Anyone thinking of throwing in the "NATURAL" towel for 2012?

I did. I was using too much heat to wear a strait style, so I decided a chemical is the lesser of 2 evils. :ohwell: I am glad I did it, but now I a lot of research to do. I texlaxed with a texture softner. I have so much to learn!
Weird, I have never had a problem with SSK's.... :nono: I do cowash often and always mix leave-ins with EVOO. My detangling sessions are always in front of the mirror so I can see any tangles beforehand. I dunno...
I was natural for over 4 years and I just recently relaxed my hair. I enjoyed my natural hair journey and probably will do it again later in life but I"m loving this change!
I have been natural most of my life...I had a perm from age 11-16 and decided it was not for me...I will be a natural who straightens once every other month...the best of both worlds.
I have transitioned a few times and decided the last time was the last time. I always miss my natural curls. I wear my hair mostly straight now but I love wearing my natural texture and knowing I have the option to style it either way. My hair is healthiest when natural and I feel the most confident with my hair natural. I highly suggest trying to find a simple day to day routine plus learning new styles wether straight or curly. Knowing you have more options is key.

The easiest routine I ever did was when I strictly used a moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, and humectant pomade ( all Aveda ) and did nightly misting/twisting and twistouts in the morning, or rocked afropuffs. No more than ten minutes morning and night, washed and conditioned once a week. That's all I did and my hair eventually got to a great length and was super healthy and I barely thought about it. The reason I relaxed again was that is all I knew how to do with my hair. I got BORED. I started an endless cycle of natural, relaxer/texturizer, repeat. Now that I have learned more styling options I will never go back to chemicals. I can do pretty much any look I want with it so I don't feel imprisoned anymore.

I suggest being patient. It will pay off. The worst is going back to a relaxer/texturizer then changing your mind only to start over again. Waist of time, energy, and hair.
My hair's growing nicely (it's the longest it's ever been I think). My hair never thrived like this when chemically processed so I have no plans to turn back.
never - natural till i die, I need to learn to understand my hair, to work with it, the good the bad and the ***** :lol:
I texlaxed last year after a 2.5 year transition. I haven't relaxed since December. I may not. I finally have a hair style I like and is consistent. I through the towel in last year but I probably won't texlax again.
no but i've thought about it. Well texlaxing. The back of my hair is 3b/3c? and it's so much easier to deal with. But I'd miss my curls.

though i'd get chemical burns so i'm not going back down that road.
Thought about it for about for a few minutes when my hair was in a really weird stage(around full NL stretched) , but decided to stick it through. The longer my hair has gotten the less and less I've thought about it. I think my problem was just trying to figure out how to make short shrunken natural hair work. I couldnt do much.

Now that I'm APL stretched I'm loving how my hair looks! And can't wait until its even longer. I love big hair. So a relaxer wont be going on this head anytime soon.
Seamonster- I had almost the exact same dream! I was bamboozled into thinking a relaxer was a conditioner :lachen: That was the first time I had that dream as a natural. I was devastated and it felt so real :lol: The next day I had a nightmare detangling session and I was super frustrated with my hair & wanted to cry (the worst since I have been natural)...but I remembered how I felt in that dream and sucked it up! I can't imagine not being natural. I always thought I felt that way, but the dream solidified it for me! Maybe everyone who is experiencing hair frustrations should have that dream and see how they react/feel :look:
Nope, I'm never going back to relaxers. Its just too much of a headache.
Here are some of the reasons why I love my natural hair

1.On a windy day my fine relaxed hair would look a HAM. Now, my natural hair laughs at the wind, and my styles stay in perfect place.
2. I can workout without worrying that I'm going to sweat out my doobie.
3. I don't have worry about covering my hair when its raining.
4. I don't have to sit under a hot dryer for 45-60 minutes for a roller set
5. With my natural hair I no longer have itchy dry scalp.
6. My natural hair is retaining length and growing longer then my relaxed hair ever did.
7. I just love how healthy my natural hair is.
7. Finally, I like looking different from everybody else. Sometimes when I look at people with the same hairstyle, they all look like clones to me. I can't distinguish one from the other. Natural hair makes you stand out. I think that's one of the main reasons why I don't think about relaxers. I've set myself apart from that mainstream society look, and I can't picture myself going back.
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I was natural for four and a half years. I struggled with my hair the entire time, I could never put enough butters or creams or sealants on my hair to keep in moisturized. I could never get it detangled enough. I was constantly getting SSK. And my hair was waist length, but shrank to just about my shoulders. I like being able to see my long hair.

