Are your overprotective of lhcf do you share?


Ok so when I'm on this site my bf likes to come sit by me while I'm reading threads and when I'm responding to a thread he likes to put in his two cents. I get really annoyed and tell him to back away. If he ain't tryin' to grow healthy hair then I don't need his opinion.:lachen:
I mean he helps me with my hair and everything, anytime I need help with my hair he's always willing to help but I'm overprotective of lhcf and I don't like him trying to tell me nothing or give his input when I'm responding to a thread.

I know sounds kinda rude but he knows I'm obsessed with lhcf this is my thing and I don't like to share!!!!!!! Am I wrong for this cause I told him to go find a guy site and do his thing but when I'm on here don't bother me!!!!!:look:
lol, i guess it's ok as long as it doesn't cause undue strain in the relationship, which it doesn't seem to be doing. we all need our own things and our own space. your thread had me laughing, though! My old boyfriend was asian-american and one time he came to the BSS with me and was trying to help me buy products and putting in his two cents, and i was like seriously, go stand by the door :grin:.
Your post made me laugh. That is so cute that he tries to help you answer stuff, lol. But I'm with you because I like to be left alone when I'm doing my hair thing.
Thanks guys at least I know I'm not the only one that likes to do my lhcf thing and not be bothered!!!! I know he's only trying to help though:)
That's funny that you asked that. My bf busted me 2 weeks ago. I had never told him about this site. He thinks it's crazy to have a site about hair, but now when I log on he wants to sit by me and read posts and I feel like he's invading my territory so I know what you mean!
Shimmerwink said:
That's funny that you asked that. My bf busted me 2 weeks ago. I had never told him about this site. He thinks it's crazy to have a site about hair, but now when I log on he wants to sit by me and read posts and I feel like he's invading my territory so I know what you mean!

I had a guy friend and he always complained about me being on the site. It was so bad I would turn my laptop in the other direction so he couldn't read.
I know!! I can't be on LHCF when my guy friend is around. I just don't want his two cents about anything regarding my hair or what I'm doing. But that's because I've know him for 7 years and I am 99% sure I don't want or need to hear it.
The other day I had just bought some WGO and I wanted to check on the form to see the best way to use it but he was just all in my personal space. I mean really he was all over my laptop wanting to know my business.
So no I don't think it's selfish I just think it's your thing. While your boyfriend may know a lot about hair it's just that in a relationship we can't share everything.
My husband like to do the same. I tell him "If your trying to grow your bald head then sit your &^% here, if not get away from me":lol:

Last night he was like what are you using glycerine for? I saw you posting a question about it.

He gets me so mad with that. I keep it nice b/c I need him to take the growth pictures:lachen:
santia said:
My husband like to do the same. I tell him "If your trying to grow your bald head then sit your &^% here, if not get away from me":lol:

Last night he was like what are you using glycerine for? I saw you posting a question about it.

He gets me so mad with that. I keep it nice b/c I need him to take the growth pictures:lachen:

Bwhahahhahaha..... :lol:

This whole thread is funny.....
I know what you mean. My guy friend was over and my computer is right next to my bed so he is laying on the bed crossways all up in what I am doing. Its so terrible I'm thinking go away so I can read these posts! Not like I am doing anything personal but I just want to enjoy lhcf in peace! :lol: I did show him a couple of my inspirational fotki's though. :look: I told him my goal was to have hair down my back like that.
well my bf has his site he goes to and i have mine
we do take a look at each other sites.
he also is happy I'm on this site because he thinks when my hair grows back I won't cut it off anymore ( he likes me with longer hair) .
When my sisters came over I tryed to share with them
but they think this is too much, and one of the out there things that they fell I do.:ohwell:
I am overprotective. Nobody even know how come here but my mom and I don't think that even she is aware of how much I visit this site daily. Nobody understands hair like we do.
blueabyss333 said:
I had a guy friend and he always complained about me being on the site. It was so bad I would turn my laptop in the other direction so he couldn't read.

:lol: just picturing this...
santia said:
My husband like to do the same. I tell him "If your trying to grow your bald head then sit your &^% here, if not get away from me":lol:

Last night he was like what are you using glycerine for? I saw you posting a question about it.

He gets me so mad with that. I keep it nice b/c I need him to take the growth pictures:lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: LMAO!
This thread is funny! Nobody I deal with really knows about LHCF except for my bf. If someone else comes in the room or something, I minimize the window really fast because I don't feel like explaining it to them.

My bf doesn't really care enough about hair to offer input. If I ask him his opinion, he's like, "As long as your hair looks good..."
This whole thread is cute and funny...
yall have me rolling:lachen:

I dont have a SO...but none of my male friends know that I have a site I go to...they just know that I am transitioning...and they have learned to be supportive once they realized how important it was to me...

I have told a lot of my female friends about the site...and even people I meet like the lady who helped me at Sephora....but I dont admit to ANYBODY how much time I spend on here...but I am mostly on LHCF when its slow at work... so its just me in my office (and after email and facebook if I am pressed for time)....and sometimes at night at home but that is rare...I actually find coming here kinda I may peep in if I just need a break from things at work...:D So I can related with the need for it to be "personal" time...
Right now I'm staying with my mom & made the mistake of telling her about this site & letting her use my password to visit on her own and telling what to do to grow out her badly damaged, down-right crazy looking hair. She followed some of my advice (thanks to LHCF) got some really good results...then had the nerve to not only stop doing what I advise (after she saw the good results) but THEN had the audacity:mad: to say to me I was spending too much time on the website...1) I'm a grown *** woman #2) Maybe I've have been on the website 2 or 3 times @ home because I do my surfing at work #3) Ask me what website I was on in the 1st place..nun ya bizness... I totally regret even telling her about my hair goal & this website! Next time she ask me for advice, she will, I will have to lie and say I really don't go on that site anymore and I'm changing my password:grin:
*lol* My SO doesn't care about my LHCF obsession. In fact, I try to draw him in by sharing things with him that I think are neat or funny and he'll laugh or whatever and then be like....:ohwell: :look: :yawn: :sleeping:
My husband thinks LHCF is funny. He ask me questions that he knows has to do with LHCF so that I can say LHCF.

for instance... I'm on GHLW challenge and he asked me why can't I comb my fro? I had to tell him because I'm in the GHLW challenge. He knew it had something to do with LHCF and he replied, "You can't comb your hair? Well hell that ain't no care if you can't comb your hair."

We were at Walmart the other day and I was looking for coconut oil for my hair. He asked, "Why do you need coconut oil?" I said, "You already know why." He laughs and says, "for your hair?" he he he!
wadadligyal said:
Ok so when I'm on this site my bf likes to come sit by me while I'm reading threads and when I'm responding to a thread he likes to put in his two cents. I get really annoyed and tell him to back away. If he ain't tryin' to grow healthy hair then I don't need his opinion.:lachen:
I mean he helps me with my hair and everything, anytime I need help with my hair he's always willing to help but I'm overprotective of lhcf and I don't like him trying to tell me nothing or give his input when I'm responding to a thread.

I know sounds kinda rude but he knows I'm obsessed with lhcf this is my thing and I don't like to share!!!!!!! Am I wrong for this cause I told him to go find a guy site and do his thing but when I'm on here don't bother me!!!!!:look:

That is SO cute! I'm still too ashamed to let other people see I'm reading and talking about hair so I don't let them see the screen.
santia said:
My husband like to do the same. I tell him "If your trying to grow your bald head then sit your &^% here, if not get away from me":lol:

Last night he was like what are you using glycerine for? I saw you posting a question about it.

He gets me so mad with that. I keep it nice b/c I need him to take the growth pictures:lachen:

:lol: :lachen: :lachen:
MzTami said:
My husband thinks LHCF is funny. He ask me questions that he knows has to do with LHCF so that I can say LHCF.

for instance... I'm on GHLW challenge and he asked me why can't I comb my fro? I had to tell him because I'm in the GHLW challenge. He knew it had something to do with LHCF and he replied, "You can't comb your hair? Well hell that ain't no care if you can't comb your hair."

