Astrology, do you believe?


New Member
Now I'm not one for believing in astrology but sometimes some of the stuff is dead on. Generally when I read about cancer (me! :grin:) they usually state that we are emotional. That sh*t is on point. I was curiously reading about the cancer/ taurus combo on and it was pretty interesting, actually they did pretty good on reading some basic points of our relationship and how we work together, so I want to know what do ya'll think?

This has nothing to do with religion or anything of that nature, I just want to know what you think? Please no negative comments needed.
I believe. Like JewelleNY, I'm an aquarius, and I have had strong connections with Libras and Geminis (which are supposed to be good matches with aquarians). I have also had bad relationships with cancer men. But some of my close girlfriends are cancers so I don't think it's the same with friendships. Just my opinion.
It's really silly, but I believe it holds true.......
Most guys that approach me are Scorpios, and every Scorpio I have dated has had the same traits(no more please :ohwell:)
The only thing I don't see that holds true is Capricorn guys....they seem so detached to me...they don't show enough attention...
Yup for both romantic relationships and friendships. I've noticed my relationships with members of the same signs share very similar dynamics. I know to stay far away from Sags and Pisces...
I think it's fun to read sometimes, but I'm not a firm believer. I have noticed things that have held to be true in relationships and personal traits, but by no means do I refer to astrology as my bible for relationships and life in general. It's more about entertainment and some interesting insight
I believe in that stuff 100%...well, may 98%

I always see myself as the stereotypical virgo because majority of the stuff I read in those guidebooks is right on point, even down to what type of profession I chose and the type of people I date. even my daily horoscope sometimes fits me to a tee.
I believe in it!!! Hmmm ok lemme say I 90% believe in it. I think some people don't fit their charts b/c they were not born when they should have been born. Ex. people born by c-section; induced labors, etc. I believe in a person's birth chart, not necessarily daily horoscopes...though cafeastrology's monthly horoscope seems to ring true most of the time. I'm a virgo and I tend to attract cancers, capricorns, pisceans, and taureans. I also think that a lot of what a birth chart says is true, but is tempered through experience and some habits manifest themselves differently than typically expected. Also, note that a person's sun sign is not all there is...there is that person's rising sign; their venus sign; their mars sign; their moon sign, etc. which al contribute to their personality.
I like to read it for fun. Sometimes I think my ascendant, Virgo, describes me more than my sun sign. Weird. I usually get along well with Cancers, Capricorns and Virgos.
I believe in it!!! Hmmm ok lemme say I 90% believe in it. I think some people don't fit their charts b/c they were not born when they should have been born. Ex. people born by c-section; induced labors, etc. I believe in a person's birth chart, not necessarily daily horoscopes...though cafeastrology's monthly horoscope seems to ring true most of the time. I'm a virgo and I tend to attract cancers, capricorns, pisceans, and taureans. I also think that a lot of what a birth chart says is true, but is tempered through experience and some habits manifest themselves differently than typically expected. Also, note that a person's sun sign is not all there is...there is that person's rising sign; their venus sign; their mars sign; their moon sign, etc. which al contribute to their personality.

Totally agree with this!
I believe there's some truth to astrology. (Read: I do believe that people born around the same time of the year have a tendency to share certain character traits.) I seem to have many of the traits that are attributed to Aries (...apparently we are the a$$holes of the zodiac:rolleyes:...) and my husband is a very stereotypical Gemini, down to the two personalities. Many of the traits and charateristics that they give for a Gemini-Aries relationship I can definitely see in ours.
i believe it completely. most of what they say about me is true. theres only 2 things so far that didnt hold truth in it. That is that im most compatible with virgos ( never! ) and that i put work over family/relationships and stuff. Also im not supposed to be compatible with geminis but my SO is one and we're perfect together. But i know it also ha to do with moons and all that sutff and im not to savvy about all that. Everything else is dead on though.

