Are We Vain?


Well-Known Member
I was talking to my guy friend about LHCF, and what the ladies on here discuss. He's metro, so I discuss hair and being natural with him at times and he discusses outfits he wants to wear to his law school classes, lol. After a couple of days, he says he feels that LHCF is a bunch of vain ladies that are hair obsessed and worried about the wrong thing. Ok, I agree we can be a little hair obsessed, but vain; are we really?
Of course, I know the definition of "vain"; but I'm gonna look it up JUST IN CASE there is some secondary meaning . . . hum Jeopardy tune, b right back . . .

/veɪn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[veyn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, –adjective, -er, -est.
1.excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited: a vain dandy. 2.proceeding from or showing personal vanity: vain remarks. 3.ineffectual or unsuccessful; futile: a vain effort. 4.without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless: vain pageantry; vain display. 5.Archaic. senseless or foolish.

Okay, from looking at the above definition (; yes, we are vain. :lachen:

Here's the thing, I think vanity has gotten a negative rap, it's origin seems to be that of shallowness, superficiality and a whole buncha other negative connotations. However, speaking for myself, and some of what I have read here (LHCF) via comments, etc. I do not feel the PRIDE we have in maintaining our hair, fine, is a negative thing thus I wear my "VANITY" with pride.

Humph, so, if we walked around like sack cloth and ashes, does that make us better women?????? Do we need a woe is me attitude, "Oooh, things are so miserable" demeanor???

A woman's hair is her glory. Not my words, but those of almighty Jehovah God. Consequently, our hair more than likely serves a purpose(s); perhaps more than we may even know. It definitely is one point that separates us from men. It is obviously one piece of womanhood that is yes, I'll say it revered, respected, beautified.

So, that we know it, love it, maybe even flaunt it . . . . seems to me we are doing what we were created to do (in this instance of the mightly, mighty locks that we don).

Can I get an amen??

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I totally agree with the above. My DH is in a higher position in the military of which there arent many african americans so when I am out and about I not only represent me but him as well......I can here it now..."man we saw so and so's wife and man she look like a truck just hit her.
Men talk just as bad as women. Vain? PROUD not conceited but CONVINCED!
Yes we are... hence the reason I am trying little by little to get off the site and focus on more important things.

( no offense to the lovely ladies of LHCF)
Women are some of the most talented, multi-tasking individuals that I know. Thus, we (I) can contribute here, visit here, relax here, and learn here while still tending to the more important things.


So let it be written, let it be done.

Yes we are... hence the reason I am trying little by little to get off the site and focus on more important things.

( no offense to the lovely ladies of LHCF)

Dont worry no offense taken here. I dont think it is vain to want to learn something new and in this case it is the health of our hair. I dont think its vain to talk to other people with the same interest and goals as I do. But hey that is just me:spinning:. BUT when vainity goes wrong is when it clouds your judgement and makes you feel entitled to attempt to make others feel bad in the attepts to make you feel better. That is just my opinion. No offense to anyone this may include.

Oh and on the other forums they speak of health and cooking just to name a few I think LHCF contribute to the well rounded person. In every postitve way I am very much Vain and would not have it anyother way!
yes, but that is ok. it is ok to what to look and feel good. there are other areas in my life that i focus a lot on too, like my relationship with God and family. your friend sounds like he is vain as well, hence the word metrosexual... we talk about a lot more things on this site besides hair. that is why i don't really talk about this site to outsiders. you newbies will learn one way or another!LOL!
Everyone on this board is not lumped into one big category. I found LHCF when I was nursing my hair back from breakage. So this site "helps" many women in that regard.

I suppose the essence of seeking haircare info is rooted from a sense of vanity. And I am sure some of us are more obsessive over others.

But as for your friend, an outsider looking in, he is entitled to say it. Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone's got one, :lol: and sometimes it stinks. ;)
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yes, we are. and? i happen to not think it so bad in this case.

yes, but that is ok. it is ok to what to look and feel good. there are other areas in my life that i focus a lot on too, like my relationship with God and family. your friend sounds like he is vain as well, hence the word metrosexual... we talk about a lot more things on this site besides hair. that is why i don't really talk about this site to outsiders. you newbies will learn one way or another!LOL!

i know, that cracked me up. hello pot, meet kettle.
I was talking to my guy friend about LHCF, and what the ladies on here discuss. He's metro, so I discuss hair and being natural with him at times and he discusses outfits he wants to wear to his law school classes, lol. After a couple of days, he says he feels that LHCF is a bunch of vain ladies that are hair obsessed and worried about the wrong thing. Ok, I agree we can be a little hair obsessed, but vain; are we really?
So he can care about looking his very best, but we can't? He can't be the only pretty one, sowwy.:lachen:
I was talking to my guy friend about LHCF, and what the ladies on here discuss. He's metro, so I discuss hair and being natural with him at times and he discusses outfits he wants to wear to his law school classes, lol. After a couple of days, he says he feels that LHCF is a bunch of vain ladies that are hair obsessed and worried about the wrong thing. Ok, I agree we can be a little hair obsessed, but vain; are we really?

So...should be we obsessed with clothes like he is, instead of hair? :look:
According to the definition above, vain meant conceited as well? I never knew or thought that. Yes, I am very vain, but conceited, no!
Dang, that sucks, because, my DH used to joke and say that we were vain. And of course i disagreed. However, after reading that very clear definition, i guess it's true. But when i think about it, being "vain" is not always a bad thing. In fact, everyone have some degree of vanity with different things. It may not be hair, but it's something. So, i think it just depend on how far you let the vanity go. So, to answer the question, yes, we are vain, and so is everyone else in the world. lol lol lol.
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No, I am not vain and feel that other women on this board are not vain. He is just JEALOUS b/c he cannot go to his guy friends and get tips. Gosh we do not just talk about hair though we talk among a broad spectrum of things. This is a very nice and close knit community of women who are helping one another.

