Anyone taking Collagen supplement?

I work nights, so I take 2 Collagen 2 tabs with my morning meds (BP), then take 6 1&3 tabs when I wake up later in the day.

Thank you, I will adopt your routine when I get mine. I hate taking anything on an empty stomach though...which I've read is how these must be taken. But the issue I'm having is nails splitting. Primarily just my thumbs but I hate it.
@ElizaBlue - yes the spots are from traction alopecia. I keep forgetting to buy some "honey for hair". <LOL> I have some honey already, but I like to keep products for hair separate from food products.
You mentioned using honey in the Fabulous 40, Fantastic 50... thread.
I went to the vitamin shoppe 2 days ago to pick up some conditioner, and on a whim I picked up some powdered collagen bc it was on sale. I didn't really expect it to do much, but I figured it couldn't hurt.

I took it at night, and mixed it with my liquid multi-vitamin, a shot of powdered wheat grass, and some water. I woke up the next morning like :ohsnap:. I definitely saw a difference in my skin, normally when I fall asleep still wearing foundation I can count on seeing, rough skin, clogged pores and a few pimples. However, my skin looked like it was smoothing out, and my pores looked less clogged. This morning I noticed that the areas of hyperpigmentation from acne looked like they were trying to lighten. Of course, I had to do a search to make sure I wasn't imagining things. Honestly, I'm really excited about this stuff!
Oh man @Soul♥Flower you make me want to try this!
I don't take any supplements at this time but I know I should take some vits and thinking about the liquid form.
What brand of vit is it?

This one, and it's on sale for $10.85 at the vitamin shoppe right now.
I've been on the Super Collagen pills but can't say I've really seen a difference...but honestly I've not been consistently taking them lately because you have to take them on an empty stomach....and I always remember them right after I've eaten. I suppose I should put them next to the bed and take them first thing in the morning as I'm not a breakfast person, at all.

Or try the powder. That's much more my style....*reaches for credit card.
I've been taking the pill form consistently but can't say I've seen such great results. Why is this making me want to try the powder though? :look:
I've been taking the pill form consistently but can't say I've seen such great results. Why is this making me want to try the powder though? :look:

I wish I could tell yall if there was a difference between taking the pill vs the powder bc I've never tried the pills. The powder is definitely working for me though as far as my skin.

I've also read it's supposed to help make your hair thicker...we'll see about that though.
I wish I could tell yall if there was a difference between taking the pill vs the powder bc I've never tried the pills. The powder is definitely working for me though as far as my skin.

I've also read it's supposed to help make your hair thicker...we'll see about that though.

Thanks to you mam I just bought three tubs....product junkie relapse.
I just bought the powder. I am already taking my probiotics in the mornings before meals. I guess I could switch that to nights and then take the collagen in the morning?
Or I can take them both in the morning about 30 mins apart. Yeah, I'll try that first.
I have been taking this for around a month now and I can't say I see much of a difference in my skin/hair/nails. I take it first thing in the morning mixed with water.
I tried 2 tubs of Vitacost collagen and it seems inferior to the Neocell I've been taking for last 2 years. With the Vitacost, it's like all my good results from Neocell were degrading.
Okay ladies just started taking the Collagen plus C and the HA and my skin seems to be rebelling. I also take chlorella, spirulina, Hair La Vie, and MSM. Does this combo have a detox period? I haven't had a breakout like this in over a year and the only thing new is the Collagen and HA. I'm taking the Neocell brand for both.

Okay ladies just started taking the Collagen plus C and the HA and my skin seems to be rebelling. I also take chlorella, spirulina, Hair La Vie, and MSM. Does this combo have a detox period? I haven't had a breakout like this in over a year and the only thing new is the Collagen and HA. I'm taking the Neocell brand for both.


I don't take chlorella nor spirulina or the Hair La Vie hair vitamins. I do take the Neocell 1 & 3 Collagen plus vitamin C with HA and I don't have any of the issues you are having. I actually never did. I do take MSM daily as well. The only vitamin that gives me skin issues is biotin in large amounts - say 5000mcg and up. That is a :nono: for me.
My skin was showing some improvement in softness when I just started the Neocell collagen and HA. By the time my tub was about 3/4 empty the dramatic difference stopped. I am halfway through my second tub and I am questioning whether to get a third.
I did change the HA I was using with it though..went from Jarrow's to Vitacost about halfway through my first tub. I am guessing that the good results I saw initially was from the Jarrow's HA and not the collagen.
My skin was showing some improvement in softness when I just started the Neocell collagen and HA. By the time my tub was about 3/4 empty the dramatic difference stopped. I am halfway through my second tub and I am questioning whether to get a third.
I did change the HA I was using with it though..went from Jarrow's to Vitacost about halfway through my first tub. I am guessing that the good results I saw initially was from the Jarrow's HA and not the collagen.


I would say yes to the bold. Vitacost brands never work for me. I only like their essential oils.
Okay ladies just started taking the Collagen plus C and the HA and my skin seems to be rebelling. I also take chlorella, spirulina, Hair La Vie, and MSM. Does this combo have a detox period? I haven't had a breakout like this in over a year and the only thing new is the Collagen and HA. I'm taking the Neocell brand for both.

@Daina - One of the benefits of taking chlorella and spirulina is detox and many times it's through the skin. I don't detox with pimple breakouts anymore, but if I don't take them for 2 weeks or so I will get a dark rash on my left upper arm (forefront),l when I start taking them again. That's my new detox sign. :). It clears up after a month.

And just like with biotin, you have to drink a ton of water.

You are taking some powerful but GOOD stuff - so your body may be in shock. Try to hang in there until the rough period is over. You'll be glad you did. ;)
@ilong, thanks so much I am going to continue. I did stop this week all supplements as I am doing a 7 day cleanse and I don't want to overwhelm my system. I am going to restart all the supplements next week.
@planters - why do you need a replacement? Availability? price?

No reason really, I like it a lot. I Usually Oder from but I had a very bad experience (well still dealing with it actually) so I will not order from them again. I also dont trust eBay, Amazon etc to buy anything like vitamins or anything to take internally. So until I find another source - like stores- That I can trust I'll just continue with neocell.
@planters I totally understand about your concern with eBay and Amazon ordering. I was just reading and comparing Neocell to Nature's Life Marine Collagen. Good luck on resolving your issue with Sasa and finding a replacement.