Are your overprotective of lhcf do you share?

my husband thinks it is funny but...he will lean over and read the entertainment section:lol: . He loves the gossip and thinks that some of the hair tips are hysterical. I haven't had the heart to tell him about the mn I've been putting on my scalp:eek: He keeps asking where his foot cream has gone:look: .

He laghs when I buy a new product and tells me to quit putting so much s@*t on my hair and it will grow on it's own but, he is quick to tell me "don't even think about cutting it" and he can tell how much it has grown. :grin:

I have tried to tell girlfiends and even my sisters about the site-they are why too hard headed and won't listen to good advice.They always ask what I'm doing to my hair to make it grow, I just tell them now nothing:cool: