Being Nosy: Why did you break up with your last SO?


New Member
I think the title says it all...

Why did you break up with your last boyfriend? Was it messy? Are you happy you did? Did you eventually guys get back together/ hook up?

Please share!
He was sleeping around. With men. It was messy. I'm so happy I did. No we didn't get back together and never will.

Life's too short to dwell on past relationships...move on to the next one, and hopefully it will work out.
I think the title says it all...Why did you break up with your last boyfriend? Was it messy? Are you happy you did? Did you eventually guys get back together/ hook up? Please share!

Well, what's up with you? What's YOUR story?

In answer: poor thing carry serious baggage relative to ex-wife and daughter. Wants to live near daughter (commendable) in an expensive bedroom community in Central Florida; however, he has $600 month income after two child support orders. He was strongly encouraging me to move there with "them" and even asked to marry me.

Ummm, do I have Boo Boo the fool written on my head? Yeah, I should relocate to FL and support a grown A$$ man and his spoiled, unruly (not her fault; how she raised) mixed daughter.

I was with my last SO for 11 years (we we're HS sweethearts); but after I moved out, got my own car. I discovered he was trying to move from his momma's house to MY house. WITHOUT PUTTING A RING ON IT!!

Plus we were engaged and he was trying to get out of the engagement. Long story short; he went to my mom's house and talked about me like a dog. I ended the relationship and informed his family.

Sadyly to say, his family was ashamed of was a long messy relationship. I will never do that again.
He mistakenly thought that I would choose to stay in the city we were in, in a dead-end job, just to be with him, instead of moving to a new city & taking the great job offer I had. We had additional issues (communication, etc) but that was the last straw.
The most recent one was completely complicated, neurotic and paranoid.
The one before that was needy,neurotic, sexually-aggressive, controlling and absurdly arrogant.
I think the title says it all...

Why did you break up with your last boyfriend? Was it messy? Are you happy you did? Did you eventually guys get back together/ hook up?

Please share!

I felt like he was encouraging this girl to pursue him. It was not messy...well I say that, he tried to get back with me when I was pregnant with my son (another mans child). I'm very happy I'm not with him. I hear he give his wife hell.:nono:
He was what I call a BAN (beeotch *** kneegro). He really hadn't broken ties with his ex before me and homegirl was calling me from another state at all hours of the night (he said she must have gotten my number by coming over to his house when his brother was there....whatever). Then, he told me about this married guy who wrote him a love letter....that was it for me....
He was cheating.

I had a feeling he was...basically knew he was but me being young combined with foolishness thought things would get better. Not the case.

The final straw was a week after he went to Daytona, whatever the name is of that event that's held down there at the beach. Well, he went with a bunch of guys so I pretty much felt like he was going to be on his worst behavior possible but I kept hope. :lachen: So, he was supposed to be back on Sunday but out of the entire group...he was the only one that had not came back. :look: Since his cousin lived next door to me I asked him and kept getting :ohwell: faces and no answers.

I knew then that something was up. Well, later that week, ole boy called me from jail and come to find out he had gotten in a fight with a dude. That wasn't as bad as I imagined until I found out it was over the dudes girl and he was accusing her of taking money out his wallet in the hotel room. :wallbash:

I changed my number the next morning. :lachen: He was :wallbash: and I gave his cousin his things and KIM. :lachen:
To keep it simple, we broke up because he was
-Starting drinking alot

I was pregnant and it was stressing me out big time/putting baby at risk.

I am very happy I got away from him. We are not friends at all and I did try against my better judgement. I wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire. He has a lot of anger towards me.
He was in love with the person he THOUGHT I'D BE, not with the person I AM. And kept on trying to change me. Some of the changes were great opportunities for growth and I will be indebted to him for helping me move past some serious issues. But when you come home everyday and some dude (that doesn't even have his sh!t together) keeps on telling you that

1. You need to change X,Y and Z if you ever want to get married
2. Only a particular type of man will marry you in the first place
3. and then gives you homework (like he has the right to) and withholds/performs poorly in the bedroom on purpose

I had to hit the door!
He was not good with money and was not focusing on getting out of debt. I was told a lie that he was ready to get married and that his debt was taken care of. He is a wonderful person, he just isn't marriage material for me.
We are both in the Reserves. He got deployed for a year, I held him down. 7 months after he returned, I got deployed dude went M.I.A. in the first month. :lachen:

