Aveda Tips....

I tried to use the Aveda USC and it really didn't do anything for me. I put it on and then sealed with JBCO and it felt like my Sunsilk TLC. Am I doing something wrong?
Hey Intergalact, I did the same on wet hair and tied it down with a satin scarf before bed and the next morning and my hair was very soft and smooth... I can only use usc on wet hair, on dry hair its weird...
This is a toughy ladies what should we do??? I would like to know if the ab and dr condishes are DEEEPP enough for my head.... So what's the verdict?? Honeybad I am kinda with you on this one.... But understand itsy's point as well, there are some awesome dominican condishes too... Ok officially I'm riding the fence:spinning:

i'll get to the bottom of it!:grin:
i called and the 1st girl that answered the phone after being asked what conditioners are considered deep conditioners said: uh...i dont know. (then it was quiet). so i said is there anyone there that would know and she said she'll transfer me. so i was transferred and got a voicemail. i left my name and number as well as email address so we'll see what she has to say......

TO BE CONTINUED...........
I'm going to Aveda this week so I'll see what they have to say too.

By the way....has anybody tried the Scalp Benefits Balancing poo & conditioner?
I'm going to Aveda this week so I'll see what they have to say too.

By the way....has anybody tried the Scalp Benefits Balancing poo & conditioner?

There was someone in one of the other threads who uses this one. But, I can't remember who.

Honey - Thanks girl for going to the source for further investigation. :yep:
i'm on it dog gone it ladies!!! they havent called me back so i'll try again. itsy, dont forget to check it out when you go
divine....we'll find something for you to do! :lachen:
i'm on it dog gone it ladies!!! they havent called me back so i'll try again. itsy, dont forget to check it out when you go
divine....we'll find something for you to do! :lachen:
I'm on it. I hope to go on my lunch break but judging by how this day is going I might not have time. I calling when the mall opens this morning..hopefully I'll get some answers!
yeah divine, we need an assignment for everyone!!!:grin:
i keep checking in here for a minute every so often, i'm really busy. i havent had a chance to call anyone!!:nono:
Okay Ladies
I finally called Aveda. The lady said the DR treatment (protein) & Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer (moisture) are considered Aveda's deep conditioners. We all know the DPHR has been discontinued but they still have some instock.
I asked if the AB can be used as a DC & she said " Well it caannn buuut....I don't know.......everybody's hair is different"
I have a feeling as we call our local store we will probably get conflicting info! OH well.......

Divine did you say you didn't like the DPHR? Can you give us a short review please!
I used the DPHR maybe once or twice, so I probably didn't give it a chance. I quickly gave it away at another forum's ATL meetup.

But yep you're right, I didn't like it. :yep: I don't remember it providing any slip at all and I had tangles. However, my hair did look good once I blow dried and curled with my (2" ceramic curling iron). Maybe I'll pick some up and revisit again, but I'm not too thrilled about the DPHR. But, I need to have some sort of deep conditioner.
Okay Ladies
I finally called Aveda. The lady said the DR treatment (protein) & Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer (moisture) are considered Aveda's deep conditioners. We all know the DPHR has been discontinued but they still have some instock.
I asked if the AB can be used as a DC & she said " Well it caannn buuut....I don't know.......everybody's hair is different"
I have a feeling as we call our local store we will probably get conflicting info! OH well.......

Divine did you say you didn't like the DPHR? Can you give us a short review please!

wow...good work itsy!!! how bout that?
i guess to be absolutely sure our hair is getting a deep moisturizer its allowable to stray from our baby aveda:kissing4:
i would like to try that elucence...mmm...
and divine it seems like any chance to buy anything is what you like!!:yep:. you need rehab!!! :lachen::lachen:

i'm on hold now...again....they're trying to find out...stay tuned..
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ok so i called and she asked if i had damaged hair. she wanted to know if i had any chemicals in my hair like a perm, color etc.
for that she recommended the damage remedy line
for no damage, she recommended any aveda conditioner. she said the conditioners are all heavy so they would all work BUT to come in and one of the stylists could recommend something specifically for my hair.:yawn:
so there ya go ladies!! i guess you can go by how your hair feels and acts and decide whether you want to STRAY away or not. if another deep conditioner provides the satisfaction you're looking for go with that. thats my recomendation!! its all about you:yep:
wow...good work itsy!!! how bout that?
i guess to be absolutely sure our hair is getting a deep moisturizer its allowable to stray from our baby aveda:kissing4:
i would like to try that elucence...mmm...
and divine it seems like any chance to buy anything is what you like!!:yep:. you need rehab!!! :lachen::lachen:

i'm on hold now...again....they're trying to find out...stay tuned..

Dang Honey!!! Girl, you know me toooooooo well!!! :lachen: I still have Elucence in the closet (I can never part with that). So, instead of going out buying something else, I'll use my Elucence conditioner or my dominican conditioner. I used to use Elucence all of the time before becoming an Aveda girl!

You'll love the Elucence!!!

Yay!!! We can stray for a deep conditioner. :clap:
ok so i called and she asked if i had damaged hair. she wanted to know if i had any chemicals in my hair like a perm, color etc.
for that she recommended the damage remedy line
for no damage, she recommended any aveda conditioner. she said the conditioners are all heavy so they would all work BUT to come in and one of the stylists could recommend something specifically for my hair.:yawn:
so there ya go ladies!! i guess you can go by how your hair feels and acts and decide whether you want to STRAY away or not. if another deep conditioner provides the satisfaction you're looking for go with that. thats my recomendation!! its all about you:yep:

Thanks for the update! Now, I don't know if I want to stray since the lady said any conditioner will do if we don't have damaged hair. :wallbash:
Thanks for the review Divine! I think im going to pass on the DPHR. I'm going to stick with Kenra. I already have it & I know it works. Although I will buy the Scalp Benefits Line. My scalp has been itchy so hopefully this will help. It's suppose to be very moisturizing.

What about ya'll..... what are you going to use for DC?
well for now i think i'll stick with brilliant as my deep conditioner. i do however, plan on trying the elucence. i hear so many good things about that. i'm just waiting for my gf because she gets mad discounts for hair stuff(not aveda though!). you know what else? i think i like the brilliant more than the smooth infusions. i'm not real crazy about that. dont get me wrong, i like it! but it doesnt turn me on.
divine, yeah, just break out what you already have girl! put your purse away!!!!!!!:whipgirl:
so yes, you all wont get :whipped:if you stray from aveda. not from me anyway...i didnt make the rules:grin:
Thanks for the review Divine! I think im going to pass on the DPHR. I'm going to stick with Kenra. I already have it & I know it works. Although I will buy the Scalp Benefits Line. My scalp has been itchy so hopefully this will help. It's suppose to be very moisturizing.

What about ya'll..... what are you going to use for DC?

I may check out the Scalp Benefits line myself. I've been having a flaky scalp lately and can't figure out what's causing it.

As far as deep conditioning...I'm going to use Elucence or my Dominican conditioner (Nacidit de Olivia). Perhaps I'll mix up a few things that I have in my closet. I have a concoction that I mixed up some time ago that's still in my closet that I used to use as a deep conditioner. But,, I can't remember what's in it. :lol:
The SI caused my hair to tangle really bad. I hadn't seen tangles that bad since my mishap with Keracare Humecto (in the bottle).

After my hair dried that's about all it was (dry) not much moisture but it was shiny.