Are black women selfish about sharing hair growth info?


Well-Known Member
Do you tell others everything you do to achieve healthier and longer hair? Those that take growth aids do you admit to doing so? I have to admit I don’t tell everything to people that ask me. I no longer take growth aids but when I used to I never stated what but I would mention that vitamins are good for hair growth just did not get into detail (when i was using Monistat and my hair grew like crazy I could not bare to admit that). On this board I will tell all I guess because we are sharing info but in reality it just does not come out naturally. I notice others do the same not telling all, why is that I wonder?

ETA: I am selfish about this site though, I know that is awful but this is my little secret place!
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I would hope not. It's just hair. I have never used growth aids, my hair grows which is why I have to get a touch up every 12 weeks. I grew my hair by not cutting it, regular washing and keeping the protein/moisture balance in check. For me, it was really that simple and I would not hesitate to tell anybody if I were asked.
I have been very generous with my hair knowledge... but I have become a little hesitant since ive been made fun of... an embarassed by friends who think im crazy or gross.

I still try to share info on my blog... and im also an aspiring hair stylist so I guess its become part of my job to give advice.
I only share information if it is asked IRL.
But I do have a blog which I post anything and everything I have learned and I also do so on hair boards.
I always share. But if you think people will give you the side eye for using monistat then don't tell them. It's your business. Besides, you can always lead them to this site where they will find out about it on their own. We may be in the know, but when were we appointed the official disciples of the hair community? I don't feel obligated to do a darn thing.
I am selfish. If you’re not from one of the Hair Boards or YouTube then I do not share info. I feel like those already in the hair world appreciate advice more.

Women IRL don't take my advice anyway (they chalk it up to just good hair). I feel like if they never taken the first steps in learning about their hair and taking better care of it on their own with research (like books, blogs, hair boards, YouTube) they are not worthy of the info I have to give them in the first place. Wasted breath.
If you ask me I will share....I don't just go about giving away this knowledge for FREE....shoot even I paid $6 to get it :grin:
I have become selfish lately, because folks don't listen. I don't get asked by random strangers, but friends & family.

I told one friend about co-washing, she looked at me like I lost my mind, and said I wouldn't do that, its gross. Some random employee at a bss told her about it, it was gospel.

This has happened on multiple occassions, so now I just zip it, and do what I do.
I give info to those who want it. When I first joined LHCF I would go around trying to save everybody's hair but realized quickly that some folks enjoy being bald headed, so I stopped pressing the issue.

When I got past SL, people started listening. Even now that I cut it all back off (going natural again, that's another story), people still listen because they saw what I did the first time.
I just tell people about this site. If they are really serious about learning how to retain growth they will come check it out.

That's what a friend did for me when I asked her about her long hair:yep:
I'm not selfish but I know who to share info with. I'm always complemented on my hair but after telling folks time and time again what I do and they seem to think I just have good hair, I just say thank you and KIM.

I had to call one of them out though. She knew when my hair was average. How dare you claim that my hair is long now because I have good hair? I even have pictures to prove my hair was barely 6 inches. I still experience slow growth so I'm quick to tell them it's not how fast your hair grow, it's how much you are able to retain. They don't want to hear that though.... They either think I just have god hair or I don't want to tell them about my magic portion.

My own mother weave check me all the time but that's only because she is still amaze at how my sister and I have managed to grow our hair.
I'm selfish.. I've been burned too many times not to be careful.

I will tell you about youtube and forums.. but I'm not striking up any conversation..

A lot of ppl feel they know it all already anyway.. what they need me for?
When asked I share but I don't normally volunteer information. Because people usually chalk it up to "good hair" or they listen and then look at my like I'm crazy. So unless the person shows a real interest I'm not going to start talking about co-washing, moisturizing or sealing ends. I do share via Youtube and to people who are really interested.
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No one has ever asked me. I think my family just believes in "good hair." The last time I was with my family, my cousin who is known as the good hair queen gave me a weave check... (I wouldn't have even recognized it if it hadn't been for this board... But why else do you put your hands in someone else's hair and touch their scalp?) And my other cousins just referred to me as having such "healthy hair."

So I think they think you either have it or you don't. Now they SHOULD have known something was up, because my hair has made a complete turn around since they last saw me. I used to be a "don't have it." :) But I guess they still just chalked up my recent hair success to my mom's "good hair" genes.
I wouldn't say I'm selfish, more like... cautious. :yep:

Over the years, I've learned to keep my answers vague and as quick as possible: Wash, condition, moisturize, no heat.

If you go into more detail than that, folks' eyes start glazing over and they look at you like you're crazy.

Of course there are those rare few who truly want to know how to grow their hair and will listen and take heed to my advice. In those cases, I spill all of the beans. :)
I'm not selfish at all, I want to share. My problem is that those who I have come in contact with don't ask they just lurk, or want to touch your hair to see if you have tracks in your head. The ones I have shared with are now giving their own advice on hair growth.
OP you and I are in the same boat. I share everything I do & every product in my reggae......except the MN. LOL I just can't bring myself to tell people IRL. I assume they will think im crazy even though it works really good for me.
I used to be when I first joined this site. But now that having long hair is normal for me, I'm more open and would like to see others look as nice as I do. :giggle:
I will tell them if they ask. I get a lot of questions from ladies IRL who are natural (even though I am not) and I always share what I know and give youtube links.

I remember when I first started out trying to get my hair healthy and I asked a woman with long thick hair what she did and she told me she had dominican in her family. :ohwell: Then I asked another girl who I met at church where she got her hair done and she said she couldn't remember. :perplexed

After that happened I just never asked women IRL and I'm so glad to have LHCF cause the ladies here have way better hair than the women I have asked in the past.
I was openly sharing when asked IRL but I quickly realized that most are not interested in hair to the degree that I am. Therefore, I now keep my comments simple and brief.
If someone asks I'll share, no problem. I do think it's strange to just go up to people and start talking about growing hair like it's the Gospel lol.

"Have you heard the good news about growing your hair?" LOL

Someone would certainly have to miss me with that ha! But if someone asked what I did with my hair, I'll certainly share.
I'm not, I always tell people about this site and that there are ladies here who have proof and evidence, and can give you tips no matter what stage you are at.
As stated above, most people are not as hair-obsessed as I am though so I'm trying to cool it.
Like other posters have said; I will share ONLY if someone ask.
I rarely get asked about my hair practices, well barely ever. The people in my life that went natural after me never ask, they usually get their info from YT.
I told 2 people about my hair journey. One who wants to have longer hair but her solution to long hair is weave and extensions and she looks really sad in either one. The other person thinks that this is too much time and work. I now keeps my mouf shut
I'm certainly not, but I've learned to only share information with those that are receptive. I'm so over telling people about the wonders of DCing, PSing, moisture/seal, stretching relaxers etc. etc. only to get the infamous side eye and being told that stuff won't work for them because they don't have "good hair" :rolleyes:
No, I do not think so.

Personally, I share whatever information I have, if asked. I created a fair amount of videos by request from people who asked about how I did a certain style or how I use a certain product. I do not mind sharing information.