Baggie technique

i've been doing this since april 2001. my ends are really healthy and moisturized, and more important, i don't have to trim very often. so i've been able to accumulate a decent amount of growth.
I use the baggie trick when I am not in braids. It is just what the doctor order for my hair because it keeps my ends healthy and moisturized. The ends need less trimming because they don't split. I think using this technique I will be well on my way to longer hair in no time!
I've used the baggie with oil instead of activater. I like it beacause I can feel the moisture difference between the hair that has been in the baggie and the hair that has not.
I used the baggie technique with olive oil and 2 pony tails on the side. I used this to replace a CO wash, and my hair looked and felt nice for days.

If you try this, let us know how you like it. It's always fun to hear how different techniques worked out for others!!!!

Ballet Bun ...
This should give you a pretty good idea of the baggie technique.
I found this info posted by Boadicea:
Boadicea said:
I'm going to start doing it again. I just started last night and my hair feels soft already. I plan to do it until January when I might opt for braids and do the Crown and Glory technique. For those of you who are new to it, here's how to do it. Baggie technique:

This technique keeps the hair moisturized because the hair is immersed in a liquid and soaks up the moisture. The technique is done once a day and may either be washed out at night or in the morning depending on when you do it. Some keep the hair in the baggie all day and wash out the liquid at night and some keep the hair in the baggie at night and rinse during the morning.

What you need:
* Hair long enough to put in a mid to high ponytail
* One schrunchie
* One small, plastic shopping bag (about half the size of a regular plastic shopping bag or smaller), or one zip-lock bag (you may want to go with the small plastic bag instead of the zip-lock bag because the zip-lock bag may slip open where as you can tie the plastic bag securely around the ponytail). Make sure there are no holes in the bag before you start!
* Olive Oil or Coconut Oil. You can also use the oil of your choice and alternate.
* One handkerchief or any non see-through cloth bun cover (Why should the whole world know you're walking around with a plastic bag in your hair?)
Optional: If you are going to use the technique during the night, make sure to put a towel on your pillow

1. Gently comb or brush hair back and secure with a ponytail holder. Make sure that you place the ponytail at mid or high length. High length is not the top of your head, just a little bit higher than the middle of the back of your head. This way, the ponytail is not low enough so that it will be touching your clothes.

2. Check your plastic bag for holes. If none are found, go ahead and carefully pour a half cup to a full cup of Olive oil (or your choice of oil) into the bag. Slip your ponytail into the bag and lift the bag up a little to adjust and tie around the base of your ponytail. You may tie it any way you like as long as you're sure that it won't slip off. Once the bag is secure, make sure if isn't leaking. With a dry hand, feel the outside of the bag and the back of your head to make sure they are both dry. Gently scrunch the bag against the hair and slowly lift the bag up and down to distribute the oil. You will want to do this a few times a day to make sure that all of the hair in the bag stays moisturized. Wrap a handkerchief around the ponytail and make a bun cover, then tie securely.

3. Whether you rinse in the morning or at night, make sure to rinse VERY Thoroughly!!! And don't leave the oil on for more than one day!!

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I've used a similar technique...but only once a week.

I mix my Proclaim Cholesterol conditioner with 1 half cup of Olive Oil...after a conditioner wash with Suave Cocoanut conditioner...I put in the cholesterol/olive oil mixture. I wrap my hair with saran wrap...add on a plastic cap for good measure...then tie on my Conditioner wrap from Salley's beauty supply (it is a wrap impregnated with conditioner...but it is dry)...then I cover that with a pretty scarf. I will either wear this all day or sleep through the night...the softness last until my next conditioner wash... In the beginning I did this 2 times per transitioning hair was rescued from breakage because of I just do it once a week. I have no doubt it is the reason I can keep my permed ends until I am ready to cut them 4 or 5 inches of natural hair...LOVES THIS I know I will continue to do it when I am fully natural.
that's not the baggie technique that i use. i don't think it's necessary to use 1/2 cup of oil or to immerse the hair in oil. you need just enough to coat it. otherwise it's too messy IMO. also, if you put just enough to coat it, you can leave it in for days at a time vs. having to rinse daily. to me, that defeats the purpose of putting your hair in a style that you don't have to manipulate.

i also don't use a grocery bag. i use small non-zip sandwich baggies.

i'm glad this is working for others, but it just seems like a little more trouble than necessary...
Hmmm. I've been using my Adrienne's baggie technique for 4 months now, but I also CO wash almost daily. I'd like to get more mileage and less manipulation out of the technique--here's my problem (slightly OT) how do you sleep in a ponytail? I don’t fall asleep and wake up in the same position.
Uh uh. I sleep wildly, tossing, turning, rolling all night long. It’s a wonder that I still have my satin cap or plastic cap still on my head when I wake up. I’m thinking if I tried to sleep with a ponytail (baggie) I might do some serious damage. I've already had a breakage at the hairline from too tight of a ponytail. Any suggestions from those that sleep in their baggies/ponytails?

