Are Divorced women more desirable to men?


All natural!
Are divorced women more desirable to men than single women?

From stories I hear, it seems (to me) that divorced women get married faster than single women. Whether they have children are not isn't an issue.

And if they don't actually get married, they get hooked up fast to seeming "serious" relationships".

I have always wondered if men, deep down inside, think that a divorced woman is "better" than a regular 'old single woman because at least one man found her wonderful enough to put a ring on her finger.

Do you all notice the same pattern - does it seem a divorcee has better chances at attracting a second/next mate?
I notice it too. I just think its because they have desirable characteristics which led to them being married in the first place. I don't think men desire them because they are divorced but, rather their personalities.
I notice it too. I just think its because they have desirable characteristics which led to them being married in the first place. I don't think men desire them because they are divorced but, rather their personalities.

This is most likely true.
Even though the second marriage has a much higher risk of divorce than the first one, since now they know the way out...
I never noticed this phenomenon. Interesting. :look: I do know several divorced women who have remarried, but I never thought of it this way.
I notice it too. I just think its because they have desirable characteristics which led to them being married in the first place. I don't think men desire them because they are divorced but, rather their personalities.
This is in line with what I was thinking....but then I've heard of men marrying/wifing a divorcee, and then later breaking up with them citing problems with peronality...then I think, "were you just excited to 'win' what another man had?"
Maybe it's because they already have a house, a car, furniture, etc.....:blush:
In some cases where they are attracting scrubs, but I am not even really thinking black folks, I am thinking when I hear about white women divorcing it seems you turn around and they are married again.....

it makes me wonder b/c as a woman, I look at divorced men kind of funny. Men without kids. I wonder about him making that promise to someone, and what really happened for it to not work out? But do they not have the same cautious feelings?
In some cases where they are attracting scrubs, but I am not even really thinking black folks, I am thinking when I hear about white women divorcing it seems you turn around and they are married again.....

it makes me wonder b/c as a woman, I look at divorced men kind of funny. Men without kids. I wonder about him making that promise to someone, and what really happened for it to not work out? But do they not have the same cautious feelings?

Dang Winter, I wasn't either :look:

I was thinking someone with something is more desireable.
Hmm. I guess it takes out the "What's wrong with her?" factor cause they know she was occupied in a marriage. Just the same as men being comfortable with women with kids. :rolleyes:


Maybe divorced women are more blunt about what they want. If they want to get remarried, they might be bold enough to say so and not deal with the BS some men play. None of the years and years with no real commitment- unless they want it that way.
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Are divorced women more desirable to men than single women?

From stories I hear, it seems (to me) that divorced women get married faster than single women. Whether they have children are not isn't an issue.

And if they don't actually get married, they get hooked up fast to seeming "serious" relationships".

I have always wondered if men, deep down inside, think that a divorced woman is "better" than a regular 'old single woman because at least one man found her wonderful enough to put a ring on her finger.

Do you all notice the same pattern - does it seem a divorcee has better chances at attracting a second/next mate?
I think this is true to some extend,man and woman alike (some not all) have a higher interest in someone once they find out they already have a seal of approval from someone else.Sadly this doesn't only extend to divorced men/woman but also ppl in relationships/marriages:nono:

I notice it too. I just think its because they have desirable characteristics which led to them being married in the first place. I don't think men desire them because they are divorced but, rather their personalities.
I also agree w/this,in the best case scenario their character is pleasant enough for someone to see a future,marriage,children with them and even though failed, marriage might thaught them a thing or two about being in a serious relationship w/the other sex.
I learnt more in two yrs of marriage then in all my dating yrs already(personal experience not judging unmarried ladies)
Maybe the divorcee has been through it all before and knows how to pick them better, knows herself better, and can identify BS immediately.

Therefore she has an air of confidence and self-reliance.
Maybe the divorcee has been through it all before and knows how to pick them better, knows herself better, and can identify BS immediately.

