Are you in a GREAT relationship? SPILL!!

Well my relationship is very new...but I am VERY happy. I am finally with a man that makes me very very happy. I mean...I feel like I am dreaming. We are inseperable...and neither of us seem to get tired of the other. I love his smell...rubbing his head while he watches tv...or him rubbing my feet after dinner. We have dinner everynight that he is not at work...and we spend every moment that we are not working together. I can not stop smiling....just can't stop. This is the first time I have ever been this happy. I even like when he says "because I said so..." LOL He always jokes with it...but even if he wasn't.....he is so manly and rugged...yet so sweet. That's my baby.

I love this and like you I am in a new relationship.... This love is from within because of all the self work I have been doing... and he is my baby.... :grin::grin::grin: Very Happy....
Oh my goodness! I love you SO MUCH for sharing your experience :love: Very very inspiring. I feel like I'm in the same position you were with my current boyfriend. He's sweet, hard working, and has some really good qualities, but I know he's not my husband. I've allowed fear to be one of the contributing factors in me staying. Anyway, I know that I need to spend more time with God, and instead, focus on building our relationship. This will definitely be a story I refer back to for encouragement :)

This is a great topic OP. You are right. There is so much negativity on here when it comes to relationships and that can leave alot of women jaded. So here’s my story.

I've been married for a little over a year to the most wonderful man ever. We met and got engaged about 4 months after meeting and married 9 :blush: I NEVER expected our courtship to be so quick, but prior to him I had been in another relationship that was cool. The guy was great, smart, attentive, but I just didnt feel the passion that I would want to feel with someone I would share my life with. He would do anything for me, but I just wasnt madly in love. :ohwell: I chose to end the relationship and started praying about things in my life. I was kind of lonely at the time and thought that maybe I should get back with my ex. Afterall, it wasnt like we ended things on a bad note. I started thinking that maybe I was stupid for letting go of a really good man for no good reason. I mean, even my overly protective father thought I was making a mistake. Long story short, I prayed and God told me that I needed to let the relationship go and spend time with Him (God.) He also told me that I would meet someone before the end of the year (this was probably May 2006) and that the person would be my husband. :huh:
OK, to make things clear, I had never had a previous experience with God talking to me, so what He was revealing to me and the fact that I was conscious of the fact that God was talking to me was crazy. I am usually a person who takes years to go from one serious relationship to another.

Anyhow, just as promised, I met my DH a few months later in October of 2006. When we had our first convo, it was really natural like we’d known each other for years. He was so sweet and REALLY attentive and bold (just how I like em). Anyhow, about 3 weeks after meeting him, he invited me and my family to spend Thanksgiving with his family (they do it ridiculously big on Thanksgiving). I knew at that time that he was really serious about me, because men dont just bring any chick and their clan around his entire family. I met EVERYONE and we had a blast.

One thing I remember while we were dating was that he called me at about 6am. It was dark and raining. He lived an hour away from me and he told me to come to the door. I was suprised bc it was mad early, he had to be at work at 8am, and he had never just popped up at my house. To make matters worse, I had stank nasty MTG and a baggy on my head and looked a hot mess. So I tried to get myself together and went to the door. I looked around and saw no one, but on my doorstep were 1 dozen roses and a card. :rosebud:This man had gotten up at 4:30am, got dressed for work, drove to the grocery store to get flowers, then made an hour drive to my house, delivered them by 6 and was off to drive back in the same direction as his house to make it to work in rush hour traffic by 8am. I was beyond sprung, and apparently so was

He was actually the first to bring up marriage and I think we both just felt comfortable because we knew exactly what we wanted. From seeing him around his family, I knew that I had to have him. He adores his mom and sister and his nieces and nephews love him. He's an all around family man and he loves Jesus, which was/is important to me.

Whenever he told me he would do something - he did. I never had to wait on phone calls or wonder if I should make backup plans just in case he faked or “something came up.” He always wanted tobe around me as much as I wanted to be around him. I realized that contrary to other relationships, I had no reason to call my friends on some "do you think he likes me?" Or "OK, so he said XYZ to me, what do you think that means?" Me and my friends were BIG on analyzing and deciphering the "codes" of guys we dated. With my DH, there was no need for it. There was no mysterious code. Whatever he said was CLEAR. Whatever he promised was DONE. Whatever he felt, he EXPRESSED. Period!!!! He NEVER tried to front with me. Even early on, he would say things or refer to me in ways that made me say "dang, he's hella bold. He's wide open and he DOES NOT care." I LOVED and continue to love that about him. While some “men” would call it simpin, I call it confidence.

Now that we are married, it's still the same. Of course we have our disagreements at time, but my husband is soooo patient with me. I will push a negro’s buttons, esp now that I'm pregnant, but he has never responded in anger. He just prays when I'm acting up or plays madden. He works so hard and really sacrifices to make me happy. He always gives me massages and rubs my feet when I come home and makes me little spa baths with our foot spa thingy. I do my wifely duties, but I’m 7 months pregnant and tired. So he will make dinner, wash dishes, and do laundry (wash, dry, fold, AND put them away) if I don’t :laundry: To make me happy, he’ll sit through episodes of Bridezilla or the Hills :look:with me and in return I try not to log onto LHCF when Im supposed to be watching ESPN or the Colbert Report with him. He loves hanging out with my mom and dad and makes frequent requests to go to their house. Even though I think it has alot to do with their flat screen and the fact that they are always watching ESPN and my mom, dad, and DH get into long convo's over ANY sport, I love that he loves my family.

I could go on and on, but I'll stop there. I have been in baaaaaaaaaad relationships before and can relate to the drama that's posted here. But those experiences made me appreciate my husband so much more. The guy that I dated before my DH was also a really good guy, he just want the one for me. But, I feel bad for those who truly believe that there are no good men left. Sure, it's not easy to find them, just as it's not easy to find good women, but we're out there and so are the men.
This is a great topic OP. You are right. There is so much negativity on here when it comes to relationships and that can leave alot of women jaded. So here’s my story.

I've been married for a little over a year to the most wonderful man ever. We met and got engaged about 4 months after meeting and married 9 :blush: I NEVER expected our courtship to be so quick, but prior to him I had been in another relationship that was cool. The guy was great, smart, attentive, but I just didnt feel the passion that I would want to feel with someone I would share my life with. He would do anything for me, but I just wasnt madly in love. :ohwell: I chose to end the relationship and started praying about things in my life. I was kind of lonely at the time and thought that maybe I should get back with my ex. Afterall, it wasnt like we ended things on a bad note. I started thinking that maybe I was stupid for letting go of a really good man for no good reason. I mean, even my overly protective father thought I was making a mistake. Long story short, I prayed and God told me that I needed to let the relationship go and spend time with Him (God.) He also told me that I would meet someone before the end of the year (this was probably May 2006) and that the person would be my husband. :huh:
OK, to make things clear, I had never had a previous experience with God talking to me, so what He was revealing to me and the fact that I was conscious of the fact that God was talking to me was crazy. I am usually a person who takes years to go from one serious relationship to another.

Anyhow, just as promised, I met my DH a few months later in October of 2006. When we had our first convo, it was really natural like we’d known each other for years. He was so sweet and REALLY attentive and bold (just how I like em). Anyhow, about 3 weeks after meeting him, he invited me and my family to spend Thanksgiving with his family (they do it ridiculously big on Thanksgiving). I knew at that time that he was really serious about me, because men dont just bring any chick and their clan around his entire family. I met EVERYONE and we had a blast.

One thing I remember while we were dating was that he called me at about 6am. It was dark and raining. He lived an hour away from me and he told me to come to the door. I was suprised bc it was mad early, he had to be at work at 8am, and he had never just popped up at my house. To make matters worse, I had stank nasty MTG and a baggy on my head and looked a hot mess. So I tried to get myself together and went to the door. I looked around and saw no one, but on my doorstep were 1 dozen roses and a card. :rosebud:This man had gotten up at 4:30am, got dressed for work, drove to the grocery store to get flowers, then made an hour drive to my house, delivered them by 6 and was off to drive back in the same direction as his house to make it to work in rush hour traffic by 8am. I was beyond sprung, and apparently so was

He was actually the first to bring up marriage and I think we both just felt comfortable because we knew exactly what we wanted. From seeing him around his family, I knew that I had to have him. He adores his mom and sister and his nieces and nephews love him. He's an all around family man and he loves Jesus, which was/is important to me.

Whenever he told me he would do something - he did. I never had to wait on phone calls or wonder if I should make backup plans just in case he faked or “something came up.” He always wanted tobe around me as much as I wanted to be around him. I realized that contrary to other relationships, I had no reason to call my friends on some "do you think he likes me?" Or "OK, so he said XYZ to me, what do you think that means?" Me and my friends were BIG on analyzing and deciphering the "codes" of guys we dated. With my DH, there was no need for it. There was no mysterious code. Whatever he said was CLEAR. Whatever he promised was DONE. Whatever he felt, he EXPRESSED. Period!!!! He NEVER tried to front with me. Even early on, he would say things or refer to me in ways that made me say "dang, he's hella bold. He's wide open and he DOES NOT care." I LOVED and continue to love that about him. While some “men” would call it simpin, I call it confidence.

Now that we are married, it's still the same. Of course we have our disagreements at time, but my husband is soooo patient with me. I will push a negro’s buttons, esp now that I'm pregnant, but he has never responded in anger. He just prays when I'm acting up or plays madden. He works so hard and really sacrifices to make me happy. He always gives me massages and rubs my feet when I come home and makes me little spa baths with our foot spa thingy. I do my wifely duties, but I’m 7 months pregnant and tired. So he will make dinner, wash dishes, and do laundry (wash, dry, fold, AND put them away) if I don’t :laundry: To make me happy, he’ll sit through episodes of Bridezilla or the Hills :look:with me and in return I try not to log onto LHCF when Im supposed to be watching ESPN or the Colbert Report with him. He loves hanging out with my mom and dad and makes frequent requests to go to their house. Even though I think it has alot to do with their flat screen and the fact that they are always watching ESPN and my mom, dad, and DH get into long convo's over ANY sport, I love that he loves my family.

I could go on and on, but I'll stop there. I have been in baaaaaaaaaad relationships before and can relate to the drama that's posted here. But those experiences made me appreciate my husband so much more. The guy that I dated before my DH was also a really good guy, he just want the one for me. But, I feel bad for those who truly believe that there are no good men left. Sure, it's not easy to find them, just as it's not easy to find good women, but we're out there and so are the men.


Thanks for this post Poetist. Reading through it put me on a high and made my evening !!!!!

What a blessed relationship you have with your DH :yep:

I wish you longevity :yep:

* off to read rest of the posts*
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I wandered over from the hair forum and I would like to share my story. (Excuse the typos it's late lol)

Well, my SO and I met online. He actually had been trying to get my attention for about a year but I wasn't into talking to random guys. One day I just happened to respond to a message he'd sent me. I'd just had a good day and figured what the heck. His next response really caught my attention so I stepped even further outside of my comfort zone and gave him my number. I tell you he must have been praying hard b/c I NEVER gave out my number. Anywho, we spoke the next day for about 6 hours well into the night. We clicked so well we didn't want to end the conversation so we decided to meet that same night! He came to my apartment complex (it was gated so I felt safe) and let me tell was love at first sight. I kept my head down until the very last moment so that I could be surprised. When I finally looked up I almost had a heart attack. He looked like me (literally people say we look like brother and sister) and what I always wanted. It didn't hurt that he was 6'3 and FWINE either. :grin: That night we walked, talked, and held hands like we'd known each other for years. At the end of the evening he walked away, turned back around, looked me in my eyes, and said "You're going to be my wife". Needless to say I melted into a puddle and we have been a couple ever since!!!

Ladies when I tell you this man was created with me in mind you have to believe me. Our relationship/courtship is much much different than modern relationships. I am actually saving myself for marriage and being able to find a man willing to wait is no easy task, to say the least, so I just left it up to God. I have been laughed at since I was a young girl about my decision to stay abstinent and people always tried to talk me out of it. It's amazing b/c my so called friends had just sat down and had a "talk" with me saying "I live in a dream world and that there is no way I would find a man who was willing to wait". Well it has been a year and a half and we are still standing strong.

I am very proud to have stayed true to myself and my promise to God. I always believed that he would bless me with everything that I needed and I wanted if stayed faithful. I even made a list and put it in my bible. (Write the vision make it plain right :yep:)

It has not been all sunshine and roses though b/c we actually are in a long distance relationship most of the time. We met right after I finished college and b/c I believe it is important for both parties to have their stuff together before getting married I decided to go back home. He has been so very sweet, kind hearted, giving, and patient with me. There are times when it feels like I just can't take being away from him, and I can get the worst attitude, but he is always there to encourage me, help me stay on track with my goals, and tell me to hush up when I really need to hear it. He also cooks and cleans. He says that God told him that I am his wife and even though it would be a big step for me to move away he is preparing a life for us in his city. He even got me a dog today yall!!! He has more faith than I do b/c I don't know when I will get the courage to move away from my family but that is another story.

I apologize for the long post but I hope it is a blessing to everyone who reads it. Single ladies stay strong and do not settle for anything less than what you desire and deserve.
Thanks for sharing, this post was definitely a blessing
to me. I also pray that God will bless me with a man
that will also respect my wishes of waiting until marriage...
I know it's possible!! :yep:

I am about to step out on faith and respond to
a friend of mine that has been patiently requesting for
us to meet up since our last encounter 2 years ago!


P.S - I looove this thread!!! :grin:
I felt my heart melt several times while
reading through some of these stories on here...

I wandered over from the hair forum and I would like to share my story. (Excuse the typos it's late lol)

Well, my SO and I met online. He actually had been trying to get my attention for about a year but I wasn't into talking to random guys. One day I just happened to respond to a message he'd sent me. I'd just had a good day and figured what the heck. His next response really caught my attention so I stepped even further outside of my comfort zone and gave him my number. I tell you he must have been praying hard b/c I NEVER gave out my number. Anywho, we spoke the next day for about 6 hours well into the night. We clicked so well we didn't want to end the conversation so we decided to meet that same night! He came to my apartment complex (it was gated so I felt safe) and let me tell was love at first sight. I kept my head down until the very last moment so that I could be surprised. When I finally looked up I almost had a heart attack. He looked like me (literally people say we look like brother and sister) and what I always wanted. It didn't hurt that he was 6'3 and FWINE either. :grin: That night we walked, talked, and held hands like we'd known each other for years. At the end of the evening he walked away, turned back around, looked me in my eyes, and said "You're going to be my wife". Needless to say I melted into a puddle and we have been a couple ever since!!!

Ladies when I tell you this man was created with me in mind you have to believe me. Our relationship/courtship is much much different than modern relationships. I am actually saving myself for marriage and being able to find a man willing to wait is no easy task, to say the least, so I just left it up to God. I have been laughed at since I was a young girl about my decision to stay abstinent and people always tried to talk me out of it. It's amazing b/c my so called friends had just sat down and had a "talk" with me saying "I live in a dream world and that there is no way I would find a man who was willing to wait". Well it has been a year and a half and we are still standing strong.

I am very proud to have stayed true to myself and my promise to God. I always believed that he would bless me with everything that I needed and I wanted if stayed faithful. I even made a list and put it in my bible. (Write the vision make it plain right :yep:)

It has not been all sunshine and roses though b/c we actually are in a long distance relationship most of the time. We met right after I finished college and b/c I believe it is important for both parties to have their stuff together before getting married I decided to go back home. He has been so very sweet, kind hearted, giving, and patient with me. There are times when it feels like I just can't take being away from him, and I can get the worst attitude, but he is always there to encourage me, help me stay on track with my goals, and tell me to hush up when I really need to hear it. He also cooks and cleans. He says that God told him that I am his wife and even though it would be a big step for me to move away he is preparing a life for us in his city. He even got me a dog today yall!!! He has more faith than I do b/c I don't know when I will get the courage to move away from my family but that is another story.

I apologize for the long post but I hope it is a blessing to everyone who reads it. Single ladies stay strong and do not settle for anything less than what you desire and deserve.
Nope, but we're both trying to get there. Hopefully, I'll be able to post in a few weeks. lol
I'm not married yet, but I have a story to tell.

When I was little, I had a very specific idea of what I wanted in a husband. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I was one of those kids who was like a little adult, so it actually wasn't that ridiculous. I wanted him to be a male version of me: black, upwardly mobile, etc.

I also had a very specific idea of how I was going to 'keep' him. (Yes, I thought that far ahead.) My plan was to make sure I was laying it down in the bedroom, in addition to all the other 'clothes on' attributes, lol, like cooking and socializing appropriately.

And I wanted to get married relatively early (before 26 or so). To accomplish my goals, I figured I would need to 'practice' a bit on other guys, before I ever met him, to get my coloring skills up. :look:

I imagined that I'd meet him in college, so, for me to get all my skills up and polished before I met him, I needed to start early. Don't worry, I was very much looking forward to it anyway. :lachen:

I 'practiced' :look: extensively through high school. By the time I got to college, I felt like I knew all the game in the world, and was pretty good at it myself. I could snag and bag a guy before he was even aware I'd noticed him, that's how 'on my g' I was.

I never had bad relationships, or abusive ones, or toxic ones, because I knew the game well enough to spot them. My mother was very helpful in this regard as well, because she never shielded me from the conversations she had with her girls. So, I knew the game these little boys' fathers was trynna run. :lachen:

I got to college and, frankly, was disappointed in the selection. There were maybe a handful of guys I would consider, and they were all very much in demand. I don't play that 'waiting in line' stuff, so I went on about my business. After a decidedly odd relationship that lasted most of freshman year, I concluded that maybe, just maybe, I'd have to widen my search.

I ended up dating a white guy, nothing serious, but just to pass the time (he was too). Said white guy ended up feeling one of my friends. I shrugged him off, and told him to go right ahead. She was crazy anyway, like, for real, and wore guys out quickly, so I knew he wasn't going to be happy, and I felt like that was fair, lol. (If I had low self-esteem, I coulda got my feelings hurt, cuz she was half- Columbian and looked it, but... whatever.)

And that's when I met him, the one. He had been there all along, just not that involved in on-campus social life. He fulfilled all of my requirements. We met through a friend, and only communicated on-line for, like, the first two weeks. Then, that got ridiculous, cuz we were spending all day typing and sending each other mp3's. I knew he was really feeling me when he sent me 'Computer Love'. That was really sweet, and unlike him. So, we started talking on the phone. One night, after BET uncut had gone off :look:, I told him to come over. Yes, I told him. I had on a tank top and some draw's, so you know what that was about.

Welp, we fell in love. By the end of the week, we were talking about getting married, and how we were gonna make sure both of our mothers lived with us when they got older. I knew it was love for sure when he drove to NY for the weekend, and brought me back some Starbucks. He drove that ish all the way to NH, and let me tell y'all, that cup looked like it had been through some thangs, lol, but that was the best Starbuck's I ever tasted.

By the time 9/11 happened, it felt like we had been together for years, and we had just met that February. He lost his step-father in that tragedy, and then, a little bit after, I got sick. Like, disabled-type sick. The type of thing that the average guy, with no real time in, would just bounce on. He didn't need my drama, but he stuck with me anyway. (And all this happened in our first year together.)

I'm why we're not married yet. He keeps asking me, and I keep putting it off, because I feel like such a mess, but I'm starting to feel a little more confident about things, so who knows? He recently said that he'll have a ring on me by the end of 2011, and I giggled like a fool, so I guess I'm ready, lol.

When people meet us, they think we're a beautiful couple, like matched set. Old people smile at us in the street (which is soooo cute, especially when it's an older black couple). But they have no idea what we've been through, the crucible in which this relationship was forged.

Oh, and my sneaky plan of secksual domination worked, cuz I done turned him out! :blush:
Are you happily married? Are you and S/O truly, truly happy?
Yes! Yes!

Share what makes you two click so well.
We're best friends first and foremost. So we have most of the same interests. We enjoy the same movies, shows, music, etc. We're also both nerds that enjoy chatting it up about politics, philosophy, etc.

At the same time, we're opposites that fit together well. I talk a lot, he's a great listener. I love excitement and such, so I spice up his life and make it more interesting; he loves quiet and serenity, so he's perfectly soothing and brings stability and calm in my life.

Share the things (keep it clean, though :) ) that you and SO do to make each other happy.

I try to understand that he is an introvert and do his favorite thing to do: silently lay on the couch with him and watch TV. Even though he seems uninterested sometimes, for some reason he always wants me to be there, even if it doesn't feel like we're interacting. Touching in any way is emotional interaction to him.

He tries to understand that I'm more extroverted and do what I like: go with me hiking and parasailing and out dancing and whatnot.

Share how you knew that SO was the one for you.

I'm not sure, but he was always just so fun! We were best friends for a year before we started dating. It only made sense to marry my best friend. I never wanted to be without him even after years of knowing him, so it was obvious that he was it. And he adored me too.

Share the positivity, so that young women like me don't go on thinking that all men are liars, cheaters, and stoopid :grin:

All men aren't liars, cheaters, whatever. But I will say that none of them are perfect. The man I found has his little idiosyncracies and human frailties that piss me off at times, but deep down inside he is good, has a kind heart, and tries his best. I realize that he isn't very different than me inside, although there are plenty of times that we misunderstand each other. I also think that most men out there are the same way. You just have to find one that you click with it, and then be willing to hang in there and try even when you're not clicking. And he has to be willing to do the same.

If people regarded their spouses the way they regarded their family members (taking the good and the bad, through thick and thin, no matter what, then doing it all without sweating their mistakes too much), there'd be more love going around. (well, that's not including cheating or abuse, which I could not accept).
I am in a joyful, toe-curling, deep-belly laugh giddy, fabulously intense relationship. DH and I have been married for 16 years and have 2 girls ages 11 and 10.

We knew each other casually for a year before anything happened between us. I had a serious BF all throguh college that was off and on because we seemed to fight all the time. Still, everyone thought I'd marry the college guy. Well we had one last breakup and I knew I was done. No one else believed me (not even my ex-dude), but I knew that I'd had enough.

After the final breakup, a mutual friend talked to me about going out with future DH. I knew that he was a nice guy, but I wasn't at a place where being in a relationship was a priority. She was very persistent so she invited the two of us to her house for dinner. Determined to show that I was not serious or interested at all, I showed up with no makeup and dressed very casually. We ended up having a good time and exchanged phone numbers. That led to us talking on the phone ever night for hours and spending all our weekends together.

We dated for about 4 weeks and then he went home for Christmas. Evidently he talked to his family about me the whole time, because at one point his sister that raised him said "Boy, you must be in love with this girl!!"

He came back from his trip home and we went to NYE service together. There was a really bad blizzard/ice storm and he drove like an hour or 2 to pick me up because he didn't want me out driving in that bad weather. When the clock struck 12, he leaned over and said "Next New Year's Eve, you're going to be my wife." I was stunned but in a good way becasue I was really feeling him. It felt right and I was so happy :)

We got married 6 months later and I love him much more today than I did when we married years ago. My heart still races when he gives me "the look." We have the ease and familiarity of being a long-standing couple and still have the heat and the passion as well.

I love this...
I Love my relationship with my DH and as time goes by I appreciate it and understand it so much better. We met in the Army (he was my boss) and I was fresh out of a relationship when I moved to Miami and was in single, party mode and not looking to get into any relationship. We started off as friends and as I got to know him I actually thought he was mean because he was always so brutally honest:lachen:. I was so used to guys telling me what I wanted to hear that I was not used to a man telling me his honest thoughts about any and everything. It was refreshing to know that he never felt the need to try to impress me he just was who he is (even today) and I love who is :yep:. He is smart, patient, generous, trusting, loyal, family oriented, and a great partner and provider. As the attraction grew between us we were inseperable. I could literally talk to him about anything and we were just so comfortable being with each other. Most of all, he had been married before and one day we were out and he told me he wished that he would have waited for me because he knew I am who God made for him. However, I know that our previous relationships prepared us for where we are now with each other and everything worked out the way it was meant to. We have been married for 2 years now and things have not been perfect but everything that we have gone through has only brought us closer together, most of all the birth of our beautiful daughter last year.

Overall, I have learned that the men that I chose for myself before DH was no match to who God knew that I would need in my life. I really believe that because me and DH are so opposite in so many ways that it actually works because his strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa. We make each other better each and everyday. So I thank God for sending me who I need in my life instead of who I thought I wanted, lol
I'm getting married next month (yay!). We met on Black Friday almost 2 years ago. He had only been in the U.S. for less than a week. When we were introduced I just knew he was special, it was so weird. It was like my soul had already met his soul, I was convinced 100% we were meant to be together just from talking to him that night. Luckily he felt the same way making me not seem crazy lol. On our first date he bought me his favorite book to read as a gift, so odd but perfect. He was staying for 1.5 months for work but he extended his flight by an extra month so we could be together. We've managed to not be seperated any long then 4 weeks at a time in the past 2 years (3 months with me in Germany, 3-4 weeks apart, then 3 months with him here).

We click really well b/c we just get each other. He knows exactly who I am and I know exactly who he is, and we except each other. We have alot of fun together and we make each other laugh and we make each other feel safe. I never get when people say relationships are hard b/c with him it all just comes so easily.... we're willing to put in the work needed b/c it's worth it to both of us.

We both believe its quality time just being with each other that keep us happy, so at least once a week we'll build a blanket and pillow fort and just lay in bed all day reading together, playing cards and puzzle games, and talking, with no outside interruptions. He trusts me and I trust him so we also allow each other to go out to bars alone with our friends. We also each made a box for each other with reasons why we love each other, and are constantly putting new reasons in the box. Going through the box helps to keep small arguments from being big things, it reminds us that love trumps being right or wrong over who should make the bed for example, lol. We just do alot of small things for each other and it's nice. I think the key is to be NICE to the person you love, it really makes a difference.
I normally stay away from this section because of all the negativity but I feel I have a great relationship:grin:.

Many people have told me that there is something very special about my SO and I and that they had never seen anyone in relationship like us. We have been together since we were 15 and, of course, were each other's firsts lol. When we were first together our English teacher told us he had a good feeling about us, apparently we were the talk of the staff room lol.

We have been through a lot of problems such as depression on my part and general immaturity on both parts (mainly him) but it is so amazing how much we have both grown up over the years. The other day I was reading through old emails from 2006 and was laughing so much at the cheese:lachen:!! Also physically; he had zero facial or body hair when we were first together and he was my height lol. He is now way taller and kinda hairy:blush:.

We seem to love each other more than ever even though there is no where near as much cheese. I see him as a brother and he sees me as a sister, although he calls me mum lol, because of the openness we have. We share the same morals such as not being friends with the opposite sex and not exposing our bodies and b!tching about heauxs and dogs lol. I know we were and are still pretty young but we have spoken about marriage from the very first month we were together and my SO is currently hoping to move in with me and get a couple of kittens :).

We are STILL in the same educational institution; we are at the same University though studying different courses. I sometimes worry about our careers because it would be difficult to not be in the same place. He visits me every day and we do everything together. For example we both got a bit over weight last year and both lost a bit of weight, he 4 stone and me 13kg (2stone), he's imperial and I'm metric lol. We now jog together 5 nights a week. Today he left early so I didn't go :sad:. I'm sooo rambling now...:drunk:

He really is my best friend ever. I love him so much and I don't know what I would do without him.
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^^^That's so lovely. I think that such a close and loving relationship is a rare gift that should be cherished. It seems like you do. :)
I met my SO online in Feb and is has been wonderful. We are in a LDR, but we see each other every 3-4 weeks, we talk on the phone every night. He is talking about the future and he wants me to be right there with him. He is a very smart, loving and compassionate man and I feel so blessed to have met him. He tells me the same all of the time. I could literally go on forever about him, thinking of him makes my heart overflow with joy.

I have even been thinking about children and that is something that I never do. I never even had baby fever when I was married. I just know SO would make a good husband and father.
I met my SO online in Feb and is has been wonderful. We are in a LDR, but we see each other every 3-4 weeks, we talk on the phone every night. He is talking about the future and he wants me to be right there with him. He is a very smart, loving and compassionate man and I feel so blessed to have met him. He tells me the same all of the time. I could literally go on forever about him, thinking of him makes my heart overflow with joy.

I have even been thinking about children and that is something that I never do. I never even had baby fever when I was married. I just know SO would make a good husband and father.
I forgot to mention he is a true Christian man.
My FH makes me smile every single day, several times a day. And though I could go on about all the things that make us the perfect match for each other, isn't that what matters?

My husband is wonderful. Sometimes I think this is all a joke. I couldn't possibly have found someone that is so great. He is by no means perfect but he is perfect for me. The way we balance out eachother is purely amazing. Sometimes it feels like I've loved him much longer than we've been together.

DH and I are highschool sweethearts. We've been together for 10 years and just got married 2 months ago. I love him so much and we automatically clicked when we met. We met in church and were VERY young (14) He flirted with me alot. I was friends with his bestfriend so one night I get this call from him (he got my number from his friend) we talked all NIGHT til the sun came up (it was summertime) After we officially "hookedup" there was no stopping us from there. We have so much in common we're both witty, adventurous and just downright SILLY :) Over the years we've grown out of all of the childish things we used to do such as arguing. Alot of people curse highschool sweethearts but things have turned out GREAT for us. Of course every marriage is going to have its ups and downs but the number one thing in your marriage should be god(if you're a believer) after that comes communication and the ability to work together on finances. If those things can work out (bc they're the hardest parts to overcome) you'll have a great marriage. Also, no matter how busy me and dh get we ALWAYS make time for one another. Having two young sons make things harder but through it all DH and I have kept pushing forward :)
My hubby and I have been together for 14 years and married for 12. My faith and listening to God lead me to this wonderful man. We still go out for dates, laugh together, he still makes coffee for me every morning, even though he doesn't drink it. He told me before we were married that he would spoil me so much I woudn't be good for any other man. Well he has, and I'm not. He'll take me anyplace I ask, I don't like freeway driving; while I shop, he'll listed to his IPOD. We are both equally yoked, with God being at the head of our lives. I'm retired, and I make sure his laundry is always clean, clothes are taken to the cleaners, meals are cooked. I love doing for him. I could go on, but I'll close by saying,"I am truly blessed.
Now this thread is a keeper! Refreshing accounts that shed a positive and optimistic outlook on what true love can deliver! :)
i very rarely talk about DH on here but he is amazing...never really knew what i was missing or didnt have until he came into my life!

i am a lot to hande but that man handles me so well...from day one he has made our union together so special...and i am grateful for that--lets be clr marriage is not easy but for us it is an effortless swing of the to speak

im pinch me is this real happy...most days!!! lol on the other days im like babes really?