Are men really that stupid or are they just pretending?


carpe diem

So I am dating again :ohwell:. I have this history of being overly patient with bullsh**ers and liars, so my radar is up :sekret: because I just don't have the energy anymore. Some men I have encountered seem to be genuinely good dudes who just don't know what to do but have some preconceived notions about what women want and have us all pigeon holed in a little box. It's just hard to gauge if they really are that clueless about dealing with women or are they just taking the easier route and treating me as if all women are the same so they don't have to work as hard at building an actual relationship with an individual. I can admit, dating me is interesting because I look at the whole picture as I am feeling someone out, men have an issue with this. Either way, this is getting on my nerves.

Dating is hard :perplexed
Dating is hard :perplexed

girl u ain't never lied!

the problem i've been encountering lately is guys who don't want to do any work

i'm not about "hanging out" at your house and a whole bunch of texting back and forth. i need a grown woman date...outside of your living room! :lol: and for you to take a whopping 10 mins out of your day to call

it's like men are lazy these days, or at lest the ones i've approaching me. i just want you to put forth a little effort...aren't i worth it? :look:
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^^^Exactly... They don't want to make any effort. Really I don't want much... A nice walk in the park, a Sunday drive, dollar show... but it's like they don't want to do anything that may involve an actual conversation or thought beyond your vital statistics. It's like pulling teeth. So again is it that they are lazy or don't have a clue how to be mentally engaging with a woman.
Where, how and why are women meeting all these lazy men and WHY are they putting up with it????

I just do NOT understand. The only kind of laziness that I let a guy get away with is text messaging, but that's because I am VERY busy person and if you call me, you'll get my voicemail wayyy more often than you'll actually get me. However, once I start dating you officially, phone calls are a must.

But actual dates/courting are a must for me from the get go.

Hell, even my damn FLING last summer took me out for dinner and drinks not once, but twice, and he was just around for a week.

Seriously, there is NO reason to put up with this kind of crap. Keep it movin'!