Are you in a GREAT relationship? SPILL!!

Whenever he told me he would do something - he did. I never had to wait on phone calls or wonder if I should make backup plans just in case he faked or “something came up.” He always wanted tobe around me as much as I wanted to be around him. I realized that contrary to other relationships, I had no reason to call my friends on some "do you think he likes me?" Or "OK, so he said XYZ to me, what do you think that means?" Me and my friends were BIG on analyzing and deciphering the "codes" of guys we dated. With my DH, there was no need for it. There was no mysterious code. Whatever he said was CLEAR. Whatever he promised was DONE. Whatever he felt, he EXPRESSED. Period!!!! He NEVER tried to front with me. Even early on, he would say things or refer to me in ways that made me say "dang, he's hella bold. He's wide open and he DOES NOT care." I LOVED and continue to love that about him. While some “men” would call it simpin, I call it confidence.

My husband's cool and I never imagined that I could find someone with whom I'd be this compatible. Even though we're not carbon copies of one another, we find ways to manage our differences and have a love and respect of one another that I truly cherish. :yep:
My SO and I have been together for over 4 years, and everything is just as intense (if not more) as when we first started dating. He tells me he knew I was the one when I told him how I felt about a certain rapper. I knew he was the one when I found myself stressing over stressing over a dinner that I was supposed to cook for him. We both confessed that we loved each other at the same time. All of our friends could tell without us having to telling them.

We still call each other at the same time and freak out over it, tell each other the corniest jokes we can think of, and are always there for each other when someone is stressed out. We mesh so well it's almost scary.

I still get that tingly feeling whenever I'm around him. We'll have our spats but we always made sure to tackle whatever issues we had head on because the bigger picture (a strong marriage) is so much more important. This is my first (and hopefully only) serious relationship and I know I'm not missing out on anything else because he's got everything I want. I can't wait to have his last name.
I'm in the most amazing relationship I could ever imagine, with the most amazing man.

Me "spilling" would result in the probably the longest post in LCHF history and this mojito he made me is not going to help so I'll leave it be with the first sentence. LOL

I will say this...he definetly led me to FIND my faith in love and men (I can't say "renew" because before him....I never had any).

bump, please spill
I am going to spill. I am in a wonderful relationship! This is my first real serious relationship and I feel like he is the one. We have known each other for two years. We have more in common than I have in common with any other soul on this earth, we are able to just about tell what the other is thinking, and it's an amazing feeling being so close to someone who ultimately is so far away. For the last 4 months he has been 3,800 miles away. he is leaving for NC and then will be about 400 miles away while he is on base for Army training. He is the most considerate, kind, mild mannered, mature yet playful, responsible man I've ever met. I honestly believe God brought us together, I have always been very careful about who i gave my heart to. It took almost two years before I decided to go for it and let my heart free, and finally, for almost three months we have been together. Both of us never had any relationships prior to the one we share, and I feel like we have a chance to have so many firsts together and its wonderful. When he decided to go into the army, my worst fears came true and for the first time I felt a fear I never thought I would ever have to face. I knew then I loved him. I pleaded for him not to go but I knew if this is what he really wanted to do then I had to let him go and follow his mind. He is doing this because he said he wants to be able to take care of his family and provide for them, he wants to help my family and he wants to be a larger part of my little brothers life. He wants to be a role model for him and I feel like, even though he is only 21..he's done more for me, my family, in the last two years than a lot of people I have known for just about most of my life have done, and it's all been done from his heart. The beautiful thing about it is, even though he not the same race as me (he is greek,hispanic, and a hint of african american) we are closer than anyone I've ever met, and I'm just so glad I didnt let race or anything else for that matter hold me back from getting to know him for the wonderful man he is. I can't imagine myself without him. I'm blessed.
That was beautiful Opalsunset, thanks for sharing, sounds like you have a wonderful and caring guy. I wish you both the best!
I've been married to a wonderful man for a little over a year now. I have had my share of abusive, messed up, toxic relationships plus one bad first marriage under my belt. I didn't think a good man existed. Just when I gave up and I mean literally I had just told a friend that I think I'm going to be single forever, my DH walked into my life.
A few months into our courtship, I had to have a major unexpected operation. He was there with me the whole time. He took care of me. I had never experienced this before. He proposed 6 months later.
I call him my unicorn because I didn't think men like him existed. He is God fearing. He loves his children (from a previous marriage) and he loves my son like his own. He gives me good advice. He sacrifices for me. He's kind and gentle but he's not a push over. God answered my prayers. I couldn't ask for more and I thank God daily for him. He keeps me grounded. I used to be a mess. Ladies, don't settle for less than what you want. Hold on, because they are out there. Much Love to you all! :grouphug:
Last edited:
I've been married to a wonderful man for a little over a year now. I have had my share of abusive, messed up, toxic relationships plus one bad first marriage under my belt. I didn't think a good man exisited. Just when I gave up and I mean literally I had just told a friend that I think I'm going to be single forever, my DH walked into my life.
A few months into our courtship, I had to have a major unexpected operation. He was there with me the whole time. He took care of me. I had never experienced this before. He proposed 6 months later.
I call him my unicorn because I didn't think men like him existed. He is God fearing. He loves his children (from a previous marriage) and he loves my son like his own. He gives me good advice. He sacrifices for me. He's kind and gentle but he's not a push over. God answered my prayers. I couldn't ask for more and I thank God daily for him. He keeps me grounded. I used to be a mess. Ladies, don't settle for less than what you want. Hold on, because they are out there. Much Love to you all! :grouphug:

