless skin. I think its something deeper than acne.
There is sooooooo many things that can be done for this guy with the acne. A swift trip to a dermatologist may change everything! Regardless of that, if acne is a reason for her to leave someone that she has been with for four years, she needs to get her mind together.
For every superficial woman that is dropping "good" (I'm going to assume he's a good guy) men because of something that can be changed...there is a woman who is going to scoop him, and help him change. (A la Jill Scott in the 1st "Why Did I Get Married.)