Are U Getting One? Taren Guy "It's All Mine" Tee-shirt

Right. Big name designers sell overpriced t shirts all the time but they get away with it because people are willingly paying for a name, image, and marketing. Most people outside of hair forums don't know who Taren Guy is yet.

If she only gets like 5 percent of her subscribers to buy a shirt, she will make bank hahahaha..I would take it.
Yea, its all a numbers thing if 100 followers but a T then thats $3000. Not bad depending on costs to have it made.
A t-shirt for $30? No. I have to really, really be a fangirl of something/someone to do that. If I wouldn't wear it or give as a gift, I won't buy.

But... A button, magnet or mug for a few bucks? Yes, I'd buy any of those to support someone and their cause.
Its a cool idea. I just refuse to pay $30 for it when I know I can go to Hobby Lobby and get some freezer paper and t-shirt paint and make it for myself under $10. DIY, FTW.
cbanks67 said:
Yea, its all a numbers thing if 100 followers but a T then thats $3000. Not bad depending on costs to have it made.

Likewise, 500 followers could buy a $10 coffee mug and she'd make $5000. And mugs are cheaper at cost than tees.
empressri when i read this i got this cooling sensation down my back of shade. :lol:

OT: but I really love Taren's curly/kinky full Afro much better than when her hair was heat trained with those loose curls.

Was she heat trained? Is that why her pattern looks so different now than it did before? Cause before it was like she had this big 3b/3c curls and now she has more 3c/4a ish curls. Am I the only one who noticed how much her texture change after she bced off the "Heat damage"?
cbanks67 said:
I'm glad she is doing her own thing. She was just talking about using the vlogging platform to make some money. Good for her! Does anyone on here have any business ideas coming out soon?

You are right on it with that last question. LOL
I think it's cute. I also don't think $30 is that much for a t-shirt. When I go to conferences, trade shows, and sorority meetings, I regularly spend that much on a t-shirt and I rarely even wear them.
No shade.
1) I honestly wouldn't buy the shirt with her name on it for that price.
2) And I was honest about not liking her hair now.
Aww good for her for making her own t-shirt line.
There is a lot of shade in this thread and I do agree she shouldn't have had her name like that across the t-shirt but she said she is still learning in her you tube comments so I think she'll take it as constructive criticism and improve next time. I don't think there is anything wrong with what "mine" stands for. In the UK there is a brand of vintage style bags called "lie down I think I love you"...It doesn't make much sense to me but I still purchased it.
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Anything involving Taren always get a number of responses on this forum and others. She is definitely doing something right..

I won't buy the shirt as I am on a budget and will not start full-time employment again until October. But I wish her the best. People certainly pay attention to her...good or bad.
I like her. I think she has had challenging times and made the best of them. I would like to support her and would consider buying it, if she offers a name-free option. People will probably think it is the wearer's name anyway.
Taren lost me as a subbie with her rant over businesses offering free products in exchange for her review... If you haven't seen it, it is a 30 min rant on how SHE is TOO BIG to do reviews for free and should be compensated. I just loved the part (sarcasm) where she says that small businesses and/or start ups should not contact her to do reviews and should find other YT'ers that have less subbies... SHE NEEDS TO GET OVER HERSELF!!!!! Furthermore, No, I will not be purchaseing anything from or by her.
No. But I think its a creative idea but in my opinion she should have written her name in smaller letters somewhere at the bottom or on the label at the back inside.
I'm glad she is doing her own thing. She was just talking about using the vlogging platform to make some money. Good for her! Does anyone on here have any business ideas coming out soon?

Yes, but they are not hair related. There are plenty of business owners on here. Why do you ask?
Everybody got a hustle going or working on it.

I'm not one to knock someone else's hustle. If Taren wants to brand herself and sell t-shirts then more power to her.

I myself will not be purchasing a $30 t-shirt to support this Youtuber but good luck to her

Crazy thing is she is only selling a limited amount 500. She has almost 100k subbies so I'm sure she will make her quota. When you do the math she will be making close to 15k for some t-shirts.

Again I'm not gonna hate on her hustle. She's gonna make her paper one way or another
I love Taren's Fro, and can't wait for my hair to get there. Oh, if I weren't investing all my cash into my blog, and herbal information business, I would snap up three of those t-shirts in every color. I love brands, I got gucci, and channel plastered all over. Here in Cali, I can wear those shirts all year long, and I love the colors. Thanks for the post.
Aireen said:
What do you mean? There's obviously people in this thread that don't like Taren and it's coming across in their responses. :lachen:

Lol I dont not like her, I love her hair just not a $30 shirt!
No, I would not and will not spend $30 on THIS particular t-shirt. But I'm all about positive message Black t-shirts. I've spent $20 on a couple from a company called MinoriTees and one from Soul Seed Sistas that says "Light Skinned, Dark Skinned - it's all beautiful brown skin". I love my message tees! But, that being said, the message has to be there for me to spend that much, and this particular shirt seems to be something folks would buy just to support Taren not because they just love the tee shirt. But let her come out with something I like, I'd prob buy if there was a sale for like $17.99 or so...
Lol I dont not like her, I love her hair just not a $30 shirt!
Yes and that's fine but there's a way to get a point across without all the attitude and personal opinion getting in the way. :lachen: For people to say there's no shade in this thread is pretty oblivious based on certain responses. If yours wasn't one of them, then you have nothing to defend.