Oh and a little caution for the 1/2 cup oil in the baggie ladies. There are few sights more embarassing than a shiny greasy neckline from oil seeping into and ruining the neckline of your clothes that you are unaware of and all your white coworkers chose to gawk at instead of informing you.
Iwasn't using this technique but had a little too much activator in my hair one day. I was NOT a happy girl.
When I relaxed two years ago, I did the following: (I hadn't even been a member here and had started doing it

1. Brush my hair back.
2. Take wildgrowth hair oil and coat the last 4 inches of my hair with the oil.
3. Take a sandwich baggie and put it on the end of my hair until my ends of my hair were in the baggie.
4. Take a ouchless elastic band and secure the baggie to my hair (it looked like a low ponytail that had about 6 inches of my hair in the rubber band).
5. Take that hair and put it up like I was about to pin it to the top of my hair (but I didn't)
6. Tie up with a scarf.
7. Go to bed.

When I woke up in the morning, my hair absorbed the oil. I put a bit more wildgrowth on my ends up to 4 inches, and proceeded to putting my hair in a bun. I retained a lot of length, and the only person who complained was my husband (who hates my ugly brown scarf).

It sounds really complicated, but it isn't.
adrienne0914 said:
that's not the baggie technique that i use. i don't think it's necessary to use 1/2 cup of oil or to immerse the hair in oil. you need just enough to coat it. otherwise it's too messy IMO. also, if you put just enough to coat it, you can leave it in for days at a time vs. having to rinse daily. to me, that defeats the purpose of putting your hair in a style that you don't have to manipulate.

i also don't use a grocery bag. i use small non-zip sandwich baggies.

i'm glad this is working for others, but it just seems like a little more trouble than necessary...

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Yeah, for a minute there I was getting confused. I guess there is more than one way to do the baggie trick, I do my daughter's hair the 'once every 5 days way' and it's working great with gel curl activator and vasaline. I corn braid the front and the braids go back gathered into a pony tail that stays in it's baggie 5 days at a time. It's also covered with snip of a nylon sock and then a srcrugie(sp) When Im finished with it, it literally looks like a pretty flower design in the back of her head...the plastic is completely covered. I tell you the lack of manipulation and the softer ends has her hair completely moisturized and growing like crazy these days. Her hair is getting longer than it's ever been thanks to this trick. Thanks Adrienne.
Yeah, Adrienne's technique is less messy and easier to do. I use Adrienne's technique too. I also use a plastic sandwich bag, which is less bulky, and secure it with a elastic band.
I also use Andrienne's baggie method and it is GREAT!!! Then I think everythiing Andrienne does is great. My ends were drying out and I was getting split ends and having them cut. Since I started with the baggie method (I use gel activator), my ends are soft and not splitting or dry.
I use Adrienne's baggie technique once a week. Its less messy then the other one mentioned,and its GREAT!!!!!! I have a problem with dry ends and this helps to stop breakage.

But, then again, I secretly worship her
I just started a week ago. Soon as I realized that my hair was long enough to fit in a ponytail, I took out the weave. Now, I'm doing Adrienne's technique daily
Before joining this forum I used my own personalised baggie technique, it was great in the beginning because my ends were always soft and moisturised. However, I suffered terrible breakage, because my hair lost, strength, due to over using the technique, I'M VERY CAREFUL now, NOT DO THIS TOO OFTEN.
Tebby, my hair became very limp, and starting breaking off, due to the excess moisture generated from the clear plastic steam cap, which was wrapped around my hair ends, this only happened to me because I used it 24/7, apart from that it is a good technique. I have a gained considerable amount of knowledge derived from this forum personally I apply my own baggie method on an moderate basis (twice a week), so that my hair doesn't become limp. Plus I use a protein shampoos and protein conditioners more frequently than ever before, to fortify my hair shaft, I don't suffer this problem any more, since my last bad experience.
brooke, i take the phonytail off and just leave the baggie and cutoff stocking on my hair. i wear my own ponytail kind of high so it doesn't really interfere with sleeping... i also sleep on my side though. anyway, i have a Maverick wrap that i wrap around my hairline. the ponytail is not wrapped in it.
honeylemondrop, i'm glad this is working for your daughter and that her hair is thriving. how old is she? i used to do the pretty flower design too before i discovered the drawstring ponytail. i still wear it like that on the weekend sometimes.
Tebby: Yes I currently use the Aphogee Treatment for Damaged hair, Motions CPR and Le Kair cholesterol. They aided tremendously in adding considerable degree of strength to the entire hair shaft. I also used to apply the the plastic cap over my hair, it grew out my hair so fast, along with taking vits I received 2 inches of growth in four weeks. After this duration of time I removed my natural braids, and to my horror my hair begun breaking off in my hands. I stopped this method immediately. (up until this day I still can't really understand why the excess moisture caused breakage).

Adrienne: I currently moisturise my ends with Profectiv Breakfree or Infusium 23 and leave the baggie on ends only, over night, I repeat twice a week as opposed to every night, so far no problems.
The breakage occured on my hair ends which was covered with a clear plastic cap on an constant basis, I don't use elastic bands. Queenofmean the problem is actually solved through infrequent usage of this method. Currently my baggie method is working well for me, I follow it twice a week.
Adrienne, when you braid your pony tail and fold it under. How do you secure it? Do you secure it under the scrunchie? I was wondering if using a small bobby pin would help in reducing the chances of breaking your ends from impropering doing the baggie method. I don't do the baggie method all the way but I do leave my hair in a braided pony tail with a moistuizer three days at a time before I undo and wash. I don't use a phony tail yet but I plan to if I can find one that I like