Are you in a GREAT relationship? SPILL!!

For the first time in a long time I can say that I am in a great relationship. I have known my SO for 4 years but we have been dating for 6 months and I'm still surprised that we have the type of relationship we do.

We were introduced by a mutual friend and when I first met him I told her, I would never ever date him but he is a cool dude and we could be friends. I didn't know it at the time but he had a girlfriend and was in the tail end of a divorce. We still remained friends and would speak and hang out every now and then but we both kept it moving since I still was not that interested in him at all. We are both in the military and he went on deployment for 7 months and then shortly after I went on deployment for 11 months. Through it all we still stayed in touch and remained friends. On my way back from deployment he started telling me that he never got rid of his feelings for me he wanted to see if we could start a relationship and I told him no because, I STILL didn't like him like that and I had just ended a terrible relationship and didn't want to date anyone else for at least a year (I was on a man-cation like Val from Single Ladies lol).

Things started to change when I got sick one day and was home along and he called to check on me. I was so weak and helpless and he drove over to my house to bring me some medicine and chicken noodle soup. This was major to me because I had spoken to several friends that day and none of them offered to come over and my brother lives with me and he left me at home all day to go skateboarding. My SO was the one that lived the furthest away and the only one that came to check on me.

My feeling started to change and then he told me that he accepted orders to San Diego (we currently live in VA). I am not built for a LDR so I told him we couldn't be together. He told me that he would wait for me for as long as it took. Fast forward a month and we started dating (he put in a lot of work and had to do a lot of convincing) and then he told me he was able to get out of his orders and stay in VA.

He is the most caring and loving man I have ever been with. He does more for me and my son than I could ever ask for. I know he truly loves me and he shows me every day.
Don't be shy ladies, we know some of y'all are in great relationships from reading about it on other threads, come spill the beans here:D.
The biggest things that what makes me say I have a great relationship is the amount of effort we put into communicating. My guy is a ALPHA LEO man, who has an annoying need to have the last word. Sometimes his tone of voice leaves much to be desired but here is the good part, many times when we are talking and the conversation gets heated. We will stop and make sure we are on the same page.

He makes me look him in the eyes so that we can repeat what the other has said just to make sure we are understanding each other. Sometimes I am completely in left field as is he and we will laugh it about it because we realize we have just avoided a full blown argument.
I'd like to share my story. It's kind long so brace yourself.

n_lucky..for inspiration :yep:

MY SO and I met in college. Before we started dating, I had always admired him from a distance. He had a girlfriend at the time and I was in awe of how he treated her. He was so gingerly to her in all of his actions to her. I often wished I had that spot. :rolleyes:

As time passed, the two of them separated and he and I began to form a friendship. I don't even know when our friendship blossomed into something serious but somehow everyone around us realized how we felt about each other and what we had before we admitted it to ourselves.

We spent most nights outside on the yard at school discussing our families, goals, our likes/dislikes, etc. We soon became inseparable. People would ask if we were dating and we would remark, "Nah, we just cool." :lol:

He even asked me to be his girlfriend for a week and then broke up me (but that's an entire story in itself :lol:) But when he broke up with me saying, "Let's just be friends," something about him saying that was totally different than if it had come from any other guy. From the time we spent getting acquainted, I knew there was something special about him that didn't exist anyone else I've ever dated. As I had done every time before, I prayed and asked God, "Lord, if he is supposed to be in my life. Let him stay. If not, remove him from me (not by death or anything) but just let the relationship fizzle out." Every relationship before him fizzled. He didn't go anywhere.