His new girlfriend started sending me harassing emails and all. I nixed that dude and never looked back. When I came home he was showing up to my mom's house unannounced. He had his family sending me letters, care packages and prayers. He thought that would be enough to keep his foot in the door, nah bruh :rolleyes:
He was French and it was a complete culture clash. The guy was so New Right it was a joke

He expected me to be submissive, and totally dependent upon him. I drove my own car, he did not, but he refused to be seen being driven around by a 'woman'. He didn't like to see me specding my own money (only positive i guess), and did not like to have conversations about certain things (including friends or past relationships)

all in all, he got on my nerves so bad I had to let him go. Lets just say I was the first Black woman he had every dated (yes he was black too) and he didn't like the fact that I was independent and outspoken.

He's now with a white girl and he's very happy. I'm with a REAL black man and I'm EXTREMELY happy!
Because it was a very toxic codependent relationship. We had no business together, we knew we didn't need to be together and chose to do it anyway. The relationship was convenient and we really did have a lot of fun together. Unfortunately we were both emotionally unavailable and we did not have the capacity to love one another.

I broke up with him because I worked through my emotional unavailability and was no longer interested in our relationship. We are still friends so no drama. He understood where I was coming from and I think part of him was relieved that it was over. He occasionally calls to apologize or catch up over lunch. I think if we weren't attracted to each other we could have been great friends.
Because he was cheating with a girl a few floors above my room...(I lived in a dorm with 14 floors)
He was VERY temperamental. I had heard in the street that his mom was pregnant. I talked to him over the phone while he was in his dorm. I asked him if his mom was preggo. He went off on me. He cussed me out so bad that I could hear the hall echoes. I hung up and didn't call him. He's my FB friend, but we don't talk anymore...he doesn't understand that you can't publicly say certain things to a married woman.
After 5.5 years, we just kind of grew apart. I felt the relationship was just stalling and I wanted out. We had our ups and downs but it was a peaceful breakup and we are still friends to this day.
He had anger management issues, wasn't religious or saved and was manipulative. I should have BEEN out of there.

It wasn't an amicable break-up and I'm so happy I moved on.
There were several reasons.
1.) We stopped liking each other like that
2.)He joined the Navy and we weren't together long enough for me to be waiting for him to come back
3.) I found somebody more interesting. I couldn't pursue that while I was still with him :look:
We had a rough break up, but we're cool now.
This is the guy I was with before I met my husband:

He slept around a lot. He even had a thing for sleeping with underage girls, especially if they were virgins.
He was bipolar and wouldn't stick to his medicines (I found that out after I broke up with him).
His own mother told me to turn him loose because I could do much better than him.

ETA - I forgot another one. He bragged to everyone on the planet about how much he enjoyed spending time with his son and would take him anywhere he wanted to go. But the son's mother showed me the court papers showing he'd never paid child support, almost never made an effort to see him and had a warrant out for his arrest via a family court judge. All of this was going on while he was still seeing her AND me.
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He was a habitual liar, lazy, and had nothing going for himself. Plus, I could not see a future/marriage with him.
He got caught up. Everything was great btw us and then his ex called him trying to get back together. I guess she threw him for a loop cus he stopped answering my calls for like 3 or 4 days. So at first I was worried thinking he was hurt but in my heart I knew he was just fine. So he finally called me and told me what she said to him so I told him to go back to her. He tried to argue me down tambout some 'But I haven't made my decision.' Sorry honey but I'm not waiting around for no decision and I ended it then. So glad I did because my current boo.....
We were on and off for a couple of years . . . I knew it was over when his son's mother moved in with him but he lied about a lot of stuff. Ultimately, he tried to get me to believe that his son's mother was living with him because she was dying from malaria and had been for the last 2 years . . . KNEEGROW, PLEASE!!!
And yes, I said MALARIA!!!
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DAMN! You win:yep:

I dunno if that is good or bad...:sad:

There's a whole spill on my ordeal on here. I was truly devastated for almost a year. BUT I'm over it now.:yep::yep::yep: The thing is, I keep thinking negative thought about every new dude I meet.(And analyzing everything they say...) And I'm always picking out the gay/DL dudes like "Um no. That dude is SO frontin" does one get over that???:wallbash: