White women have highest divorce rate...

:yep: :yep: :yep:

Being "tit for tat" in the "see, they messed up too" game ain't doing NOTHING to fix what's wrong in OUR communities.

But it's not about that. I presented information. Are we saying that we can't ever post and analyze negative information about anyone else because of what's going on in our own backyards? Hell, white folks need to stop studying us then, that's for sure.
all i got from this thread is WARNING: do not post anything having to do with statistics, data, percentages in the OT forum! HA HA! Just kidding, thanks for the article, very interesting information.
If I'm reading it correctly, we're talking about the percentage of people out of the whole population who have been divorced, not the percentage of people out of the married population who have been divorced. So if I'm getting it right, out of 100 ww, 97 will marry, 25% of all ww (incl not married) will get divorced, so about 26% of married ww will get divorced. Out of 100 bw, 91 will marry, about 20% of all bw (incl not married) of them will get divorced, so a divorce rate of 22%. The overall results are the same, but those are the numbers that seem more relevant. Do others agree?

now does anyone want to help me understand how this relates to the often quoted 50% divorce rate?

What I do know about that 50% rate, is that it takes into account the number of marriages total versus the number of divorces total. So it counts those folk who get married 6 times, even if it is to each other.
I think people in general from all walks of life really need to learn about how statistcs are obtained, what consists of good studies, what consists of poor studies. People need to know this so they don't get all up in arms off of a minor coorelational study ("Study shows Light Skinned Black women more likely to marry!") that might have been published for filler for a magazine or something. People have died over stupid and poorly run/reported studies.

Take a statistics 101 course. Learn about how a researcher can choose who he places in his studies to through the results from the beginning. Or how margin of error makes a difference. Or how people will take a study with no control group and say something was effective when it may not have been.

Ahhh! THANK YOU. One really needs to understand stat's in order to really interpret what they mean. Just because numbers are thrown out all willy nilly and a percentage sign is placed behind it doesn't mean too much of anything.

I didn't see these stat's as a time to "celebate" either. You have to look at the full picture and consider other factors within our community.

I guess staying married by any means necessary is what it is all about. Afterall, we have to beat the odds. :rolleyes:
But it's not about that. I presented information. Are we saying that we can't ever post and analyze negative information about anyone else because of what's going on in our own backyards? Hell, white folks need to stop studying us then, that's for sure.

What is the negative information about white folks?
What is the negative information about white folks?

Well, I don't necessarily consider it negative, but apparently some people did, which is why they had to come in and say, "but we're worse!":ohwell:

All I did was present information for discussion. I wish I would have posted that white women smell like lemon juice and Pledge. I'm sure nobody would have questoned it.:look:
Well, I don't necessarily consider it negative, but apparently some people did, which is why they had to come in and say, "but we're worse!":ohwell:

All I did was present information for discussion. I wish I would have posted that white women smell like lemon juice and Pledge. I'm sure nobody would have questoned it.:look:

I see your point. The thing is though Black people (and I'd venture to say other minority groups in the US) are socialized since birth to always compare ourselves to White people when it comes to everything. It is ingrained in us, due to our upbringing, the media, academics, social interactions, etc.

Think about it...what is the point of knowing, for example, that the Black teenage pregnancy rate is X% versus the White teenage pregnancy rate being Y%, when both teens grew up in American culture, probably like similar celebs, foods, hobbies, share similar beliefs (Christian, most likely), etc., but the only "difference" is they're of different racial groups. Wouldn't it be more informative if we knew the teen pregnancy rates in the varying socioeconomic groups (which IMO is more influential in one's decision making skills than something as arbitrary as racial classification)?

These 'stats' and 'studies' just further perpetuate this 'us vs. them' mentality. Even while in class, I get a tinge of joy when the lecturer says Blacks aren't more at risk for XYZ obese person's disease in comparison to Whites. It's so innate, and I feel like we've been conditioned to always compare ourselves to them, so when stats about White women and their divorce rates are lower than ours, our initial focus is comparing us to them, not just trying to examine 'them,' as from jump we are led to believe that White folks are the gold standard. :ohwell:
Ahhh! THANK YOU. One really needs to understand stat's in order to really interpret what they mean. Just because numbers are thrown out all willy nilly and a percentage sign is placed behind it doesn't mean too much of anything.

Interesting. Do you feel the same way about AIDS or OOW stats?
I totally and completely agree. :ohwell: I remember many an HIV/AIDS thread or crime thread or whatever that pointed at a truth no one wanted to acknowledge, and people flooding in to decry the study methods and whatnot and claiming that the data collection and statistical analysis were inherently racist. :rolleyes: And I distinctly remember when Southernbella posted that CDC data about Black youths having less risky behaviors - researchers have been knowing that for years, but do you think that ever makes the news? And now we have a study that's saying something that goes against our collective conventional wisdom about marriage in the Black community and we're acting like these stats on White women are not true. :perplexed Will we ever be pleased? You can definitely manipulate statistics to say what you want it to say, but at the end of the day numbers don't lie. Contrary to what we have been led to believe marriages between Black people are not doomed to failure. Contrary to what we have been led to believe (no, to what we have allowed ourselves to believe!), Black people do marry each other.

The one interesting statistic that I'm kind of surprised wasn't addressed was marriages where the wife is Black having lower rates of divorce. Those results weren't too surprising, either, for two reasons:
  1. You have to overcome a lot to marry someone outside of your race and I suspect that if you can't make it past introducing homegirl to your parents, you shouldn't be together in the first place. :ohwell:
  2. Black women are the bomb. Who wouldn't want to marry - and stay married - to us? :D

I'm not surprised at all that it would be you to express my sentiments. It shouldn't be a shock that ww divorce a lot more than other races. They've notoriously been stereotyped as incredibly self-indulgent and high maintenance (mind you, this is through their own media). Look at the romantic-comedies that star all-white casts: if art imitates life, then what do these films say about their cultural values upon marriage? Look at celebrity couplings: these short-lived vows are starting to fuse into reality, forcing the rest of soceity to have a lassaire-faire attitude about marriage.
You can get divorced on the cheap. A lady I used to work with years ago had no money at all and bought some kind of do-it-yourself divorce kit. It worked as far as I know.

Which is a contributing factor in the rise of divorce rates amongst any racial barriers. You can change spouses now the way you change lip gloss: One guy smudges it off your lips while another comes and rubs it back on.
My interpretation: this means they're looking at the older generation of black women, the 70 and 70+ year old black women. The vast majority of these older black women did get married. It wasn't until the advent of welfare in the 60s that black marriage took a dive, because in order to get welfare, the woman had to be unmarried. In the old days, women usually got married in the 20s, and the 70 and 70+ year old women would have already been in their 30s when welfare started, therefore their marital status was relatively unaffected by it.

The numbers would be different if they were looking at black women within a younger age group, especially the ones that got caught in the welfare dilemna, and once the I-don't-need-me-a-man-to-raise-a-child mentality set in.

wasn't the 60s and 70s the age of divorce? what would make black people immune to the demise of the american family if everyone is doing it?
OK, I missed that, thanks.

What boggles my mind is that I've been on white boards where someone starts a whole thread about black people and why they do this or that. Nobody ever comes in and starts talking about white people and what they do wrong. The information is presented, and then they discuss it.

I posted this information and everyone comes out of the woodwork to talk about black women and how we suck more than white women, and the reasons why.

I just find that interesting.

I have more thoughts, but I'll be back when I can better articulate them.

Basically:rolleyes:. They never look at statistics objectively when it comes to people of color. Negative stats about people of color get put into the "its a proven fact that negros suck" file and passed from one white person to another. I never understood why we would feel the need to look at this objectively. Half the times we're arguing that black women are getting married by contributing our own anecdotes of intact families. Now, we want to negate them. Very telling...
But it's not about that. I presented information. Are we saying that we can't ever post and analyze negative information about anyone else because of what's going on in our own backyards? Hell, white folks need to stop studying us then, that's for sure.

I'm saying that the comparison period doesn't help anything. I could get into another diatribe about the over-reliance of researchers on using ethnic group comparisons, but I'm not gonna go there. Presenting this information then saying "Hey, it's not always negative for Black folks" does do little to help the problems in our community...