I dated (without sex) a lot of DUDS and BUMS (you know B.asically U.nder M.y S.tandards) before him so it didn't take long to realize the gem I had. He was all that I had observed and prayed about and more! I felt that this man was created for me. (God has revealed something about him but I will wait until it happens to be sure :grin:)

When I told him that I was saving myself until marriage he told me, he "didnt want sex from me." I was like :look: "Is he gay?" :lachen: But he went on to explain that I was a woman who deserved more than just sex. I was wife material and I deserved to be treated with respect and cherished. I was like :shocked: :pray::pray::yahoo::yahoo::love3::love3:

Fast forward to now, he has respected my decision and we are STILL waiting til marriage. We have been dating for 3 1/2 years. We have both since finished college and are working on our separate goals until we decide to marry. He has continuously showed me how a woman should be treated. He is selfless, compassionate, a LISTENER and very observant. He has always catered to his mom, sisters, family, & strangers so I knew then that he would know how to treat me. He always showers me with his love, support, adoration and prayers. God has remained the center of our relationship and my SO continues to exude Christian values by his "fruit."

Some say that the "infatuation stage" of any relationship only lasts the first year, but we are still so in love. I truly love everything about this man. He is my best friend. Even the things I don't like about him, I couldn't imagine those quirks coming from anyone else. He exudes so many Christ-like characteristics, its hard not to love him.

Sorry for the long post but I too once believed that all men cheated, were dogs, etc. He makes sure daily to maintain my trust and my love. I believe his parents example of a long and loving relationship (32 years) shapes the man he is today.
I could go on and on but I will stop now! :grin:
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My man is truly the sweetest. He's easy going, kind, patient, funny, he gets me. We vibe. We don't argue. He makes me better. The only thing is that he wants more kids. I already have 4. He wants 2 more. I'm 35. I feel like I have made my contribution to the world. I gave him the opportunity to end things and create the life he wants, but he wants me more. I wouldn't mind one more, but my tubes are tied :(
DH and I have been together for 9 years now. We got engaged in October 2014 and married in June 2016, so we just celebrated our second wedding anniversary! He was my first boyfriend, so don’t have anyone to compare him to, but I’ll go into a couple stories/reasons why I knew he was the one:
1. I am incredibly introverted, and all of my life, I would need my space from people (even my best friends) after certain amounts of time. We’d been together for years at this point, but he came to my dorm and spent the weekend with me. We were together for 4 days straight, and that Monday evening, it clicked. Being with him was like being by myself. It was healing/rejuvenating in a way I had only experienced from solitude.
2. Humility and lack of ego. I’ve always had incredibly lofty professional and academic ambitions. Seeing the love and pride in his eyes as he encouraged me to take opportunities like studying abroad that would have us living apart, or extracurricular that would mean less time together. He looks at my accomplishments as his accomplishments, not as threats to his masculinity.
3. Faith. He’s always been a sturdy, disciplined and spiritual person. He grew up Catholic, but did an adult baptism with me into the Southern Baptist denomination after lots of research and discussion on both of our parts. I needed someone who I could pray with, and I have him.
4. Dedication. He waited for 4-7 hours outside for me with food on hand both times I took the LSAT when I was applying to law school.
When I caught the flu or had a migraine, he would routinely read 100 pages of cases to me in a night so I wouldn’t be behind for class the next day.
5. Best friends. I can say without reservation that he is my best friend in the world. The person I share the most with, who knows and understands all of my moods, traumas, vulnerabilities, resentments, beliefs, and what’s more, doesn’t judge me for even the worst of them. Growing up in a Caribbean family, I was taught/socialized never to overshare with friends, since I never knew 1. When they might turn on me and 2. How they felt about me deep down. Jealousy/envy/simple joy at another’s pain are all powerful sources of negativity, in my opinion.
Entering a Christian relationship/marriage (where God ordained us to become one being, and not two) freed me to bring my full and authentic self to DH, since my being is the other half of his, and vice versa, and he has never given me a reason to regret that level of openness/trust.
6. Familiarity. Writing all of this out felt weird. I really had to think about it, like if someone asked me why I love my arm or leg. Having it is as natural as breathing; I wake up with it and go to sleep with it. I imagine I’ll die with it, so why ask about something I’ve always had, and without which I don’t know what it’s like? But then I realize, he is literally a separate individual from me, who God decided to bring to me and gift to me.

So, yeah, that’s our ‘story’ I guess.