How do I flat iron?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Okay, I haven't been getting very good results with the cheapie flat iron I bought at the drugstore. So, I'm going to go with my hair dresser's advice and buy a Cricket. I'm wondering if anyone has any products that they recommend to apply to hair before flat ironing? For instance, today I washed my hair using Motions Shampoo and then Motions Leave-in Conditioner. Then I flat ironed . . . well, tried to, but it didn't do much. I had to follow it up with some gel to really get the edges straight.

Any advice?

Are you natural or relaxed?

I add serum (CHI silk infusion) to soaking wet hair, dry under the hooded dryer, add more serum, then flat iron in small sections.
I am relaxed . . . . I don't own a hooded dryer. Just a blow dryer and then I have this thing that looks like a shower cap attaches to the hair dryer