Therefore she has an air of confidence and self-reliance.

I agree.

I had a guy I saw briefly back in the day ask me out if my marriage failed. :perplexed I'm married (hopefully forever) and I'm getting asked out? Dude was only slightly interested back in the day. Now he's checking in on me? :nono:
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I think this is true to some extend,man and woman alike (some not all) have a higher interest in someone once they find out they already have a seal of approval from someone else.Sadly this doesn't only extend to divorced men/woman but also ppl in relationships/marriages:nono:

I was just coming here to post the same thing. Put a ring on your left hand and it's like catnip for some men. I went on a shopping vacation with a single friend and she finally asked to borrow my ring... :look:
Are divorced women more desirable to men than single women?

From stories I hear, it seems (to me) that divorced women get married faster than single women. Whether they have children are not isn't an issue.

And if they don't actually get married, they get hooked up fast to seeming "serious" relationships".

I have always wondered if men, deep down inside, think that a divorced woman is "better" than a regular 'old single woman because at least one man found her wonderful enough to put a ring on her finger.

Do you all notice the same pattern - does it seem a divorcee has better chances at attracting a second/next mate?

This is EXACTLY what I think- all around me the divorcees (from their 20s to their 50s with AND without kids) are selling like hot cakes, I'm about to jump the broom and get divorced so I can get me a dream guy:yawn:
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My divorced friends got remarried faster than all of my friends who were single and married.

Maybe it's because he knows that she already knows how to run a household, live as a couple be a wife... she trained. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Its possible. I have an aunt who has been married 5 times. She never, EVER has a problem finding a husband. Wealthy at that. They flock to her like bees to honey ::shrugs::
Shoot yall given the women a lot of credit..I mean its not always the man who messed things up......alot of divorced women, cheated, lied, scammed..etc...they remarried too.:grin:
Its possible. I have an aunt who has been married 5 times. She never, EVER has a problem finding a husband. Wealthy at that. They flock to her like bees to honey ::shrugs::

I am exhausted just thinking about that. One more time for me. If it don't work, I am a gypsy thereafter. :)
:lachen: 5 times :D
Your auntie has "it".

She has something...She gets her claws in 'em, starts cooking, she gets whatever she wants...But she's a B with an itch, and after the fog clears, they run for the hills...
I am exhausted just thinking about that. One more time for me. If it don't work, I am a gypsy thereafter. :)

Who are you telling? She's the black Erica Kane/Elizabeth Taylor! We cant keep up with all her last names! :nono:
Dang Winter, I wasn't either :look:

I was thinking someone with something is more desireable.
Oh....see I would not assume the divorced lady had anything necessarily.

I did assume you meant scrubby black dudes :blush:. When you said "because they have the house and car and all that....I just thought "opportunist" and then I pictured him. The stereotypical scrub dude. Sorrrrrry :drunk:.
Its possible. I have an aunt who has been married 5 times. She never, EVER has a problem finding a husband. Wealthy at that. They flock to her like bees to honey ::shrugs::

Wah! :blush:
Whatever she has that causes them to flock to her she needs to bottle it and sell it, she'll be a billionaire in no time.
Maybe the divorcee has been through it all before and knows how to pick them better, knows herself better, and can identify BS immediately.

Therefore she has an air of confidence and self-reliance.
I think that's a good theory, too.
This is EXACTLY what I think- all around me the divorcees (from their 20s to their 50s with AND without kids) are selling like hot cakes, I'm about to jump the broom and get divorced so I can get me a dream guy:yawn:
Yeah see this is pretty much where I was dang, should I be wearing a ring, just to pull em in a bit faster? :perplexed
Maybe the men figure these women are "marriage material." I know some of my female friends will look at an older guy and think something is "wrong" if he hasn't been married. So they would sooner go out with a divorcee than a serial bachelor. So maybe men do that to us as well? I don't know ...