APL 2012 Challenge

Hello Everyone! I still have to get my length check. I am sure that I am not there and I was feeling sort of hurt? I really believed that I would get those three inches. No hair growth is actually guaranteed. So many ladies are talking so positively. "I'll get it next year", "I've got great length retention", " I am really close. I will have it for sure in 2013!". I have been having a pity party. I still have to get my appointment. So I will save it for the picture take.
Hello Everyone! I still have to get my length check. I am sure that I am not there and I was feeling sort of hurt? I really believed that I would get those three inches. No hair growth is actually guaranteed. So many ladies are talking so positively. "I'll get it next year", "I've got great length retention", " I am really close. I will have it for sure in 2013!". I have been having a pity party. I still have to get my appointment. So I will save it for the picture take.

You are going to make it. A watched pot never boils as they say. :lol: Setting length goals can be a good and bad thing. When we don't make it to our goal when we expected to, it can feel a bit discouraging BUT just know that it isn't impossible. Other people have done it and you can (and will) do it too.
It's official for me, I will not be making APL by the end of this year. :nono: I gave it a valiant try but I fell short of the goal. I flat ironed tonight and I am very happy with the progress that my hair has made. It is fuller and healthy looking. I am pleased as this is the longest that my hair has been. Collar bone in the front and approx. 2 -3 inches above APL in the back. Much thanks to you ladies for your insights, input and knowledge concerning hair care practices. I believe that I can/will make it next year. :yep:

I still want pictures. I like looking at hair, especially full healthy hair regardless of length.
Well, I'm gonna post my end of year/challenge pics now because I'm thinking about getting a weave. I think my sides are grazing APL, but alas, I cannot claim it knowing that my crown is only 6.5 inches long:sad:. I really don't know how or why that happened, prolly start a thread about it actually.
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I've been adding a wee bit of conditioner to my hair after I wash. It's been doing MIRACLES for the NG, huge texture difference, but after my hair dries it looks dull :/. It's the only product I added.. If I don't use it I'm sure the luster will come back buuuut maybe it's better for its health??
i am going to use my hot rollers today. my grandmother's bday gathering is happening and i don't want to do this bun. my face is getting fuller and i need some hair around it, so i won't look like Secret Squirrel.

i flat ironed my hair friday. i was not able to get next day hair. i can't sleep pretty right now because i can't lay on my stomach.

i am going to not do a protein treatment for the rest of this month. i don't want to over do it.
It ain't over til' the fat lady sings ladies! I'm still being cautiously optimistic about making APL because sometimes it looks like I may be there and other times not so much. I'll know for sure in 11 days when I have my NG flat ironed. Fingers still crossed!

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First of my end of year updates-- twistouts!!!

Best product for my twist outs is miss Jessie's curly pudding.

March 1


August 1


Today! Done with shescentit curly soufflé.



Thanks everybody! I appreciate all the loving support. You guys are the best friends a girl ever had. It is a journey, not a weekend excursion!!! My hair is growing. When I went for my length check and trim in June-July I did not know it was that far beyond the shoulders. I was shocked. Despite pulling it, it was longer than I expected. The journey involves learning what your hair needs. For instance, I heard that as a 100% natural you don't need protein. Uh, my hair needs some and I can never again be without some Aphogee 2 step in my arsenal. I used henna to cover. It looked nice But I still need some protein. We grow and learn, grow and learn. I have learned a lot at LCHF university. I am glad and happy to be a part of this board. Love you guys a whole lot!!!
Thanks everybody! I appreciate all the loving support. You guys are the best friends a girl ever had. It is a journey, not a weekend excursion!!! My hair is growing. When I went for my length check and trim in June-July I did not know it was that far beyond the shoulders. I was shocked. Despite pulling it, it was longer than I expected. The journey involves learning what your hair needs. For instance, I heard that as a 100% natural you don't need protein. Uh, my hair needs some and I can never again be without some Aphogee 2 step in my arsenal. I used henna to cover. It looked nice But I still need some protein. We grow and learn, grow and learn. I have learned a lot at LCHF university. I am glad and happy to be a part of this board. Love you guys a whole lot!!!:yep:
So I think ima order my wig today and take my hair down next week. I'm contemplating but I thnk that's what I want to do because I'm off Christmas and Christmas Eve at 4 so it's better to do it next week.

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Hopefully in a week I'll have straight hair so I can do my final length check for you ladies. I can't believe our crazy challenge is coming to an end! Hope to see everyone in the BSL challenge.

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Here is my final length check. I checked before I was supposed to lol...NO more length checks for the year...


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I'm so excited, yea, yea. Let's get excited,' in my electric slide singing voice.

I keep pulling on my hair trying to see if I made APL on the edges. I want to straighten and enjoy a bob for the holiday, I am going to set with curlformers and see if I still want to flat iron. I am so scared. I am tripping.
I was wondering where you've been @livinthevida!

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:hiya: @NikkiQ! & Ladies! I MISS YOU ALL! :grouphug:

I do hope everyone has finished their Christmas shopping and in listing your new New Year's Resolutions! We sure know what these will be into 2013! :wink2:

I have been consumed in my ORL (Other Real Life) at the wonderful world of work :grin: Yet more importantly I am loving the length and health of my hair as we look to celebrate a full year in 2012 plus the start of a New Year Healthy Hair Journey iin 2013!

Vida Ninja will check in once again New Year's Eve :fan: to post & celebrate our APL pictures :rocker:

Cheers Ladies! :cheers:
11 days and counting ladies!! Final countdown. This is bittersweet. We've come a long way together. Literally...a long way. IDK about yall,but APL seems like 3 miles from SL on me. I'm so glad that you ladies decided to take part in this challenge with me. My very first challenge! I couldn't have asked for a better group of ladies to do this with.

Til APL do we part!
Been braided for 6 weeks and have a good bit of ng....I miss my hair though. I will make it until after the first and then start taking these bad boys out. I think 8 weeks is good. Hoping you all make apl and trust I'm right behind you :-)
I was going to do this tomorrow, but I took down my bun this evening and decided I might as well get it done.

I think I made APL this year. Thanks for all the support and thank you @NikkiQ for starting this challenge. I know I did not participate much, but I lurked and embraced all the support. It was sort of easier for me to forget I was waiting to get to a goal and just check it at infrequent intervals.
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