Anyone up for a NO TRIM till 2007 challenge?

See, the reason why Id like to do this is becuz it seems like every 2 or 3 months after ive had good growth i look at my damn ends they look like HELL becuz theyre overprosessed, im transitioning, plus i kinda just learned to treat them rite in this past MONTH:look: even tho ive been hair wise for the past 9 months or so,, now i make sure theyre moisturized every single day and I am having less breakage,, anyway all the damn trims are causing me to lose precious length that I've grown,, since im guessing i get an inch every 2 months,, then i go and trim half that off well,, that just sux LOL:eek:,, I want to challenge myself and anyone else to NOT have to trim becuz we should all be taking such good care till sometime in 2007 HOLLA
I wish I could join you, because I'm the same way!

I'm never satisfied with my ends. I have sections of different length and I'd like my hair to be thicker/fuller.

I just cut two inches off a few weeks ago and last weekend almost cut more. But then I told myself that I'd wait and cut with my new relaxer the third week in July.

And I plan to trim every relexer (every 7 weeks) until the end of the year. So if I reach Brastrap this year, it won't be until December ... but I'd rather have thickness before length.
I think that I'm in. My ends are in pretty good shape. Now, what about dusting, does that count?
Oooh, I am up for that. I just did a dusting after my touch up last weekend and I hadn't trimmed since Dec. of last year. We can still do Search & Destroy right and just get the odd splits or knots? I was really disastified with my ends too and I found something that helped them so much. After washing my hair last night, I decided to airdry in a twistout instead of with my hair hanging out loose. My ends looked sooo much better this morining, like they were infused with moisture & oil. Also in another thread the other day, Candy C and some other girls mentioned they were oiling their ends and setting them on rollers and that seemed to help. I believe this. I am going to try this too so I won't have so much loathing of my ends and be tempted to trim. :cool:
I'm joining this challenge hair was last trimmed on June 8th..I hate getting good growth and chopping it off cause of stupid ends...My ends have always grown uneven and crazy..I know my stylist is gonna try and cut away but NOPE i'm not letting her.
I'm in. I have never gone that long without trimming off at least a little but, I want to see what it will look like by then. Hopefully when December comes, I can finally trim it nice and even and still retain bra strap!!
Well i'll say search and destroy is allowed in this,, but no real trims,, just seeking out those nasty ends that have to go,, i really want some incentive to take care of my ends and this is it, that would give us 3 more inches by the end of this year! thats substantial!!:),, or more depening on ur rate of growth
Jazzy, i was not aware of that actually but i sure think its a great idea:D,,OHHHH that explains why Khandi B's siggy says she wants 4 more inches for Xmas! now i get it LOL Anyhoo Ive been bathing my ends in everything moisturizing lately and ive found that my hair just drinks up everything,, it all seems to dissapear and i need to use more and more product:ohwell:
I'm in it's been three months since my last trim anyway and I just put a relaxer in last night (silk elements lye which is da BOMB lol) I am about maybe an inch or two from bra strap anyway I will like to be past bra strap by 2007.
I'm in, I am already doing a personal no trim challenge til the end of December. With the weekly deep conditioning, baggying and moisturizing my ends. I have been doing great. My last trim was June 8 so YAH I'm down. My intention is to not trim until I get to my 1st goal and then trim maybe 1 or 2 inches off because I want thick even ends.:)
I'm in. I just trimmed over two inches off this month because my hair was extremely uneven. I was so mad about it. My ends looked good, no splits or anything, I just had to get it evened up because it looked bad. Lately I've been babying my ends like a newborn baby, lol. I really want it to grow in healthy and even so I'm trying to manipulate my hair as less as possible.
I'm with you, i'm just going to pamper my ends for six ,months before i trim anymore off, i'm not entirely happy with my ends i still have some old lye texturizer left so its much frizzier and drrier than most of my hair
I am in.

I just got my hair cut about a week ago, so this is a perfect time for a no-trim challenge.
actually guys, I posted this back in June but coincidentally this was a perfect time to ressurect this thread becuz i just did a half inch trim this month and I vowed it to be the last one till 2007 becuz my ends were just too skinny.. Pokahontas, I feel you on that trim , my hair is terribly uneven in back and im not at a point yet where im ready to trim it but when it grows longer i will:mad:,, so annoying to have uneven hair,, the issue im working on now is still getting rid of relaxed ends that are so skinny and make my hair looks scraggly... and JOJOBA OIL is magic oil for the ends,, i think everyone should try it
I'm so in I been whinning about the scissor happy stylist for months. I'm trying to hold out until Febuary.
OMG! Just last night I was thinking about starting a similiar thread. I'm so in...gotta put her on the siggy.

I'm in. My last perm was at the beginning of August. Didn't get a trim then and I don't plan on getting one until I reach my goal (which is apl).
I am so in! I cannot even tell you the last time I had a trim in years! I know this is so sad. But my little sister trims my ends because I do not trust stylist when it comes to putting scissors in my hair! lol No offense to any stylist on the boards. My sister attended cosmetology school and has been on my head since she was about 13. lol But I think my ends are in very good shape. So count me in! :D
I'm doing pretty good so far. Just making sure to keep my ends very well moisturized daily and trying not to manipulate my hair too much. I think I"m moisturizing too much though because my hair is unusually greasy this week. I will keep doing my bi-weekly washes (wish I could go longer) because I see breakage when I wash. I've also been thinking about bunning more often which is something I rarely do because I just don't like buns on myself but I found an ok phony pony that I use to make a fuller bun so I like this one better.

Here's some pics of the phony pony bun. I'm really getting serious this time. (I would never be able to make such a full bun with just my real hair)


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I so wanna do this challenge but I sooo know let's just say "one foot in" the challenge..hopefully I'll be able to stand fully in the challenge
im trimming 1/2 inch every month till all my relaxed ends are gone.. but ill see by dec how much i have left then i may join the challenge
Count me in, just had a bad "trim" from a stylist which will take months for me to get over so I know I won't fall off this bandwagon
motherx2esq said:
I am so in! I cannot even tell you the last time I had a trim in years! I know this is so sad. But my little sister trims my ends because I do not trust stylist when it comes to putting scissors in my hair! lol No offense to any stylist on the boards. My sister attended cosmetology school and has been on my head since she was about 13. lol But I think my ends are in very good shape. So count me in! :D

Same here! My baby sis trims my ends whenever I need one - I use to go to SuperCuts and let a guy trim my ends. I'd say just take of this much --> . and he would. I've moved and hadn't had the courage to trust anyone else so I'm in!