That is so beautiful! God is so mindful of us! My mother always told me, love comes when you least expect it. When you look for it, its much harder than when you are not expecting it and just enjoying life, then thats when he sends someone into your life. Thats exactly what happened to me.
That is so beautiful! God is so mindful of us! My mother always told me, love comes when you least expect it. When you look for it, its much harder than when you are not expecting it and just enjoying life, then thats when he sends someone into your life. Thats exactly what happened to me.

I havent found love yet but I've always believed this to be true.

All you ladies give me hope!
Well my relationship is very new...but I am VERY happy. I am finally with a man that makes me very very happy. I mean...I feel like I am dreaming. We are inseperable...and neither of us seem to get tired of the other. I love his smell...rubbing his head while he watches tv...or him rubbing my feet after dinner. We have dinner everynight that he is not at work...and we spend every moment that we are not working together. I can not stop smiling....just can't stop. This is the first time I have ever been this happy. I even like when he says "because I said so..." LOL He always jokes with it...but even if he wasn't.....he is so manly and rugged...yet so sweet. That's my baby.
Absolutley. I love telling how much I love my husband. We've been married for seven years and dated for four years before that. We met on a blind dates and are complete opposites of one another (I'm talkative and outgoing, he's laidback and quiet).

What makes us click so well? We are committed and our relationship (i.e. communication, love, respect, sharing) still grows and gets better every year.

How did I know he was the one? God showed me the man he could be before he had even gotten to that level. I don't know if that makes sense, but it was special.

He's patient, not a cheater, and on many occasions has shown how much he would sacrifice in order for me to be happy (whether that would include him or not). For example:
  • Buying me groceries whenever he got paid while I was in college, working two jobs to pay tuition and rent. I had decided that not eating would make bills a lot simplier. He was not having that.
  • Personally planning a surprise baby shower for me, even though I said I didn't want one.
  • Staying up a full 48 hours with me while I typed my master's thesis because I was pregnant and he wanted to make sure the baby would be OK if I stayed up that long.
  • Giving me his ATM card daily because he believes that me and my son should have fun while he's at work.
I used to think he was to quiet and shy for me, now I realize his hustle is smooth and I can just be..........happy.
I browse through here, and there is a lot of depressing stuff going on. Cheating, abuse, etc...

Are you happily married?
Are you and S/O truly, truly happy?

If so, share!

Share what makes you two click so well.
Share the things (keep it clean, though :) ) that you and SO do to make each other happy.

Share how you knew that SO was the one for you.

Share the positivity, so that young women like me don't go on thinking that all men are liars, cheaters, and stoopid :grin:
This is a great topic OP. You are right. There is so much negativity on here when it comes to relationships and that can leave alot of women jaded. So here’s my story.

I've been married for a little over a year to the most wonderful man ever. We met and got engaged about 4 months after meeting and married 9 :blush: I NEVER expected our courtship to be so quick, but prior to him I had been in another relationship that was cool. The guy was great, smart, attentive, but I just didnt feel the passion that I would want to feel with someone I would share my life with. He would do anything for me, but I just wasnt madly in love. :ohwell: I chose to end the relationship and started praying about things in my life. I was kind of lonely at the time and thought that maybe I should get back with my ex. Afterall, it wasnt like we ended things on a bad note. I started thinking that maybe I was stupid for letting go of a really good man for no good reason. I mean, even my overly protective father thought I was making a mistake. Long story short, I prayed and God told me that I needed to let the relationship go and spend time with Him (God.) He also told me that I would meet someone before the end of the year (this was probably May 2006) and that the person would be my husband. :huh:
OK, to make things clear, I had never had a previous experience with God talking to me, so what He was revealing to me and the fact that I was conscious of the fact that God was talking to me was crazy. I am usually a person who takes years to go from one serious relationship to another.