IDK I think a lot of Black folks live in a different America than I do because I see this stuff everywhere. What I'm getting from this convo is that most people would rather not be reminded of this type of dysfunction via research and statistics because LAWD knows it's out there.

Truth be told, even publishing "negative" stats get people, organizations, instituitions to start strategizing and creating programs to help CHANGE some of these issues. The sad, but true part of this is that money gets thrown at issues to form solutions when you demonstrate a need (re: negative stats.)

IDK I get lightweight pissed when people say that YT folks need to stop studying us because the same Black folks who complain ain't willing to devote their lives to getting the education necessary to get in there and take the drivers' seat on the research. What I'm saying is, Black folks can question, complain, criticize, but at the end of the day, if you ain't willing to get in here and do the work to produce a POSITIVE change then all of these convos are useless.
But here's my problem with that...the truth definitely hurts, but black folks already know the truth about ourselves. We've been hearing someone's version of the truth ever since we got to this country. What about others' truths? It's odd to me that even when hearing others' truths, some of us will come in and start talking about black people. The truth is that black teenagers are less likely to engage in risky behavior than any other race. Well, many of us refused to even believe that. I don't generally get defensive when talking about us and our problems, but it does bother me when we can't even discuss other races without shouting, "But we're worse! Don't get too happy, because black people are still the scum of the earth!"

I don't think that's true about Black folks knowing the "truth" about themselves. Maybe among the "educated" set this *may* be true. How do you explain the fact that Black folks continue in this dysfunction? Knowing the truth and not caring or what? Serious question here... If the stats go away, if the media disappears, will the trends cease to exist? Will we be better off as a community?

Also.... the "truth" about Black teenagers less likely to engage in risky behavior than any other race comes from ONE STUDY that you happened to come across. I could argue up and down with you that that's not true - and depends on how you define "risky" behavior. Having a broad exposure to the literature, I'm actually inclined to believe that's not true, but if it floats your boat, whatever believe it...

I agree that most people don't know how to analyze numbers like this. I admitted from the beginning that I wanted someone more experienced to weigh in because I knew I was probably missing something.

I agree. You can interpret these things any way you want. I was talking to a black guy on another forum. He told me, definitively, that black people commit more crime than any other race. Well, here's my problem with that; the people who say this are generally only thinking about certain crimes. Do black people commit more murders? Yes. Arson? No. Sex crimes? No. Fraud? No. DUI? No. Drug crimes (both selling & using)? No.

LOL. My friend is a criminology major. She always says that crime is where you look for it. The matter of fact is that the police STAY posted up in our communities in the first place, so guess what the majority of criminals look like. If the target other, more affluent communities, guess what the criminals will then look like. LOL.

The media has always been able to put their own spin on the numbers and report whatever they want, unchecked and unchallenged, and that's a big problem.

Media and research can be bedfellows, but not always the case. I think the "media" don't know how to interpret the stats either, but that's beside the point. Sometimes the media reports stuff that the research didn't even say, but that's another story. :lachen:

I can't wait for your book to come out.:yep:

I am all for accepting the truth, but again, whose truth? Whose spin? I've never seen an unbiased study when it comes to what is said about black folks. When I posted "What's good for the goose is good for the gander", I meant that if we accept the studies about us as truth, why do we then turn around and holler "Bias!" when it comes to other races?

There is NO SUCH THING as a study without bias. Any researcher worth his or her salt will tell you that - and if you read the actual articles it points out all kinds of limitations and biases. Most people don't read that far or don't know how to interpret what is read.
I'm saying that the comparison period doesn't help anything. I could get into another diatribe about the over-reliance of researchers on using ethnic group comparisons, but I'm not gonna go there. Presenting this information then saying "Hey, it's not always negative for Black folks" does do little to help the problems in our community...

IDK I think a lot of Black folks live in a different America than I do because I see this stuff everywhere. What I'm getting from this convo is that most people would rather not be reminded of this type of dysfunction via research and statistics because LAWD knows it's out there.

Truth be told, even publishing "negative" stats get people, organizations, instituitions to start strategizing and creating programs to help CHANGE some of these issues. The sad, but true part of this is that money gets thrown at issues to form solutions when you demonstrate a need (re: negative stats.)

IDK I get lightweight pissed when people say that YT folks need to stop studying us because the same Black folks who complain ain't willing to devote their lives to getting the education necessary to get in there and take the drivers' seat on the research. What I'm saying is, Black folks can question, complain, criticize, but at the end of the day, if you ain't willing to get in here and do the work to produce a POSITIVE change then all of these convos are useless.

But I don't remember framing the information with "See, other people suck too!". If some people took it that way, that's on them.

I feel like this...the majority of the threads on this board are about how much black people suck. The one or two times a year someone posts something positive about black people (the teen thread I posted awhile back) or something negative about white people (this thread), THAT'S when panties get bunched?

We all have different experiences. I only personally know 3 single mothers, and the vast majority of my friends and my dh's friends are married. I've also known plenty of shrewish, harpy ww who did nothing but complain about and trash their husbands, so I'm not a bit surprised at their likelihood to divorce. I also know that the world is bigger than MY world, so I don't deny that it's bad out there for black folks. I get it. But if we're being real, this is a message board where people come to discuss issues. It's not a town hall meeting or a non-profit organization. We're just talking, knowing that most of these conversations are superficial and aren't going to translate to change IRL.

All I want is for the same standards to be applied to EVERY study. AIDS stats, OOW stats, crime stats, etc. need to be examined with a microscope just like people have done to the stats in this thread. There's no prize for proving black people suck at life, although you wouldn't be able to tell from this thread, just like there's no great joy to be had when it's pointed out that white and other folks aren't perfect.

I really appreciate the work you're doing, but I think we need to keep these threads in perspective.:yep:
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As a general statement, I think it's funny how Black folks like to pick and choose which stats they wanna believe. If it's "positive," then we'll believe it, but if it's negative, then we reject it. How convenient.

Also... lemme me go ahead and say this... I think some of the unspoken dynamics around this issue has to do with a lot of "good" Black folks wanting to disassociate from other Black folks, not wanting to have YT people thinking "negative" about you or yours, or having the right to feel superior.

Some of the same folks who rail against these statistics will readily point out the Tyrone, Keyshia, and 'nem in the hood confirm each and every last one of these issues we point out in these threads - but will get all huffy and pissed off because the media tries to lump all of "us" together. Again, if that's what's going on, folks need to be truthful.
But I don't remember framing the information with "See, other people suck too!". If some people took it that way, that's on them.

I feel like this...the majority of the threads on this board are about how much black people suck. The one or two times a year someone posts something positive about black people (the teen thread I posted awhile back) or something negative about white people (this thread), THAT'S when panties get bunched?

We all have different experiences. I only personally know 3 single mothers, and the vast majority of my friends and my dh's friends are married. I've also known plenty of shrewish, harpy ww who did nothing but complain about and trash their husbands, so I'm not a bit surprised at their likelihood to divorce. I also know that the world is bigger than MY world, so I don't deny that it's bad out there for black folks. I get it. But if we're being real, this is a message board where people come to discuss issues. It's not a town hall meeting or a non-profit organization. We're just talking, knowing that most of these conversations are superficial and aren't going to translate to change IRL.

All I want is for the same standards to be applied to EVERY study. AIDS stats, OOW stats, crime stats, etc. need to be examined with a microscope just like people have done to the stats in this thread. There's no prize for proving black people suck at life, just like there's no great joy to be had when it's pointed out that white and other folks aren't perfect.

I really appreciate the work you're doing, but I think we need to keep these threads in perspective.:yep:

SB, I'm not the only one who took this thread that way, so I don't think it's just me. I've seen you post several threads about comparative statistics concerning Black folks, so I'm just noticing a pattern that I pointed out. If I'm off-base, then well, I'm sorry.

Also, there are standards applied to the work that gets published. EVERYTHING up in academia comes under criticism. Some of these criticisms that are being posted are misguided, at best. That's MY point.
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SB, I'm not the only one who took this thread that way, so I don't think it's just me. I've seen you post several threads about comparative statistics concerning Black folks, so I'm just noticing a pattern that I pointed out. If I'm off-base, then well, I'm sorry.

