Avoiding people with problems


Active Member
Not sure if this is the correct forum - but will post here and see.

Is there anyone else out there who might do this?

When I was at the grocery store this past week, I came across an old male co-worker that I worked with several years ago. From what I remembered of our past, he always was trying to put out that he was superior (because he had an MBA, he came from the East Coast - "where the most progressive black folks live" - his words), etc., etc., etc. Did I mention that my IT skills were 200% better than his?

In recent times, I had seen his e-mails (he was trying to get on at the company I worked at and wanted me to put in a good word for him - since he was laid off last March). As time went on, I eventually left the company. He continued to e-mail and make phone calls. But, I ignored them because I am completing a task that does not involve "begging for crumbs from massa's table".

But, seeing him at the store, I had no excuse. Short of the Long, he invited himself to my house :perplexed: I accepted and told him I would meet him there later on. I get back to my house after shopping to see him waiting in my driveway as I drove up :huh:

He then told me about some bogus (my opinion) company he was going to join because he couldn't find a job in our area. I saw him as pathetic, old, indecisive and I felt sorry for him (I really hate to write that). My opinion was to seek out employment away from a 9-to-5 be that real-estate, opening a shop or something.

He then tried to make a pass at me :shocked: even though he was married and with kids! He said he wanted to give me hugs to "get it out of his system".

My thoughts were, "I feel sorry for you but stay away from me because I don't want to be within 10 feet of the mojo you have going on." I almost had the feeling like he was a leper.

This sentiment for a woman I came across this week who was struggling with her business.

The forum I met her in was a type of meeting. Others in the group were trying to offer her good suggestions and her response to the them was to look upon them as criticisms/attacks and slap them down with a vengence.

It seemed like the only thing she wanted to do was lament her situation, the people in her life, "how hard it is", how people were not supporting her, etc. It was pizzing me off to see folks offer her ideas - good ideas - for free even and for her to put them down and instead use the meeting as an opportunity to dump her toxic waste (I hate to write that too).

Needless to say, I will not be attending anymore for the same reason that I am avoiding the other guy. But still, part of me wants to help (the lady, not the guy).

So (if you got this far into reading), if you see someone having an issue, do you take the "I will help you, I love you" approach or do you treat them as a leper and stay away.

I help people. I'm very helpful. But - my criteria is that I only help people who are eager and ready to help themselves.

Honestly? Based on the picture you've painted, I'd be more willing to help the man than I would the woman.

At least he's open to new suggestions, and isn't trying to blame his issues on the people surrounding him. The fact that he's a nassy arse lecher means he would NEVER be invited to my home (girl, why did you agree to meet him at your house!? Nooooooooooooooo. :nono: ), but I'd provide help, if I could.

Her rants about all the folks who ain't doing her right and her dismissal of wise, free advice = someone who doesn't really want to be helped, in my mind.

I help people. I'm very helpful. But - my criteria is that I only help people who are eager and ready to help themselves.

Honestly? Based on the picture you've painted, I'd be more willing to help the man than I would the woman.

At least he's open to new suggestions, and isn't trying to blame his issues on the people surrounding him. The fact that he's a nassy arse lecher means he would NEVER be invited to my home (girl, why did you agree to meet him at your house!? Nooooooooooooooo. :nono: ), but I'd provide help, if I could.

Her rants about all the folks who ain't doing her right and her dismissal of wise, free advice = someone who doesn't really want to be helped, in my mind.

Good answer... sorry, I was just too caught up in reading about this dude who sounded like a fool and then hearing that he asked to come over and she accepted...

Okay, to answer the question though... after a while, I leave the person alone. Some people LIKE drama and being caught up in a cycle of drama and misery... then they drag YOU into it and YOU get down about stuff that doesn't even concern you!

I'll be helpful initially, but if I see that you are a drain on my time and resources, I'll eventually say, "Hey, I hope you figure it out. Good luck," and then move on.
I am always very careful, mindful to remain respectful of others process.

That said, I do not entertain whining, long -winded woe is me type conversations in my personal nor professional life.

My time, energy is important to me, but I do and will offer assistance, and ear to those I trust are sincere in their efforts.

I harbor no disdain for folks who are out of their element, power for the moment...

Life is a continuum, and I never want to forget that
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I am still stuck up in the middle of the original post at the part about you letting him meet you at your house. What in the world? Why wouldn't you just offer to call him with some info?

And, I'm confused about who/what/why you want to help. Both?
Personally, I enjoy helping others, but if someone is asking something of me that I'm not willing to give, I just say so in a polite manner.
In this economy and the situation with folks right now I have some SERIOUS BOUNDARIES around me.

I do NOT want nor need the drama. So If I can help then I do if I see it is going to be unappreciated or misused. I don't.
I tend to help people who are younger than me and genuinely need/want help. People in my age range and older I tend to ignore (unless it's a senior citizen) whether they are sincere or not. I find that most people don't want help, just want to waste your time. I would not help the negative woman or the superior acting man. Both sound toxic to me.
I guess I'm just wondering why you said okay to the guy who wanted to meet at your house? :ohwell:

He had already been to my house many years ago.

When he came the first time, he didn't try to jump me, we just had a decent conversation about work and what the next steps would be (BTW, back then, his hair was black).

My irritation came because I had not seen him in a while and I felt that my home was not prepared to receive guest - so - I would have preferred Starbucks or something like that.

I did not realize that he might have been a bit "off" until I saw him waiting in my driveway - this was not the person I remembered in years past.
"I saw him as pathetic, old, indecisive and I felt sorry for him (I really hate to write that). "

"Short of the Long, he invited himself to my house : I accepted and told him I would meet him there later on. "

Yeah...I'm kinda stuck on the bolded.
I am still stuck up in the middle of the original post at the part about you letting him meet you at your house. What in the world? Why wouldn't you just offer to call him with some info?

And, I'm confused about who/what/why you want to help. Both?

Pity (a more accurate word) I suppose. Thinking of "There - but for the grace of God - go I"
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