Awkward Weave Compliments


New Member
How do you guys handle it when your white friends compliment your new hair (...weave...:perplexed) thinking it's your own hair that magically grew overnight and became straight :lachen:

I've been getting compliments everywhere but I feel tempted to be like IT'S A WEAVE!!!! :yep::grin:
I've been wondering about this too... I just got a short weave (chin length) and people keep commenting on me cutting all my hair off. I know they are going to be looking at me strange when a couple of months from now I walk in the office with BSL hair... :lol:
Just smile, say "Aww thank you" and any of these phrases "that's sweet of you too notice/I like it too/I just wanted a change" and smoothly change the subject.

No need to offer any explanations or feel awkward. If you got fake nails, you would never say thanks I got fake nails, you would just say thanks and move on.

I don't feel you should ever have to explain what sprouts from your head. If anyone says "Is that a weave", just say (with straight face), why do ask??
First time I got a weave I was in 9th grade ppl kept asking me had my hair grown. I kept telling them it couldn't have grown that much over night. (NL to BSB) and I got it done in the middle of the week.
I'm proud of wearing weaves, so I don't feel any way to say, it's not my hair, my hair is resting underneath.
White people are now wearing extensions as much as black women and there isn't all this secrecy and mystery!
I think the worst part about wearing a weave is the pretence. Be proud, and educate the ignorant... "hair don't grow overnight sweetheart!" lol
Conversely for me, when I straighten my natural hair (as opposed to my usual WNG) this one co-worker in particular gives me a strange eye and says "you're hair is longer", suspecting that my hair is not my own. Every time, I have to tell him about shrinkage of my natural hair. He does not buy it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't think ANY of my hair is real and I just go back and forth between a curly and straight weave/wig. It's awkward.
Just smile, say "Aww thank you" and any of these phrases "that's sweet of you too notice/I like it too/I just wanted a change" and smoothly change the subject.

No need to offer any explanations or feel awkward. If you got fake nails, you would never say thanks I got fake nails, you would just say thanks and move on.

I don't feel you should ever have to explain what sprouts from your head. If anyone says "Is that a weave", just say (with straight face), why do ask??

I love this response! I use it for every question I don't want to answer - hair and anything else. :yep:
I love this response! I use it for every question I don't want to answer - hair and anything else. :yep:

I agree, I use it in non-hair situations and I've noticed that people are taken so aback. There's usually an awkward silence, bugging out of eyes and then a sputtering/mumbled answer.
i've been wigging it lately with a short bob. when people compliment, i say that i wanted a temporary change, and i keep it moving.
How do you guys handle it when your white friends compliment your new hair (...weave...:perplexed) thinking it's your own hair that magically grew overnight and became straight :lachen:

I've been getting compliments everywhere but I feel tempted to be like IT'S A WEAVE!!!! :yep::grin:

Its happened to me the opposite way. I used to wear extension braids a lot in highschool. I took them out one time and did my hair in mini real hair was like neck length. Everybody thought it was so cute. They were like, "OMG you cut your hair!" I'd just say "thanks" and smile. Lol
I've been wondering about this too... I just got a short weave (chin length) and people keep commenting on me cutting all my hair off. I know they are going to be looking at me strange when a couple of months from now I walk in the office with BSL hair... :lol:

I would tell them then...... & show them w pride...:grin: look this is my hair!
"I thought I wanted short hair so I tried a short wig for a while." :smirk:
tee hee! watch their faces after that...

if you go into its a weave they start w the questions & want to know the details...... it was a wig! ok!!
Fessing up? mmmmm:spinning:
sometimes they know & want a confession...
it depend of my relationship w the person asking
..... some folks you can't tell. hit:lol: sometimes they will ask at the wrong time..:blush:

its your hair, you confess to who you want & when you want.....
handle it girl don't let it stress you.
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Yes......all the time...i work with a bunch of white people so yeah.....i just say thank you and if they ask how i got it like that i tell them straight up its a weave/wig
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