NO He is Vain!
I think it's funny that a Metrosexual dude can call anyone vain. :lachen: No offense to OP's buddy but it does seem like the pot calling the kettle black. As it is written, judge not lest ye be judged.

I think vanity is relative. No one is free of it to an extent so *shrug*, who cares! I remember one time when I swore I wasn't vain (My mom is the least vain person I know and she always preached against it, so I have always fought the tendency to be, albeit in vain. :p ). Anyway, in my delusion that I wasn't vain, I was once challenged with this question: When handed a group photo in which you were a part, whose image do you look for first? Ahem, need I answer? So yes, even the most perfect among us has a drop of vanity, and like everything else in moderation, it's OK.
Sometimes the word vain can have a negative spin. If being vain means that you care about yourself enough to put work into what you eat and how you manage your hair and body then the word is actually good. Being vain should not be confused with being a snob.

Almond Eyes
I dont think so and it's alright if others do. While hair may have brought all these women here, there are other boards like the Political, Off Topic, Entertainment board to name some examples. Some women go to these and barely come to the hair board and with all the lovely ladies here I really dont get vanity, more like women helping each other to attain hair goals.
tell the law student to focus on passing courses...internships..and law reviews.

am i vain [x]yes [ ]no

but it has nothing to do with LHCF
According to the definition above, vain meant conceited as well? I never knew or thought that. Yes, I am very vain, but conceited, no!

I agree with this. I am very vain also, not proud of it but is it what it is. I'm not conceited at all though. People usually think the two are the same thing but they arent.
I guess you can call me vain, but conceited and condescending? Heck NO!!!! I get inspired by those who take care in their apperance and has the confidence to back it me that makes a woman even more beautiful - both inside and out. Let's face it, people who are aesthetically appealling generally live happier lives, so who wouldn't want to feel good about their apperance? Of course if outer beauty is all that you care about, then that's a problem! As far as I can tell, many members are well rounded individuals. I see many of the same members who regularly post in the hair forum participating in the political forum, career forum, off topic, biblical, children and entertainment forums!

I see no problem being vain, just as long as you don't put others down in the process and take care of the other major priorities in your life.
Of course, I know the definition of "vain"; but I'm gonna look it up JUST IN CASE there is some secondary meaning . . . hum Jeopardy tune, b right back . . .

/veɪn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[veyn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, –adjective, -er, -est.
1.excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited: a vain dandy. 2.proceeding from or showing personal vanity: vain remarks. 3.ineffectual or unsuccessful; futile: a vain effort. 4.without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless: vain pageantry; vain display. 5.Archaic. senseless or foolish.

Okay, from looking at the above definition (; yes, we are vain. :lachen:

Here's the thing, I think vanity has gotten a negative rap, it's origin seems to be that of shallowness, superficiality and a whole buncha other negative connotations. However, speaking for myself, and some of what I have read here (LHCF) via comments, etc. I do not feel the PRIDE we have in maintaining our hair, fine, is a negative thing thus I wear my "VANITY" with pride.

Humph, so, if we walked around like sack cloth and ashes, does that make us better women?????? Do we need a woe is me attitude, "Oooh, things are so miserable" demeanor???

A woman's hair is her glory. Not my words, but those of almighty Jehovah God. Consequently, our hair more than likely serves a purpose(s); perhaps more than we may even know. It definitely is one point that separates us from men. It is obviously one piece of womanhood that is yes, I'll say it revered, respected, beautified.

So, that we know it, love it, maybe even flaunt it . . . . seems to me we are doing what we were created to do (in this instance of the mightly, mighty locks that we don).

Can I get an amen??


Women are some of the most talented, multi-tasking individuals that I know. Thus, we (I) can contribute here, visit here, relax here, and learn here while still tending to the more important things.


So let it be written, let it be done.


and Amen!!:yep:
I was talking to my guy friend about LHCF, and what the ladies on here discuss. He's metro, so I discuss hair and being natural with him at times and he discusses outfits he wants to wear to his law school classes, lol. After a couple of days, he says he feels that LHCF is a bunch of vain ladies that are hair obsessed and worried about the wrong thing. Ok, I agree we can be a little hair obsessed, but vain; are we really?
Shoot, it sounds like your friend should be able to relate! :grin: I mean really, how many people wouldn't say the same thing about a "metro" man (not that I think there's anything wrong with a man who puts effort into looking AND smelling good :)). Don't get me wrong, I don't think your friend meant any harm and I don't take offense, but his comment shows that the fine line between "caring about your appearance" and being "vain" is all about perspective. ;)
No, we are not vain - we are women. We are allowed to make a fuss about ourselves. Any man that has a problem with that, must be jealous.
I not only care about my hair, but i care about my skin, nails, teeth, weight, shape, the kind of food i eat, clothes, home being neat and clean, kids dressed well and clean and doing well in school, being appropriate, what my neighbors think of me, what my family thinks of me, etc. I also care about the environment, those who are less fortunate, financial security, doing well at my job. I don't know if it's vanity, or just taking pride in who and what i am. If you're on this board, and you ONLY care about your hair, that would just be crazy. I'm sure there's no one here like that.
If caring about your appearance and wanting to meet your hair goals is considered vanity, then yes, I will proudly say that I am vain! :lachen:

Seriously though, most people who say that kind of stuff are haters.