August 2007 Hits & Misses

HONEYDEW! Omg, my heart hurts a little for ya thinking about that dryer. Surely it can be returned??!! Even still, I'm sure you were all set to use that thing! I'd probably end up crying being the emotion wreck I am, lol!

To justify me adding to this thread:
Hit: Kelp capsules! I've used them about a month and my nails and digestion are better if nothing else. I was an acrylic-junkie and decided to go natural everywhere... My nails are STRONG even after the last year of torture! My new growth is strong, too. It just seems like the texture is changing. Um, not really for the better, either (more coarse, seems more dry). I won't say it's a miss b/c I don't know how it'll be once I relax.
Now I am mad! I put it together, thank goodness. But, something is wrong with it. I turned it on the test it and the plastic inside is melted. I have smoke all in my room! It is DEFECTIVE!!

I upset because this thing was not all that cheap.

Dang! That's the same thing that happened to Glossy, but at least she got to use hers for 2 years first. That's messed up HD!!!:whyme:
I love this as a leave in too. I dont use it as often anymore but it's still good. (Sunsilk is holding me down right now in the leave-in dept. for less. ;))

Ooooh! Which product by Sunsilk? I love your hair! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :grin:
Hits: Hair 2 Heaven End All. I thought that this wasn't going to work for me, but my hair is in :love: . Castor Oil is also a huge hit for me.
HIT: Nacidit Olive Oil poo, con, and rinse :love2: I finally stepped out into the full dominican realm and all I can say is WOW!!! I thought Aveda DR made my hair melt, but it ain't got nothing on these. I must say I usually give products a few weeks to see any lasting effects, but these and Emergencia just make me wanna holla!:drunk:
Sunsilk Straighten Up Creme- This is really helping me manage my new growth. It helps tame and elongate my wash n goes, plus control shrinkage. :grin:

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle as a leave-in on damp hair- Just YUMMY!! :lick:

Revisited hit:
Braidouts- love these. Nicely maintained by co-washing too.
Ooooh! Which product by Sunsilk? I love your hair! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :grin:

Thanks so much. :love3: Right now I am using the pink and purple leave-ins. (Straight up is the purple, and Anti-Caida is the pink)
D"Nora Coconut and Carrot Revitalizer Treatment-my latest Dominican discovery-leaves hair soft and strong

Avanti Vita Hair Leave-in-conditioner vial-contains vitamin e-leaves hair soft and silky-giving Lacio Lacio competition

Jason Sea Kelp Conditioner
Coconut Oil

Continued Hit-Nexxus Humectin

D"Nora Coconut and Carrot Revitalizer Treatment-my latest Dominican discovery-leaves hair soft and strong

Avanti Vita Hair Leave-in-conditioner vial-contains vitamin e-leaves hair soft and silky-giving Lacio Lacio competition

Jason Sea Kelp Conditioner
Coconut Oil

Continued Hit-Nexxus Humectin


That is a nice list! I am glad you had no miss!
Yay! Thank you. I will be picking some up on tomorrow's shopping trip.

You are more than welcomed. The purple one is my top pick. ;)

The Dark Pink (Anti-Caida) is for breaking hair. I didn't know that when I picked it up. (I picked this one up by mistake) But it's great!! Here is the write up on it from the Sunsilk site.

You’re the girl who sees more hair on your brush and your bed than on your head. Don't worry. It’s normal for hair to fall, but the daily stress that your hair suffers may be making the problem worse. Sunsilk Anti-Ca
You are more than welcomed. The purple one is my top pick. ;)

The Dark Pink (Anti-Caida) is for breaking hair. I didn't know that when I picked it up. (I picked this one up by mistake) But it's great!! Here is the write up on it from the Sunsilk site.

You’re the girl who sees more hair on your brush and your bed than on your head. Don't worry. It’s normal for hair to fall, but the daily stress that your hair suffers may be making the problem worse. Sunsilk Anti-Ca

Thanks for the additional info! I don't have any breakage right now. Funny thing is before I read your reply I was looking at this in my local grocery store. I'm in North Carolina and the Harris Teeter markets have Sunsilk buy two get one free.

Off Topic: I'm a Taurus too. Thanks for the help my psychic sis! :blowkiss:

Redken All Soft Velvet Whip - it's a leave-in thermal softening treatment and it is excellent. I have been using it after several washes so far and I love it! It does just what it says. My hair is so soft. I can feel it as soon as I put it on. I got a sample of this to try so now I am going to get the full size. :infatuated:

Redken Clear Moisture Instant Polishing Prep - this is a leave in cutting and detangling lotion. I have used this a few times and it is a great detangler for me. Definite keeper.

