Ayurveda Lovers Unite!!!

Hey ladies how are these powder for nasty black heads.. The kind that are big and hurt when you touch them.. Lately I been getting them in the same spot.. Also how do you mix then up for a facial mask...
Have you ever tried steaming your skin? Also I am currently using Orange Peel powder as a scrub/mask. It can also be used as a cleanser.

You could also use neem. I can no longer use it, but when I did it was very helpful. It is said to dry up pimples and clear grime. Amla is good too, though I never used it since (used on hair) it promotes darkness :lol: Not trying to darken my fuzz over my face lol
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Made a brahmi paste using the whole box!! 100g. Boiled some hibiscus petals to make a tea. Once it simmered, added 1tsp of Maka powder. I used this to make a batter for the brahmi mix.

I also have some hibiscus left over to do a rinse. I've never used hibiscus so I'm kinda nervous. But I know all of you love it.
Update: Wow, this made all my curly ques pop! I've never used this much brahmi at once before, but now I plan to from here on out!

I ended up adding in about a TBS of WGO and Hemp Seed oils. I also added a splash of aloe vera juice too. I applied to my hair and scalp - leaving it in for about 2.5hrs.

I rinsed, then did a quick co-wash with Hempz condish :lick: I was going to DC but my hair felt so great that I added just the left over hibiscus/maka tea. I left that in for about 40min before rinsing. My hair looks and feels awesome!

Just added my leave in, and sealed w/ my oils..I am whole head baggy right now before I flat twist it up. :grin:
It took me three hours to wash my hair today. I did a coconut oil treatment followed by a Napur application. Then I co washed and deep conditioned. I added a little coconut oil to my DC. Then I put two strand twists in with a shea butter coconut oil castor oil amla oil and fragrance and water mixture. I wear a wig as a protective style until my hair grows out a little more. ````
Still going strong with my Brahmi oil/on my entire scalp..JBCO on my edges...

Happy Hair Growing!
This weekend I did a amla\maka\fenugreek paste mixed in my DC. My hair feels amazing. Can't believe I slept on these powders for so long.
I need to wash my hair, but I was so tired yesterday. However, this braid needs to come out so maybe I'll do a simple wash tonight and a full paste this weekend
leiah, i've not tried that particular brand of that oil, but i have taken the powder of that herb and infused my own oil.
i also use the powder with dc to cleanse and dc my hair, i make tea rinses with it.

i hear ya on stopping use of regular shampoos! i did that and now only use shampoo to chelate or clarify, otherwise it's ayurvedic powders all the time!

i just made a shikakai rinse that i'm gonna put in followed by a coconut milk rinse.

hhj ladies!
I bought the Brahmi oil but I can't bring myself to use it because it smells like bacon grease! Does the smell go away after the oil is applied?
I bought the Brahmi oil but I can't bring myself to use it because it smells like bacon grease! Does the smell go away after the oil is applied?

that's a good question, reeko43, but i believe it depends on which brahmi oil you have. which brand did you buy? mine is homemade and although it has a strong scent, i wouldn't say it's bacon greese smelly.
however, it does go away once applied.

hhj ladies!
I bought the Brahmi oil but I can't bring myself to use it because it smells like bacon grease! Does the smell go away after the oil is applied?

reeko43 My brahmi oil does smell/I only apply it at night/on my scalp ONLY/just a small amount/On my hair I apply leave-ins,moisturizers & pomades/that takes care of the any smell/In the morning,I only smell the pomade or moisturizer that I use...

*I always ask the kids if they can smell my hair/They say they smell fruits/one of my pomades that I put on top/smells like fruit.....

*If I use it as a pre poo/I dont add any-thing to it....


Happy Hair Growing!
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@grow, The brand is Ramtirth and date of manufacture is September, 2010. Purchased at local Indian grocer

Lita, I think I will try some on my scalp in a test area and then add Vatika to my hair since I like that smell. Actually, I think I will try using as a pre-poo first.

Thanks guys. I really want to get into the Ayurveda remedies. When I get a chance I am going to read all the threads as you have such a wealth of knowledge.
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grow, The brand is Ramtirth and date of manufacture is Septemer, 2010. Purchased at local Indian grocery

reeko43 The kind I use for late winter is in the jar (Vadik Herbs Brahmi oil/its like a pomade..but,melts fast) this kind has a very strong stinky smell.....

The Ramtirth one smells a lot better to-me..Its lighter IMO/I use it in the spring summer....because it smells better...

*My bottle has 2011 stamp on it....

Happy Hair Growing!
Lita, I can't begin to imagine what Vadik Herbs smells like if you think Ramtirth smells a lot better, lol! I think I will just have to get used to it and use it only at night. I definitely won't waste it and from what I read the oil has many benefits.
So far so good with brahmi and kapur kachri (herbal powder) tea rinses (I added quite a few other herbs as well). I love the results on my hair and scalp. Since using more natural products and giving up relaxers, I have not seen ONE FLAKE on my scalp in almost 2 yrs, when I used to suffer from dry scalp every winter! No more!

Going to be ordering Ramtirth Brahmi oil, as well as a few others. I like the reviews I read about the Vadik Herbs Brahmi oil in the jar, but that $14.50-$19.50 people are selling it for online is TOO MUCH for a 5.5 oz jar! I can make my own for a fraction of that price, and I might just delve into that. (Afterall, I'll be making my own herbal oils more and more since the results have been good).
Lita, I can't begin to imagine what Vadik Herbs smells like if you think Ramtirth smells a lot better, lol! I think I will just have to get used to it and use it only at night. I definitely won't waste it and from what I read the oil has many benefits.


The smell....But,the benifits are amazing...Just use it lightly on your scalp at night & on your length apply one of your best smelling moisturizers,butters or creams...

Happy Hair Growing!
Ok so I've been using Ayurvedic powders for about almost 2yrs now. My faves are Brahmi, bhringrarj, shikakai.

Anywho, just wanted to post the RAVE review on Brahmi. Last week and again last night, I decided to make a brahmi pack. I left it on for about 4hrs and and then co-washed out. My curls are SO defined! The way everyone raves about amla defining curls (my hair hates amla - straightens and frizzes out) this is how brahmi treats my hair.

For this to be only my 2nd time doing this recipe, I know it won't be the last. I can quickly see this becoming my weekly treat to myself! Can't wait to apply again!

My recipe is as follows:

100g brahmi (yup whole box lol)
1TBS wheat germ oil
1TBS hemp seed oil
1-2C hibiscus tea + 1/2tsp Maka/Bhringraj
splash of aloe vera
I did a bhringraj and fenugreek paste today. Got shiny, well defined curls and almost fell asleep in the shower while I was rinsing it out! Can't wait to use my bhringraj oil I have been having trouble sleeping.
Ok so I've been using Ayurvedic powders for about almost 2yrs now. My faves are Brahmi, bhringrarj, shikakai.

Anywho, just wanted to post the RAVE review on Brahmi. Last week and again last night, I decided to make a brahmi pack. I left it on for about 4hrs and and then co-washed out. My curls are SO defined! The way everyone raves about amla defining curls (my hair hates amla - straightens and frizzes out) this is how brahmi treats my hair.

For this to be only my 2nd time doing this recipe, I know it won't be the last. I can quickly see this becoming my weekly treat to myself! Can't wait to apply again!

My recipe is as follows:

100g brahmi (yup whole box lol)
1TBS wheat germ oil
1TBS hemp seed oil
1-2C hibiscus tea + 1/2tsp Maka/Bhringraj
splash of aloe vera

Where are you able to get Bhringraj? I can't find in the stores and every place I've looked on line states out of stock!
Where are you able to get Bhringraj? I can't find in the stores and every place I've looked on line states out of stock!

I just got mine from amazon. I split a pound bag with my mom and I'm going to infuse mine in coconut oil. I saw it this way (infused in oil) in an Indian store but mine will be fresher.
Hi Ladies!

I'm new to this particular thread, however I plan to do my first henna session & first oil rinse this weekend. Pretty much I want to take a day to clarify, henna, oil rinse, deep condition, twist and trim my hair. I've used cassia in the past, but the frizz at the crown of my head has become a pest and I want something more intense. However, I'm having a dilemma on the sequence of events that would normally entail for an effective henna & oil rinse when combined. This is my understanding of the sequence currently, please help me if you can:

1) Clarify/Shampoo
2) Henna, let it sit (a few hours)
3) Rinse
4) apply oil (I'm beginning with Olive Oil)
5) Rinse w/hot water
6) Apply rinse-out conditioner ?detangle?
7) Rinse w/ cold water
8) Apply deep conditioner
9) let it sit (a few hours)
10) Apply product and twist

Some conflicts:
--I may choose to deep condition-- but that would complicate my rinsing out of the oil, as I would need a regular rinse out conditioner to do that. Is there any way I can not further complicate things, such as applying deep conditioner over my oil and then rinsing w/ cold water afterwards? If not, I'd be twice conditioning, and twice cold water rinsing, no?
--dry detangling isn't an option (I haven't detangled in a few weeks). When should I detangle? before henna? after rinsing it out? during the oiling vs. during the conditioner?

I apologize for all of the questions, just trying to find my way. Tips on any step of the process are greatly appreciated. :spinning:


First off I wouldn't advise pooing before Henna, especially a clarifying.. Henna is already drying by itself. I do Henna and powders on dirty hair and never have a problem with it being clean afterwards.

I would also suggest detangling first to avoid matting... Maybey dampen the hair and use a bit of cheapie cond.

Also I would use the rinse out cond. after the Henna to help rinse out the powder. Then apply oil and dc on top of that.
Hello lovlies! Glad to see this thread is still rolling. I can't seem to make my way over here as often as I would like. :sad: I'm in the process of doing the second half of my tea rinse then dc. I have GOT to start back doing this every week. I love the way it makes my hair feel.
i havent read all the post in this thread, so please if anyone could answer a come lately question, and forgive me if its been asked and aswered b4, id appreciate it. .......... anyhow, i have used ayurveda in the past. but its been quite a while since i have used it with any regularity. i have had some scalp issues lately, and remembered that when i used ayuveda my scalp was in good condition. i want to revisit it, but i know that it can also have a drying effect. so the question is can i use shikakai 1ce a week or every other week to clean , and then use brahmi amla and bringraj or neem together in paste with an olive oil base to massage my scalp and condition my hair with a frequency of every 2 or 3 days. ive used 3 powders in olive oil 2ce already this week. my hair doesnt feel any dryer than normal @ the moment. is this ok or is it a recipee for disaster. also @ the moment my scalp is in as good a condition then its been in a very long time. no flakes no itcheies/ dry patches. no areas that seem inflamed or sensitive @ all:yep:.
I did a full paste last night

Cleansing: Shikakai, Amla, Neem

Conditioning: Bhringjai, Bhrami, Hibiscus, Fenugreek

I need to place an order b/c I need some refills.

Don't laugh, but I actually made a spreadsheet to conpare prices and inventory of herbs at 3 online stores.
i havent read all the post in this thread, so please if anyone could answer a come lately question, and forgive me if its been asked and aswered b4, id appreciate it. .......... anyhow, i have used ayurveda in the past. but its been quite a while since i have used it with any regularity. i have had some scalp issues lately, and remembered that when i used ayuveda my scalp was in good condition. i want to revisit it, but i know that it can also have a drying effect. so the question is can i use shikakai 1ce a week or every other week to clean , and then use brahmi amla and bringraj or neem together in paste with an olive oil base to massage my scalp and condition my hair with a frequency of every 2 or 3 days. ive used 3 powders in olive oil 2ce already this week. my hair doesnt feel any dryer than normal @ the moment. is this ok or is it a recipee for disaster. also @ the moment my scalp is in as good a condition then its been in a very long time. no flakes no itcheies/ dry patches. no areas that seem inflamed or sensitive @ all:yep:.

They have bhringraj oil at Indian stores - it's bhringraj and sometimes other herbs infused in coconut oil. Ayurvedic authorities (books and websites) say you can use the herbs as a wet paste or in an oil base. So it sounds like what you're doing is fine - especially since you're getting results.

I did a full paste last night

Cleansing: Shikakai, Amla, Neem

Conditioning: Bhringjai, Bhrami, Hibiscus, Fenugreek

I need to place an order b/c I need some refills.

Don't laugh, but I actually made a spreadsheet to conpare prices and inventory of herbs at 3 online stores.

Nothing wrong with that. :) I prefer amazon for now coz I'm signed up for their super saver shipping and I want max value out of it so any vendor who sells through amazon gets first preference. Also coincidentally the amazon ayurvedic vendors I've purchased from seem to have superior product. When I first started buying things like henna and shikakai yrs ago the stuff I was getting was not good quality so I was not impressed at first. I had to go through the learning process on how to buy and use the herbs and now I don't mind paying more if I'm going to get "grade a".
i havent read all the post in this thread, so please if anyone could answer a come lately question, and forgive me if its been asked and aswered b4, id appreciate it. .......... anyhow, i have used ayurveda in the past. but its been quite a while since i have used it with any regularity. i have had some scalp issues lately, and remembered that when i used ayuveda my scalp was in good condition. i want to revisit it, but i know that it can also have a drying effect. so the question is can i use shikakai 1ce a week or every other week to clean , and then use brahmi amla and bringraj or neem together in paste with an olive oil base to massage my scalp and condition my hair with a frequency of every 2 or 3 days. ive used 3 powders in olive oil 2ce already this week. my hair doesnt feel any dryer than normal @ the moment. is this ok or is it a recipee for disaster. also @ the moment my scalp is in as good a condition then its been in a very long time. no flakes no itcheies/ dry patches. no areas that seem inflamed or sensitive @ all:yep:.

I answered your pm...
I went to the indian store in nyc yesterday and brought: brahmi, amla and maka powders. I also purchased: Brahmi Amla oil, Mustard oil, Vatica and Parachute Coco oils.

Ladies, how are you using your mustard oil? I want to make a mixture for my scalp with a little sublimed sulfur. Do you think this will be ok?