Aveda Moisturizers?

What a mother:censored: I get that sh:censored: too. Especially in LA LA town.

Don't try shopping at any hoitie toitie shops on Robertson blvd. I went to a shop on Robertson once and the sales person followed me around so white on rice I purposely started dodging and walking fast and faking like I was gonna turn right then I'd turn left :lachen: just to watch them run around like chickens with there heads cut off. It was sooooo funny. :lachen:

I'm really sorry that happened to you. I hate to say it but it's racist. He is racist and what he did was wrong. No if's ands or but's about it. I hope you insist that corporate make that individual verbally apologize to you eitheir in person or via phone.:( :( :(

I get sick of always having to prove that I aint a thief.... I am black there's a difference.
luzminerva said:
What a mother:censored: I get that sh:censored: too. Especially in LA LA town.

Don't try shopping at any hoitie toitie shops on Robertson blvd. I went to a shop on Robertson once and the sales person followed me around so white on rice I purposely started dodging and walking fast and faking like I was gonna turn right then I'd turn left :lachen: just to watch them run around like chickens with there heads cut off. It was sooooo funny. :lachen:

I'm really sorry that happened to you. I hate to say it but it's racist. He is racist and what he did was wrong. No if's ands or but's about it. I hope you insist that corporate make that individual verbally apologize to you eitheir in person or via phone.:( :( :(

I get sick of always having to prove that I aint a thief.... I am black there's a difference.

Uggh!! I know. I intentionally avoid certain stores because of this. And I have to remember not to judge a race based on this man's stupid actions! It happens a lot when i go to makeup counters and beauty supply stores...unless it's Sally's. It's as if the sales people get scared! :eek: Like there saying "oh NO, here comes a black woman!" I try to understand that they just feel uncomfortable. But I have made it a point to understand different races hair types and skin, so why can't they?! I tried to curl my Mexican neighbors hair and it fell BONE STRAIGHT!! I tried EVERYTHING!! And the funny thing about it is...I want my hair to do what hers does!!! LOL If we could just appreciate other's differences without making them feel less than...it would be a beautiful world!

Ok, sorry for the preaching...the guy really ruined my trip to the mall and I need to sleep! Peace.
MadisonK said:
I went with a friend to the Aveda store today in Studio City, CA. There was one guy working in the store and he was very haughty to us. He stared at us the entire time like we were going to steal. He was on the phone and came around the counter and just stood so he could watch us while he was on the phone...it was obvious. I was trying not to make it a racial thing, but I think it was. I asked him if I could sample the USC and he said no he didn't have anything I could sample. Then when we were leaving I saw him roll his eyes at us. I bought the Aveda Be Curly and just left. I'm going to call Aveda headquarters tomorrow and report him.

I see Ebay charges more than the Aveda store. Does anyone know where you can get samples? I won't be going in that store again.

Not all stores give samples, but a lot of them do. I have a Van Michael Salon near my job and they give samples of Aveda Products. Go to the Aveda Website and do a search on stores near you, call and see if they supply samples.