As badly as I'd like to be married...


Well-Known Member
.... I'm not going to marry just anything!!!

why don't men understand that?!?!?....

scenario: i was out at dinner with some of my friends and i noticed a familiar face walk by... i go to investigate and it's this guy that i was hanging out with as recently as 3-4 months ago.... so i'm pleasantly surprised right??... so i call out his name and he turns around and WHAM, i'm hit in the face with the stench of alcohol on his breath... ohkay... then he INTENTIONALLY mispronounces my name.. ummm, ok... so i brush it off, thinking hey, maybe he's just drunk... so i'm like all smiles, how are you, where have you been, haven't heard from you in a while... dude picks up his left hand to show me his brand spanking new wedding ring... lol

so i'm like, "oh, wow, congratulations" and i'm truly sincere right??.... why does dude come out with, "you missed out" with a smirk... :look:

yall, 3-4 months ago, dude was still trying to get ME to marry him... he couldn't even get a proper date together, but was trying to get me to MARRY him... he has 4 kids, still smokes the illegal stuff and really doesn't live the kind of life i'm looking to embrace in a man... so, it just baffles my mind that he would think that i'm going to be crushed because he's married someone (someone that i'm guessing he was seeing when he was hanging out with me... lol)...

yeah... i really missed the boat on that one... lol

some men are "funny"
My question is why wouldn't you want a prime piece of man like that? He hit 3 out of the four on my list 4 kids, drunk:spinning:, and smoking the chief...? KEEPER! Tell me he has 4 kids by 4 different women and I might have to grab him up myself....:look:

:lachen:Yeh right! Good for you for being cordial though. Very classy!:yep:
:yep::yep: Yeah, you surely missed out! Wished you'd have comeback good after that little retort! Where was the Mrs?...Bet she's a real winner too:rolleyes:!
With so many women out there accepting anything just to have somebody, he probably thinks he should have been accepted "as is". It's a shame that some women have set the bar so low that some men think the rest of us are supposed to fall in line if we want to be married. Improving themselves to get a woman with self esteem and worth is too much work :rolleyes:.
I feel GROSSLY OFFENDED when a pure waste of a man approaches me...
I mean, what makes you think that you would have HALF of a chance with me?
Originally posted by chickory- bee
I feel GROSSLY OFFENDED when a pure waste of a man approaches me...
I mean, what makes you think that you would have HALF of a chance with me?

Thank you for making me LOL!!! and choke on my cookie I am eating!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Y'know, even the men who aren't a complete waste of time, think that you should just be happy to be with them- cause they're a man. I had a conversation with a guy I was seeing at the time, and he had basically planned out how we were going to live and how he was going to spend my paycheck and his:ohwell: (he had a passion for a certain kind of car), but anyway, I questioned something and basically said what do I get out of this whole arrangement. Here's what he says, "Oh, you get a husband." I was like :perplexed Oh really. The black man shortage makes them think we should just be happy to have a man period. I don;t think so:nono: That (and other things) left a bad taste in my mouth, so needless to say we are no longer an item.
Y'know, even the men who aren't a complete waste of time, think that you should just be happy to be with them- cause they're a man. I had a conversation with a guy I was seeing at the time, and he had basically planned out how we were going to live and how he was going to spend my paycheck and his:ohwell: (he had a passion for a certain kind of car), but anyway, I questioned something and basically said what do I get out of this whole arrangement. Here's what he says, "Oh, you get a husband." I was like :perplexed Oh really. The black man shortage makes them think we should just be happy to have a man period. I don;t think so:nono: That (and other things) left a bad taste in my mouth, so needless to say we are no longer an item.


I KNOW THAT MUGGAFUGGA DIDN'T SAY THAT ISH!!! It might be a BLACK man shortage, but there isn't a MAN shortage! Watch me go out and find one that lets me spend HIS check! There is nothing worse than a man that thinks a woman is supposed to take care of HIM! UGH!! I need to bathe in bleach behind reading that. I feel contaminated!
I know, right. Don't get me wrong, he had a good job, too. But still, Oh, I'm supposed to buy this car for myself cause you like the idea of your wife driving that car. If its that critical to you, you pay the car note on that one also.

And we were gonna live in this majorly expensive neighborhood cause we could afford it on both our salaries. I'm much more about living below our means- it was not a good match. :nono:
Y'know, even the men who aren't a complete waste of time, think that you should just be happy to be with them- cause they're a man. I had a conversation with a guy I was seeing at the time, and he had basically planned out how we were going to live and how he was going to spend my paycheck and his:ohwell: (he had a passion for a certain kind of car), but anyway, I questioned something and basically said what do I get out of this whole arrangement. Here's what he says, "Oh, you get a husband." I was like :perplexed Oh really. The black man shortage makes them think we should just be happy to have a man period. I don;t think so:nono: That (and other things) left a bad taste in my mouth, so needless to say we are no longer an item.

Girl you told the truth then:clapping:, they think you should just be glad you got a man, i cant stand the way some of these men think these days. and the nerve of him saying that "you get a husband":ohwell: thats some ego:rolleyes:

I KNOW THAT MUGGAFUGGA DIDN'T SAY THAT ISH!!! It might be a BLACK man shortage, but there isn't a MAN shortage! Watch me go out and find one that lets me spend HIS check! There is nothing worse than a man that thinks a woman is supposed to take care of HIM! UGH!! I need to bathe in bleach behind reading that. I feel contaminated!
too funny yall... it's good to know that i don't have the market cornered when it comes to undesirables...

let's hope that the current flame is a keeper... i wanna start positng happy happy threads about love and stuff.. lol