So, I relaxed in October 2011, and it was the best decision that I made. I have a easier time keeping my hair moisturized, I don't get SSK knots anymore, my hair isn't the tangled matted mess that it was.

I do miss the volume and thickness of my natural hair, but it was no healthier than my relaxed hair. But, now I relax my hair once every six months which is a lot healthier than every six weeks. I know how to handle my natural and relaxed texture when doing a stretch. So, being natural taught me a lot about my hair. But for me, the time I save was a huge factor in me relaxing again. It would take me an hour to detangle my hair natural, relaxed it takes less than five minutes.
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No where near ready to five up my natural hair, I may get tempted everytime I have to detangle BUT I do not want to keep purring something so filled with chemicals on my head.

I will say that if everyone who went natural over the past year or so all decided to relax the hope is that we would have a lot of 'healthy ' relaxed heads who learned how to care for their hair.
Nope, not yet for me. I haven't been natural nearly long enough to even consider throwing in the towel. Sometimes I do try to imagine how GREAT my hair would look if I decided to relax it tomorrow, but I'm more interested in how great my natural hair will look if I keep up this routine by next year.
No never. In fact, I read the relaxer threads and secretly celebrate that I don't have to worry about touch ups, line of demarcation, not scratching a week before the touch up, scalp sores, scabs, and feeling some kind of way about my new growth.
I've never had a desire to relax my hair again since going natural (though I did fail to transition to natural for my first few attempts and went back to relaxing after stretching for awhile).

But I did get frustrated with my hair the other day and for a minute longed for a twa.
No never. In fact, I read the relaxer threads and secretly celebrate that I don't have to worry about touch ups, line of demarcation, not scratching a week before the touch up, scalp sores, scabs, and feeling some kind of way about my new growth.

Is this common? Do you guys go in there? :blush:

To me, the relaxer thread is like the baby girl section of Babies R Us (I have four boys).

It's a little unnerving - I'm almost expecting someone to jump out and say "hey weirdo! What are YOU doing over here touching these pink lace dresses? Imposter! I'm callin' the cops!" :lol:
I've thought about it during tough detangling sessions, texlaing anyway. It would be so easy to drive over to Sally's and pick up some S Curl but the desire for to do so is always short lived. I like my hair and would miss my kinky hair after the fact. Besides if I did texturize my hair it wouldn't take away my detnagling problem esp. when my new growth grows back in. So I'm keeping it kinky for now. :)
No I don't think about that.

It's been 4 and 1/2 years since my final relaxer touch up, and just over 2 years since I cut off the remaining relaxed ends that I had.

I have no interest in relaxing or texturizing my hair.
After more than 7 years as a natural someone I know relaxed over the weekend. She was bsl.

I haven't seen it yet but she says she loves it and so far her only regret is she didn't do it sooner.
Southern Belle said:
Is this common? Do you guys go in there? :blush:

To me, the relaxer thread is like the baby girl section of Babies R Us (I have four boys).

It's a little unnerving - I'm almost expecting someone to jump out and say "hey weirdo! What are YOU doing over here touching these pink lace dresses? Imposter! I'm callin' the cops!" :lol:

LOLOLOO!! Personally I don't care. I paid my annual fee and I will lurk in any thread I please. You should do the same. LOL!!!! But that was soooo funny though @ Babys R Us. LOL!!!
I've thought about it for like a minute.

Then I remember how my hair wasn't so cute 4 weeks after the relaxer, incompetent shampoo girls digging holes in my just relaxed head etc etc.

Honestly having been relaxed for only a short time, I realise natural hair styles suit me more, facially.
Nope. The thought of a flat iron alone, sends me into a tizzy. So to think about relaxing again? No ma'am.