Revisited Miss, Now a HIT
BTZ Split End Mender - I never cared for this but I was about to throw out the bottle and decided to try it again. This is a nice creamy leave in. I used it for wraps and pony air dries. Great results every time. I meant to mention this weeks ago.
Lenzi's Request Liquid. I love using this on my scalp for massages.

Like, deejoy with the pomade formula, I am getting great results with the liquid formula.

I just wish I knew what EOs she uses. I feel odd using it not know what is all in there.

Redken All Soft Velvet Whip - it's a leave-in thermal softening treatment and it is excellent. I have been using it after several washes so far and I love it! It does just what it says. My hair is so soft. I can feel it as soon as I put it on. I got a sample of this to try so now I am going to get the full size. :infatuated:

I really think this product is what I am looking for. I am kinda in between creamy leave-in right now, since my favorite was discontinued. I have a few I have been testing out, but nothing has really given me fireworks.

I just don't like the way the Redken All Soft Conditioner smells, so I assumed this one smelled the same way.
You are more than welcomed. The purple one is my top pick. ;)

*Mo throws a side glance at Tee and Priestess as she missed the press release about the Sunsilk Straighten Up Creme:rolleyes:...dusts shoulders off and keeps it movin....*jots down Sunsilk on hair list...*:look:
Thanks for the additional info! I don't have any breakage right now. Funny thing is before I read your reply I was looking at this in my local grocery store. I'm in North Carolina and the Harris Teeter markets have Sunsilk buy two get one free.

Off Topic: I'm a Taurus too. Thanks for the help my psychic sis! :blowkiss:

I dont have any breakage either so I was kinda suprised that I like it. Pick up some. I really love the Purple one. :yep:
*Hey Hey, another Taurus sister. ;)
*Mo throws a side glance at Tee and Priestess as she missed the press release about the Sunsilk Straighten Up Creme:rolleyes:...dusts shoulders off and keeps it movin....*jots down Sunsilk on hair list...*:look:

I just knew you were on this one!!



Sareca's Red Palm Cream. It's great! :kiss:

On The Fence:
Nutrine Garlic Poo: Suppose to help with shedding but it leaves my hair so dry and tangles. I still have some shedding but I dont think the tangles and dryness is worth it. (plus this has SLS and my hair is not use to that after using the yummy Eluence!
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I really think this product is what I am looking for. I am kinda in between creamy leave-in right now, since my favorite was discontinued. I have a few I have been testing out, but nothing has really given me fireworks.

I just don't like the way the Redken All Soft Conditioner smells, so I assumed this one smelled the same way.

HoneyDew...OT.......What did you ever do about your Pibbs??
HoneyDew...OT.......What did you ever do about your Pibbs??

They are going to send me another one, and refund me shipping for returning the defective one. I was looking forward to using it next week after I remove my braids. :sad:

I reported the product to I would not have if Glossy hadn't experience the same thing.

I am going to be afraid to use this thing, but it helps that I am aware.

Oh, mine was not a pibbs. It was the Pebco Pro-tools one that is about 50% less that the Pibbs. I like the dryer and I think it will be good for me - if it will not burn and melt! :ohwell:

Thanks, for asking Letitia. :)
They are going to send me another one, and refund me shipping for returning the defective one. I was looking forward to using it next week after I remove my braids. :sad:

I reported the product to I would not have if Glossy hadn't experience the same thing.

I am going to be afraid to use this thing, but it helps that I am aware.

Oh, mine was not a pibbs. It was the Pebco Pro-tools one that is about 50% less that the Pibbs. I like the dryer and I think it will be good for me - if it will not burn and melt! :ohwell:

Thanks, for asking Letitia. :)

I am so glad they are sending you another one. I was really wondering how they worked it out for you! I am glad they did the right thing. I can't wait to hear your update on it once you get to use it.
*OT again,:spinning: I order the Chocolate fling today. ;)
I am so glad they are sending you another one. I was really wondering how they worked it out for you! I am glad they did the right thing. I can't wait to hear your update on it once you get to use it.
*OT again,:spinning: I order the Chocolate fling today. ;)

:lick: I love that one. Please don't forget to tell me what you think. I think it gives a matte look so I want your opinion, too.
Revisited Hits:

Vitapointe Cream Hairdress (it was just ok on my relaxed hair but my natural hair loves a dime-size amount)
Palmer's Hair Success Yes, it has mineral oil but my hair adores it and stays moisturized for days after applying to wet/damp hair

New Products I'm buying this weekend: Colorshines or Colorshowers, Aveda DR Conditioner, Giovanni Direct leave in and my first denman :spinning: I will be up early tomorrow to feed the PJ in me after my workout and manicure. :yawn: