Are you attractive to nerds?

Are you attractive to nerds?

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 86.5%
  • No

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Are you attracted to nerds?

When I was younger, no; but now that I'm older I prefer a man who's really smart, but have a little coolness/unique. Looks are beginning more and more less important, and a man who's smart with a good personality is more important.
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Am I attractive to nerds? Yes.

Am I attracted to nerds? Yes, but they're too much work, I no longer want an all out geek.
Nerds are the one who will be there for the long haul. They are usually the best husband/ father material.

The swagger guys are over rate and more likely to cause heartache.
I think I am attractive to nerds.

Yes, I LURVE nerds. I love to read and learn so we could chat for hours!
LOL @ SophieDulce. I married an alpha EVER. But yeah, I attract nerds - praise the Lord.
Am I attractive to nerds? I think so. I get the non-nerds but when I'm in the right environment the nerds come flocking.:yep:

Am I attracted to nerds? A thousand times YES.:grin: I'm a nerd myself and I find only nerds understand me.:look: Not to mention intelligence/intellectualism is SEXY!:lick: But I also need balance. Guys I constantly have to snap back to reality are no-go.:nono:

ETA: Laylah, alpha nerds are the. best.:lick:
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I am a nerd but I am not attracted to nerds and they are not attracted to me. I am attracted to too cool for school men and they are attracted to me. Its funny cause most of my female friends are nerds but the guys I date not so much.
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I want a nerd!

As for OP's question, I am attracted to nerd but I don't think they're attracted to me. I end up attracting the "cool" guys.
Yes I am attracted to nerds and find them attractive. As long as he's not a smart a** then I'm all good. I don't do well with nerds that are jerks along with being intelligent.
I guess they're okay. They come with their issues, same as any other type if men. I attract all kinds, nerds included.
Im attractive to said the last nerd I hung out with. But he was too 40yr old virgin nerdy (literally :nono:). I need balance.

Guess cause ima nerd myself, Star Trek, Japanese Anime, Computers, Sci-Fi ....but the chic, unique, cool kind :yep:
In general, most nerds are afraid of me. :look: I'm flamboyant and mouthy to most nerds whereas I'm docile and reserved to the "cool" guy or "Mr. Popular."

HOWEVER, I like nerds. They are my preference. I will chase after the right one and betcha bottom dolla I get em in the end too. :lol:

Ironically I am currently dating a nerd and another is attempting to court me (he's a pseudo-ex), both chased/chasing. That's funny because that's the first time in my life this has happened (by nerds that is). I usually point most nerds out like "YOU. I like you. We go together now." :lol:

The downside about most nerds is that I tend to be very controlling and asinine. Regardless of how alpha they are, I can be slightly insecure or feel intimidating being a nerd myself. Alpha nerds have a superiority complex all their own. I'm used to being the smarter or at least the most well-rounded in the relationship. So in my relationship with "nerdy" guys it's almost as if I feel that I have something to prove. I turn into femme fatale which is where I either sabotage the relationship or run from it. Sometimes both. :look: Fact is, I feel some kinda way when I feel a man is so much more intelligent than I am. At the same time, it's sooo sexy. And I like it. :lick:

eta: my nerdy guys tend to geeky by profession vs nerdy just for the hell of it. If you're a weird or eccentric just because. No thanks. :look:
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Yes, I'm attracted to them...but not the kind I work with (engineering nerds). I like artsy nerds...writers, readers, music nerds...
I am attractive to some nerds because I am a nerd.

I am attracted to nerds because I like nerdy things. I like video gamers and dudes who are well read and who have an interest in something. I don't care if it's doll collecting, I just like someone with a hobby.
Um I would say no, but that is probably beacuse I work in a smarty pants environment and I would like someone different. Also a lot of the nerds in my department are LAME.