The most accurate one i find is ITs given monthly. The stuff "forcasted" in there is almost scary!
I believe there's some truth to astrology. (Read: I do believe that people born around the same time of the year have a tendency to share certain character traits.) I seem to have many of the traits that are attributed to Aries (...apparently we are the a$$holes of the zodiac:rolleyes:...) and my husband is a very stereotypical Gemini, down to the two personalities. Many of the traits and charateristics that they give for a Gemini-Aries relationship I can definitely see in ours.
Oh no I think the bolded might be true, just ask my coworkers. :lachen:
Some of you have to realize its more than your sun sign (the sign you were born under in my case march 10 pisces). The way you were brought up and your BIRTH CHART can give a better idea about your personality. I haven't found anyone yet but atleast once I'll go to an expert astrologer and have my chart read.
I believe in it!!! Hmmm ok lemme say I 90% believe in it. I think some people don't fit their charts b/c they were not born when they should have been born. Ex. people born by c-section; induced labors, etc. I believe in a person's birth chart, not necessarily daily horoscopes...though cafeastrology's monthly horoscope seems to ring true most of the time. I'm a virgo and I tend to attract cancers, capricorns, pisceans, and taureans. I also think that a lot of what a birth chart says is true, but is tempered through experience and some habits manifest themselves differently than typically expected. Also, note that a person's sun sign is not all there is...there is that person's rising sign; their venus sign; their mars sign; their moon sign, etc. which al contribute to their personality.

I agree, do you feel like giving us a better explaination on birth charts and rising signs?
I agree, do you feel like giving us a better explaination on birth charts and rising signs?

For rising signs: A rising sign (or ascendant) is the zodiac sign that was ascending on the Eastern horizon at the moment you took your first breath in this world. This is why an exact birth time is necessary to find your rising sign. Located on the cusp of the first house of your astrological chart, or at the nine o'clock position, the rising sign can exert an influence almost as powerful as your Sun and Moon signs. If you were to think of your Sun sign as your inner personality and potential, and your Moon sign as your emotional core, then you could say that your rising sign is your physical self or the face you present to the world. It is basically the personality that people "think" you are when they first meet you.

A birth chart pretty much lays out what planet your sun, moon, ascendant were in when you were born. It also charts all your planets when you were born as well as which "House" your planets were in. As far as what "Houses" are:

See, it's far more specific than just your sun sign. All of it may not be true, but most of it usually is from my experience. I think that a person's sun, moon, rising, venus, and mars are their most important aspects.
I am a strong believer, and do charts myself. A good site to look at is

She is the only astrologer where literally the things she mentions actually occurs on or around the certain dates mentioned. Even when I miss reading her monthly forecast, if I go back later, it is still accurate.

In any case I am a Leo with Scorpio rising. Make sure to always read your rising sign too for an accurate result.
So I found out I am a Pisces with a Sagattarius (sp) rising and Virgo moon. In fact, there was a lot of Virgo in my chart. I'm confused now. :spinning:
I am a strong believer, and do charts myself. A good site to look at is

She is the only astrologer where literally the things she mentions actually occurs on or around the certain dates mentioned. Even when I miss reading her monthly forecast, if I go back later, it is still accurate.

In any case I am a Leo with Scorpio rising. Make sure to always read your rising sign too for an accurate result.

Very true. I've been reading Susan's site for years now. :yep:
I just finished getting my info from cafeastrology... I swear I have the most depressing sign information...

You gotta give up hope when your natal chart says you're gonna have trouble finding a man. Dang! Throw a sista a bone! :nono:
I went on Astrology Zone and was blown away. I then read my DH's and his was to accurate. I am gonna read every month and find out my rising sign. That crap was crazy, I believe I am gonna have a good year, at least ath's what my horoscope says. It also explained the bad year I was having, thank God it is over.
I've been on and off interested in astrology since I was a kid. I'm a Libra, Virgo Rising & Cancer moon. The things I've read are pretty accurate, but I'm still iffy about whether I believe in it or not.

Oh, I went to Astrology Zone & my horoscope was on point! It was kinda freaky actually. Am I supposed to read my rising sign's horoscope too?