Anyhow, just as promised, I met my DH a few months later in October of 2006. When we had our first convo, it was really natural like we’d known each other for years. He was so sweet and REALLY attentive and bold (just how I like em). Anyhow, about 3 weeks after meeting him, he invited me and my family to spend Thanksgiving with his family (they do it ridiculously big on Thanksgiving). I knew at that time that he was really serious about me, because men dont just bring any chick and their clan around his entire family. I met EVERYONE and we had a blast.

One thing I remember while we were dating was that he called me at about 6am. It was dark and raining. He lived an hour away from me and he told me to come to the door. I was suprised bc it was mad early, he had to be at work at 8am, and he had never just popped up at my house. To make matters worse, I had stank nasty MTG and a baggy on my head and looked a hot mess. So I tried to get myself together and went to the door. I looked around and saw no one, but on my doorstep were 1 dozen roses and a card. :rosebud:This man had gotten up at 4:30am, got dressed for work, drove to the grocery store to get flowers, then made an hour drive to my house, delivered them by 6 and was off to drive back in the same direction as his house to make it to work in rush hour traffic by 8am. I was beyond sprung, and apparently so was

He was actually the first to bring up marriage and I think we both just felt comfortable because we knew exactly what we wanted. From seeing him around his family, I knew that I had to have him. He adores his mom and sister and his nieces and nephews love him. He's an all around family man and he loves Jesus, which was/is important to me.

Whenever he told me he would do something - he did. I never had to wait on phone calls or wonder if I should make backup plans just in case he faked or “something came up.” He always wanted tobe around me as much as I wanted to be around him. I realized that contrary to other relationships, I had no reason to call my friends on some "do you think he likes me?" Or "OK, so he said XYZ to me, what do you think that means?" Me and my friends were BIG on analyzing and deciphering the "codes" of guys we dated. With my DH, there was no need for it. There was no mysterious code. Whatever he said was CLEAR. Whatever he promised was DONE. Whatever he felt, he EXPRESSED. Period!!!! He NEVER tried to front with me. Even early on, he would say things or refer to me in ways that made me say "dang, he's hella bold. He's wide open and he DOES NOT care." I LOVED and continue to love that about him. While some “men” would call it simpin, I call it confidence.

Now that we are married, it's still the same. Of course we have our disagreements at time, but my husband is soooo patient with me. I will push a negro’s buttons, esp now that I'm pregnant, but he has never responded in anger. He just prays when I'm acting up or plays madden. He works so hard and really sacrifices to make me happy. He always gives me massages and rubs my feet when I come home and makes me little spa baths with our foot spa thingy. I do my wifely duties, but I’m 7 months pregnant and tired. So he will make dinner, wash dishes, and do laundry (wash, dry, fold, AND put them away) if I don’t :laundry: To make me happy, he’ll sit through episodes of Bridezilla or the Hills :look:with me and in return I try not to log onto LHCF when Im supposed to be watching ESPN or the Colbert Report with him. He loves hanging out with my mom and dad and makes frequent requests to go to their house. Even though I think it has alot to do with their flat screen and the fact that they are always watching ESPN and my mom, dad, and DH get into long convo's over ANY sport, I love that he loves my family.

I could go on and on, but I'll stop there. I have been in baaaaaaaaaad relationships before and can relate to the drama that's posted here. But those experiences made me appreciate my husband so much more. The guy that I dated before my DH was also a really good guy, he just want the one for me. But, I feel bad for those who truly believe that there are no good men left. Sure, it's not easy to find them, just as it's not easy to find good women, but we're out there and so are the men.

:grin: I am so happy for you God is so GOOD!:yep: Congrats on your soon to be baby:yep:. I read your post in Shimmies Prayer for a Husband! Awesome!:yep:
I've been married to a wonderful man for a little over a year now. I have had my share of abusive, messed up, toxic relationships plus one bad first marriage under my belt. I didn't think a good man exisited. Just when I gave up and I mean literally I had just told a friend that I think I'm going to be single forever, my DH walked into my life.
A few months into our courtship, I had to have a major unexpected operation. He was there with me the whole time. He took care of me. I had never experienced this before. He proposed 6 months later.
I call him my unicorn because I didn't think men like him existed. He is God fearing. He loves his children (from a previous marriage) and he loves my son like his own. He gives me good advice. He sacrifices for me. He's kind and gentle but he's not a push over. God answered my prayers. I couldn't ask for more and I thank God daily for him. He keeps me grounded. I used to be a mess. Ladies, don't settle for less than what you want. Hold on, because they are out there. Much Love to you all! :grouphug:

Congrats! You seem truly happy. And your pic is so beautiful..where are you two? (I need a vacation!)
I browse through here, and there is a lot of depressing stuff going on. Cheating, abuse, etc...

Are you happily married? Very happily married for over 2 years. We have been together for over 8 years:drunk:
Are you and S/O truly, truly happy? Yes we are truly happy. I never wanted to get married, I didn't think it was for me. But marrying him was the best decision I have ever made in my entire life!

If so, share!

Share what makes you two click so well. We both are easy going people. We inspire each other to be and do better. We have disagreements and issues like any other couple but the good outweighs the bad overwhelmingly. I love him so much...he is my homey

Share the things (keep it clean, though :) ) that you and SO do to make each other happy. We are honest with each other. We support each other through hard times. When I am feeling down he is my rock and he stays positive and supportive. He loves me because I support and uplift him. He is my man and I treat him as such.

Share how you knew that SO was the one for you.
When we first started hanging out he showed me photos of his family. He was really into his family and didn't seem interested in some of the immature and sleezy things other guys our age were into. He genuinely is a good guy with a great sense of humor:yep:

Share the positivity, so that young women like me don't go on thinking that all men are liars, cheaters, and stoopid :grin:
I am a strong believer that you get what you are looking for. If you expect all men to be dogs and to treat women badly then that is what you will get. I have dated a few dudes casually and they all treated me fairly well. The ones that didn't did not stick around for long. I think the fact that I have a positive attitude and I am a pleasant person reels dudes in left and right. Also once my confidence increased after high school I have never had a problem attracting men. So confidence is a big factor as well.

My answers are above.
I'm in the most amazing relationship I could ever imagine, with the most amazing man.

Me "spilling" would result in the probably the longest post in LCHF history and this mojito he made me is not going to help so I'll leave it be with the first sentence. LOL

I will say this...he definetly led me to FIND my faith in love and men (I can't say "renew" because before him....I never had any).

Lboogie, it shows just how happy you are :spinning:
Well my relationship is very new...but I am VERY happy. I am finally with a man that makes me very very happy. I mean...I feel like I am dreaming. We are inseperable...and neither of us seem to get tired of the other. I love his smell...rubbing his head while he watches tv...or him rubbing my feet after dinner. We have dinner everynight that he is not at work...and we spend every moment that we are not working together. I can not stop smiling....just can't stop. This is the first time I have ever been this happy. I even like when he says "because I said so..." LOL He always jokes with it...but even if he wasn't.....he is so manly and rugged...yet so sweet. That's my baby.

OT...Caramel! Your hair! It's simply beautiful. I'm drooling over that puff. :drool:
I've been married to a wonderful man for a little over a year now. I have had my share of abusive, messed up, toxic relationships plus one bad first marriage under my belt. I didn't think a good man existed. Just when I gave up and I mean literally I had just told a friend that I think I'm going to be single forever, my DH walked into my life.
A few months into our courtship, I had to have a major unexpected operation. He was there with me the whole time. He took care of me. I had never experienced this before. He proposed 6 months later.
I call him my unicorn because I didn't think men like him existed. He is God fearing. He loves his children (from a previous marriage) and he loves my son like his own. He gives me good advice. He sacrifices for me. He's kind and gentle but he's not a push over. God answered my prayers. I couldn't ask for more and I thank God daily for him. He keeps me grounded. I used to be a mess. Ladies, don't settle for less than what you want. Hold on, because they are out there. Much Love to you all! :grouphug:

I needed to hear that. I feel like I have been waiting and waiting. But I am seeking God and hoping all things will be added unto me
Absolutley. I love telling how much I love my husband. We've been married for seven years and dated for four years before that. We met on a blind dates and are complete opposites of one another (I'm talkative and outgoing, he's laidback and quiet).

What makes us click so well? We are committed and our relationship (i.e. communication, love, respect, sharing) still grows and gets better every year.

How did I know he was the one? God showed me the man he could be before he had even gotten to that level. I don't know if that makes sense, but it was special.

He's patient, not a cheater, and on many occasions has shown how much he would sacrifice in order for me to be happy (whether that would include him or not). For example:
  • Buying me groceries whenever he got paid while I was in college, working two jobs to pay tuition and rent. I had decided that not eating would make bills a lot simplier. He was not having that.
  • Personally planning a surprise baby shower for me, even though I said I didn't want one.
  • Staying up a full 48 hours with me while I typed my master's thesis because I was pregnant and he wanted to make sure the baby would be OK if I stayed up that long.
  • Giving me his ATM card daily because he believes that me and my son should have fun while he's at work.
I used to think he was to quiet and shy for me, now I realize his hustle is smooth and I can just be..........happy.

Ahhh...:Blush2: That is so nice.