Are you robbing the cradle?

With regard to age, where do you and your SO/DH fall?

  • Just call me Stella... (10+ yrs younger than you)

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • No, he's my boo, not my daddy... (10+ yrs older than u)

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Same decade... (less than 10 yr age difference either way)

    Votes: 35 87.5%
  • Went to school with Hugh Hefner... (20+ yrs older than you)

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Just call me Linda Hogan... (20+ yrs younger than you)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Ok ladies, I was wondering today whether or not most of us tend to date/marry people around our same age? For some reason, I feel like nowadays age is much less of an issue.

So, who in here is dating or is married to a "youngin"? How much younger? By the same token, who found themselves an older man? How much older?

This should be fun :grin:
My husband is 9 years younger than me. I met him when he was 17 and I was 26. We didn't start dating until he was 21 and I was 30.
I haven't met a man under 25 since I became over 25 who interested me. This includes young men who are on the right track. Even when they are on the right track it just seems like I am moving backward if I try to date them.
Just call me Stella...

For some reason once I hit mid thirties older men didn't even try to talk to me. The only ones trying were way younger then me some in their early 20's so I stopped dismissing them and figured I need to open up to the possibilities.

I'm 38 and he's 28. We met when he was 25.
I was dating someone younger and that didn't work out. Now he's e-dating someone older than I am and I'm happy to be through.
I'm dating someone older..... we actually get along really well.

Hmmm... I notice you didn't mention how MUCH older :look:

One of my friends dates a much older man and it seems like they really enjoy each other, he definitely treats her VERY well! :yep:
The cradle keeps poppin up .......its either....45-50's or 20somethings:look:

I just gotta find the most suited one......
My last SO was 1 year and 2 months younger than me...when we started dating that drove me nuts. Even now the idea of dating younger guys (even though our relationship was great while it lasted) freaks me out. Maybe when I'm a little older I'll be more open
Boo is 8 years older than me. I don't date men my age. the youngest I'll go is 25--5 years older than me.
Im stella all the way.

i'm 41 and current boo is 25.

Get it girl! How did you two meet?

I never even SEE any younger guys here in DC for some reason and I only get "approached' by older men when I'm out running errands e.g grocery shopping, post office, etc.

For the most part, everyone I talk to is within 3-5 years of my age.
DH is 15 years older...I'm 28.

My cradle has been robbed and will never be the same. lol
I did once..werent any major age gap..i was 20 he was 17....lets just say yeah dude was FINE but as time went on- IMMATURE to the max- its not something I`d be in a rush to do again- ever!
Get it girl! How did you two meet?

I never even SEE any younger guys here in DC for some reason and I only get "approached' by older men when I'm out running errands e.g grocery shopping, post office, etc.

For the most part, everyone I talk to is within 3-5 years of my age.

i met this particular one in at a lounge.

i met the last one online.
I'm married to a younger man by 2.5 years. He's the oldest in his family and I'm the youngest in mine so he doesn't seem to "respect his elders (me :) ) and do whatever I say like I tell him to.
well i'm not with anyone but i tend to only be attracted to guys that are older....and as i get older, i find their age going up :-/ ....I think I'd draw the line at 20 years tho. As for younger guys.....not particularly interested. I can't even see myself with someone my own age, so younger??? No way Jose.
I'm 8 years older than my dh. Before him, I was mostly into older guys (10 yrs older than me and up)
I'm so glad same decade was a response.

My SO is 3.5 years younger--in the beginning it really bothered me, because I dated someone almost 4 years younger before and immaturity was an issue. Not this time around though...

On a side note, my friends ALWAYS clown me for finding the young ones--I'm 27 and I always get approached by guys who are 23-24. I have a baby face though, so that's probably one explanation.