Are u serious though?


Well-Known Member
Fighting in public

Have u and ur significant other ever had a public argument? So my bf and I were on the bus in Miami and this couple was having a very enertaining fight. They weren't THAT bold and loud wit it but I was sitting n front of them and heard everything. The husband wAs mad at his wife for tipping a guy at the airport 10 dollars. She said it was her money to do As she pleases. Somewhere along the lines he told her to shut the f#ck up. She said he was disrespectful and if he ever wanted to see the kids again he will not speak to her like that again. She said her friends relationship was not like that and he said she is always comparing their relationship to someone elses. She started crying and said she wanted a divorce and he said do what u gotta do. Then they sat in silence. So I know all their business. My bf and I were just listening and laughing. We have gotten mad at each other n public but we never put our business out. Do y'all fight n public or have u ever had a public falling out?
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Loool, I have never fought with anyone SO or otherwise in public and I pray to God this never happens to me.

Back in August when I was in Cote d'Ivoire, I saw this couple fighting in the street. And I mean they were literally pushing each other. Looked like the girl was confronting the guy about sthg and pushing him, he was pushing her back getting in her face, like who do you think you are... And she was yelling at him hitting him back... it was a bit hilarious but sad... why give yourself in spectacle like that.

Oh another one that I witnessed in the same neighborhood a few weeks later lool... I was sitting outside at my granpa's (they live in a place not far from the main road and I was actually at the main road) then I hear screaming and crying and people watching a scene that seems like a really violent fight. I went to look of course :)rolleyes:) and someone told me that a girl came from another neighborhood almost drunk with her boyfriend also drunk and she somehow made out with another guy who turned out to be someone she was cheating on her boyfriend with :blush:. So the two guys fought, then when she tried to stop her SO, he smacked her in the face and started hitting her while the other guy ran away...

Finally the SO calmed down, and the girl was sitting in front of somebody's house crying. He tried to leave so she stopped him and he hit her again !! So people called the security agents that were passing by, and they were ready to take the guy to the police but the girl said no, that he was her love and she started KISSING HIM :eek:. Everyone was speechless and immediately returned home... On the way back people were saying she was a masochist :lol:. We were worrying for her but clearly she didn't care for her own safety.
Girl I saw a man dragging a woman out the car by her hair at a parade once. I felt sorry for her until she ran after the car trying to get back in.
SO and I will have some stormy arguments that cause me to walk away because he has no problem arguing all day and in public it seems. We're not throwing out our life story like the couple in the OP but you can tell by our body language we are pissed off at each other.
LOL my ex and I had a really big row at the club one night in front of all our friends. Its so crazy because both swore we would never be THAT couple :lol:

For the record, he started it. :lol: For some reason he thought I was flirting with one of our mutual friends, which was really bizarre cuz we've all been friends for such a long time, I thought it was pretty clear that there would never be anything between me and said mutual friend. Anyway, my cEx ame up to me and said "ITS OVER" and I was like "what are you talking about?" and it went downhill from there. BTW our relationship didn't really end after that. We smoothed it over.
It is very messy to argue publicly IMHO. However, I am sure the couples arguing have severely pent up issues that start out as just a little disagreement and end up turning into a full blown explosive argument. I think it's best to resolve issues, 1-on-1, behind closed doors. All passer-bys are going to do is laugh and judge while you lay out all your cards to a bunch of people who could give a rat's tail about the stability of your relationship.
We've never done fact, my SO wouldn't engage me, I would be there talking to myself looking like a crazy woman.

I hate to feel embarrassed so I would avoid a public argument.
My cousins and I went to the beach one night. As we were walking down the street, we saw a white couple approaching ahead. We heard their muffled voices as they got closer... the woman looked unsure of herself; she was gesturing and pausing nervously. The man was moving steadily with wide strides. Every few moments his head would snap over to her, and she would falter. As we got close, whatever they were saying seemed to come to a head. The woman whined, "but why didn't we wait for them back there?" and the man whirled on her and lost his mind right in front of us and bellowed into night: "BECAUSE FCUK THEM! THAT'S WHY!" All he did was yell but there was so much hate in those words. :lol: I don't know what happened but I swear it was all he could do to not grab her by the hair and launch her backside out into the sea.
Wow. No, have never done this. But I don't even argue like that in private :ohwell:

Mentioning a divorce, break-up, a previous mistake, etc as an ultimatum is not cool.
I will NOT argue about OR discuss personal business in public/in front of others and would shut DH down with the QUICKNESS if he ever started heading in that direction. :nono:
It is very messy to argue publicly IMHO. However, I am sure the couples arguing have severely pent up issues that start out as just a little disagreement and end up turning into a full blown explosive argument. I think it's best to resolve issues, 1-on-1, behind closed doors. All passer-bys are going to do is laugh and judge while you lay out all your cards to a bunch of people who could give a rat's tail about the stability of your relationship.

I agree. It's best to talk about things so emotions don't escalate to blow outs in public.

This doesn't count as public because they were in their own home, but they were loud enough for all of us to hear very clearly; But my neighbors were really going at it a few weeks ago - from what I deduced she accused him of cheating, punched him in the eye, and started breaking stuff. At first I felt sorry for her because I just heard her crying and yelling about him cheating and I almost called the police because I heard crashes and thought he was hitting her too, but then I heard him telling her to stop, and after listening more I realized she was drunk and breaking his stuff. Then he threatened to call her mom lol
- I've seen 2 domestic abuse cases. 1 we were driving and the car in front of us' door flew open. The girl was trying to jump out and he yanked her in. The guy was punching her in the head, her head was flailing. It was scary. We called the police and followed behind until the police got there. Another time it was like a pimp and his "employee". We still called the police.
-Another time I saw this lady hem this man up on a car. She was cursing and yelling and mushing him in the face. The guy sat there looking like a lil puppy. We didn't call the police (mad sexist in hindsight)
(I've seen alot of public arguments. I lived in the hood :lol: )

I've never argued with SO in public but I was heatedddd with him in public. He made me mad before we left the house and i refused to speak to him at a barbecue. His friends could sense something was off, and made fun of him. I was cracking up on the inside, but I had to maintain my anger. hmph
I've never have and hopefully never will.

There have been instances where a person I'm with may say/do something I don't like in the presence of company.

If I feel like it has to be addressed at that very moment...

I usually shoot him a know that "look"..when no one is watching.

LOL...they usually shut up...move on...or whatever

I keep smiling and play it cool..people have no idea what happened.

But before we can get in the car good.. I hear " Baby, I'm sorry..I....."
Re: Fighting in public

Have u and ur significant other ever had a public argument? So my bf and I were on the bus in Miami and this couple was having a very enertaining fight. They weren't THAT bold and loud wit it but I was sitting n front of them and heard everything. The husband wAs mad at his wife for tipping a guy at the airport 10 dollars. She said it was her money to do As she pleases. Somewhere along the lines he told her to shut the f#ck up. She said he was disrespectful and if he ever wanted to see the kids again he will not speak to her like that again. She said her friends relationship was not like that and he said she is always comparing their relationship to someone elses. She started crying and said she wanted a divorce and he said do what u gotta do. Then they sat in silence. So I know all their business. My bf and I were just listening and laughing. We have gotten mad at each other n public but we never put our business out. Do y'all fight n public or have u ever had a public falling out?

Damn. Crying? Divorce? Never see the kids again? Shut the *** up? That doesn't sound funny at all. :ohwell:

Yes, my exDH and I had our fair share of public disagreements but they didn't include yelling or tears. Just lots of tension, intense whispering and posturing. Although, I must, sadly admit, my exDH and I used to work in the same building and we'd argue all the way to work and then.....the dude would come up to my office wanting to get the last word in. It was infuriating! :nono:

I feel for the young lady you described. It sounds like her DH is a douche. Just an awful man. And, she sounds young. Please be careful who you marry ladies.
Unfortunately, my husband and I had an argument in public once. We lost our daughter at the mall (briefly) and it got pretty ugly for a moment. Ah well, it hasn't happened since, won't happen again.

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I have never argued with dh in public but I will let him know in a low tone that he has f-cked up and we gone deal with it when we get home. U can prob tell by my face I am mad.

When I was younger and dumb I did the most in public. I was so damn disrespectful.

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^^^lol yeah I didn't care who was around when I was younger. In my early days of college I threw my bf clothes all over the dorm parking lot. We were back together the next week. Another bf I had we were at McDonalds and he wanted me to pay. Right there at the register I was like "D*mn I'm tired of ur a*s. I thought u got paid. U ain't neva got no d*mn money!!!" Right there in front of the cashier girl. He went off on me afterwards. That was so damn wrong to embarrass him like dat. He had actually left his wallet in the car. SMDH