We were at Walmart the other day and I was looking for coconut oil for my hair. He asked, "Why do you need coconut oil?" I said, "You already know why." He laughs and says, "for your hair?" he he he!

BWAAAHAHAHAHA!:lachen: :lachen: I'm eating my lunch and you almost made me choke!
I posted this before. My husband, jump on the sofa next to me one day and said "Feel my hair." I did and gave him the what-am-i-supposed-to-feel look. He sighed and said "I used a moisturizing conditioner." I said "You know I'm posting this on the forum, right?" :lachen:Needless to say he's very supportive so I share.
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awww this is so cute!

My boy has my password and he loves to go on the entertainment forum. But he won't read anyones post, just look at the pictures cause then he's "not really on LHCF" WHATEVER. I'm about to tell him to subscribe his damn self. But he did pay the $5 for me cause I didn't have paypal so maybe I won't say anything. He even agreed to help me Henna my hair. Sometimes he's like show me the cute girls on LHCF and I'm like whatever! He takes me to buy ALL my hair stuff and point out ingredients like mineral oil, protein, etc. He always wants to twist my hair and I'm like NO, cause he has big hands and don't know his strength, he might pull all my hair out! Other than him, I don't share unless someone specifically asks about something cause everyone and their mama would be here and I feel like this is my sanctuary. selfish, I know....
Adrian said:
I am overprotective. Nobody even know how come here but my mom and I don't think that even she is aware of how much I visit this site daily. Nobody understands hair like we do.

We are here >--------<. I can so relate.:lachen:
defin overprotective. my hubby works with a tone of women and he constantly asks me the name of the website but i never tell :lol:
This is the cutest.... I don't have a bf, but I share with my brother all the stuff I learn here. He thinks it is weird I have "virtual friends" and that I talk about my hair and the crazy stuff yall say all the time. And when we had our hair meeting here he was str-8 concerned I was going to meet people I know off the internet.

I even make his go shopping for hair products with me at the mall and go walk down the hair product aisle at the drug stores. I'm dragging him from store to store and I see the annoyance on his face. But I'm his big sistah so he do what I say
I tell strangers all the time. Thanks to this site I dont hesitate to go up to a woman with a nice natural style and compliment her and ask questions. I know sometimes being natural it's nice to have the extra validation as it not AS accepted as relaxed hair by a lot of folx. I've also found out one of our cosmetology school salons is afrocentric that way. I'm thinking of making up cards with some of the sites I visit because I never have a pen or pencil and paper handy.

I told both my sisters in the beginning, but since I'm a lot more open now and prone to tell my business and talk about the one evil one, I hope they never join. I always tell my other sister info I've found, and when I relaxed her hair the other day I gave her tips I got from the board. She was home for the first time in a long time from out of town and used and LOVED my deman. I told her it was another product recommendation from the ladies on my hairboard. She would much rather get filtered info from me than get it on her own.

My sister in law knows about my quest to banish parabens, she said she told her daugther and now her daughter looks for products but since they are in everything shes not taking steps to get rid of them, but at least she is conscious now.

Two of my nieces could really benefit, they are 18 and 19, but honestly, they are so ghetto, I would probably have to ban them for language and poppin off at the mouth within a month... :lol: I just give them tips.
My hubby he is very supportive of my hair goals. He wasnt at first but he loooves my 1yr progress and knows that my hair is growing nicely. But i do feel like this site is how i relax in the evenings and sometimes he'll look at pics with me or we'll read a funny post or view the entertainment board. but i would be EXTREMELY annoyed if he were to hover me and try to type on this board with me. he has his own entertainment site that he browses though. As far as other people i never do feel comfy telling them about the site because i think this site offers too much info for just an average person who doesn't really care about hair. I do feel comfy giving them cathy howses website. it's very short and to the point...