Several threads? I can remember posting about black folks' achievements a few years ago. Not comparative. I remember posting the study about black teens, which was comparative. That was from CNN. That's all I got. Then this one, which was mostly about white women. Were there more than that?
Several threads? I can remember posting about black folks' achievements a few years ago. Not comparative. I remember posting the study about black teens, which was comparative. That was from CNN. That's all I got. Then this one, which was mostly about white women. Were there more than that?

I don't keep a tally or anything, but over the past couple of years that I've been here, I've noticed a trend that caused me to come off with the particular opinion that I did. That is all. :look:
IDK I get lightweight pissed when people say that YT folks need to stop studying us because the same Black folks who complain ain't willing to devote their lives to getting the education necessary to get in there and take the drivers' seat on the research. What I'm saying is, Black folks can question, complain, criticize, but at the end of the day, if you ain't willing to get in here and do the work to produce a POSITIVE change then all of these convos are useless.

I just had to quote this because thanks really was not enough. I'm so sick of hearing people sit and complain about things, and they're not doing anything to change the situation!!! Shoot, at least someone is studying us because clearly we're not up to the task. :look:
I just had to quote this because thanks really was not enough. I'm so sick of hearing people sit and complain about things, and they're not doing anything to change the situation!!! Shoot, at least someone is studying us because clearly we're not up to the task. :look:

My thing is.... if white folks weren't doing it, then there would be NO ONE doing it because there's not enough Black folks in the research business. Then we'd be crying about not being "good enough" to kick it in published studies along with everyone else. :rolleyes:
IDK I get lightweight pissed when people say that YT folks need to stop studying us because the same Black folks who complain ain't willing to devote their lives to getting the education necessary to get in there and take the drivers' seat on the research. What I'm saying is, Black folks can question, complain, criticize, but at the end of the day, if you ain't willing to get in here and do the work to produce a POSITIVE change then all of these convos are useless.

Don't take it literally. That was a response to you saying that we shouldn't be posting negative stats about anyone else until our community is in order.
What responses in this thread have prompted people to think that people don't believe that white women have the highest divorce rate? What responses here have people thinking that we never want anything positive to be shown about us?
So that was it, then? Since you made that assertion, it would be nice if you backed it up.:yep:

Since I don't like backing down from a challenge....

I don't have time to do complete and total LHCF thread research, but for starters:




Each and every last one of these threads come off with the same sentiment of "look, Black folks ain't all bad." And you may have come in other threads with the same type of sentiments, which is where I got it from, along with the other folks who thanked my post when I brought it up.

Since you asked for "proof," that's where that perception came from - along with your own statement in this thread re: White folks posting negative stats on your White boards.

And since we have such "superficial" conversations over here, that's NOT what you were saying a few weeks ago:

And with that, I'm very much done going back and forth with you. This isn't really about me or you, but seriously.... sometimes the same people who wanna bury their heads in the sand and NOT do anything about these issues are the very ones with all of the complaints. It's not fair and totally unproductive.

I don't know when this got personal because I didn't wanna take it there, but I hear hit dogs hollering all up and through these types of threads. What kind of vested interest do you have in systematically burying your head in the sand about these issues? And saying that it's ALL WRONG - with very little perspective on the situation, I might add. :look:

People wanna bring up anecdotes and personal experiences like it refutes whole large scale studies of thousands of people. The entire point is to be a bit more objective than anyone or their small social circle can ever be. If it don't apply to you, that's fine, but don't deny it's not a larger problem for the rest of the community, especially if you have no basis of making such a claim. Or criticize the hell out of a study and you don't know what basis you're making a criticism, except that you don't "like" the sound of it.
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What responses in this thread have prompted people to think that people don't believe that white women have the highest divorce rate? What responses here have people thinking that we never want anything positive to be shown about us?

I think its just the dissection of the numbers in the stats that irks people as oppose to understand what the stats are really saying. Its not particularly crucial. What I got from the article is that at the end of the day, black women and white women share a lot more in common than people like to admit. Love's labors know no racial barriers. At the end of the day (in the words of Cher), we all sleep alone.:look: Well, lets trying to stop pinpoint how many do and figure out the reasons why. Whats really going on here that Americans cannot savor love? Does it really leave a bitter taste in our mouths?