Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

oh and back to a previous post about the potassium!

I take it already perscription strength so this is why I dont need anything depleting me furthur, low potassium is very dangerous , i KNOW cause I lived it! due to another potassium depleting drug I must take

so I will not be taking more than one of these a day and will watch very carefully for K loss as I would recognize right away having had it already. But ladies , any weakness, diziness or heart skips, toss the Silica immediatly its not worth it

and to protect yourselves in the meantime

eat lots of bananas! and take ur multi!

I cannot suggest taking extra Potassium, as this is also dangerous! too much K in your blood at one time can kill you, the prescription strengths are always SLOW release into your blood stream!

Hi Vevster (and all Alta Silica challenge participants)!

To give you an update, I've temporarily stopped taking the Alta Silica while I get my iron levels up. I'm currently taking Slow Fe iron tablets daily and taking Alive Multivitamins daily. My energy levels are much better. I will be seeing my doctor in August to get my iron levels re-checked.

If all goes well, in early August, I will start taking Alta Silica again. I'll probably begin with 1 tablet a day for a week, increase to 2 tablets a day the next week, and then go up to 3 tablets a day the following week, if necessary.

I'm doing this so that if my nails take off after beginning the Alta Silica again (which will be a good indication that it's doing wonders on my hair as well!), I'll have a better testimony to share with you all. You can be pretty sure that my nail improvement has to do with the alta silica and not any other supplements.

I'll of course be keeping up with this thread and supporting all of you!
Irresistable, thank you for posting the possible risks with taking silica in high doses. I had a wonderful lady from this board PM me telling me to be careful with taking too many Alta Silica tablets. I really appreciated the warning and it led me to do more research myself.

You've done your part - You cared enough about us to post the possible risks. And we love you for it. The ball is now in our court to either accept the information you've provided or reject it.

To put your mind at ease regarding the thiamine deficiency risk, according to Alta Health Products company, the enzyme that may cause thiamine deficiency is extracted. Read more about their extract process here:

The risk of potassium loss comes from horsetail being a natural diuretic. So I would guess that taking too much horsetail could cause a major potassium deficiency problem.

The point that I think you are trying to drive home is too much of anything is not a good thing. If an overdose of water can kill us as you pointed out, then we need to be careful not to overdose on anything else.

I spoke to to the president of the company today and this is exactly what she told me. She was introduced to alternative medicine when she had kidney disease herself.

I'm glad you posted it first. To bad irresistible didn't research that thoroughly the product she was attacking.
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I spoke to to the president of the company today and this is exactly what she told me. She was introduced to alternative medicine when she had kidney disease herself.

I'm glad you posted it first. To bad irresistible didn't research that thoroughly the product she was attacking.

wtf EVER!

To bad you didnt research ANYTHING about a product YOU started a thread about, meanwhile suggesting HIGH DOSES are safe

Trust me, Shame on you more than there is ANY Shame on ME!
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& in case you missed it, she concurred what I SAID about it NOT BEING SAFE in high doses, for ONE of the two reasons!

so I wasnt as far off as you want to make me be

but as long as YOU look good thats all that matters at the expense of everybody right?

wtf EVER!

To bad you didnt research ANYTHING about a product YOU started a thread about suggesting HIGH DOSES are safe

Trust me, Shame on you more than there is ANY Shame on ME!

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oh and back to a previous post about the potassium!

I take it already perscription strength so this is why I dont need anything depleting me furthur, low potassium is very dangerous , i KNOW cause I lived it! due to another potassium depleting drug I must take

so I will not be taking more than one of these a day and will watch very carefully for K loss as I would recognize right away having had it already. But ladies , any weakness, diziness or heart skips, toss the Silica immediatly its not worth it

and to protect yourselves in the meantime

eat lots of bananas! and take ur multi!

I cannot suggest taking extra Potassium, as this is also dangerous! too much K in your blood at one time can kill you, the prescription strengths are always SLOW release into your blood stream!

Now is the silica or the horsetail bad for the body. I just ordered some bamboo silica. I hope I just didn't waste more money.
Now is the silica or the horsetail bad for the body. I just ordered some bamboo silica. I hope I just didn't waste more money.

The Horsetail is silica, its like Flax is omege 3 kinda thing, the horsetail is the herb that is the source of the silica

and since it has been shown that horsetail silica blocks thiamine absorption and this particular brand has removed the enzyme in the horsetail that causes this block, I would feel like you would basically be starting all over with another brand on that issue to know if they have done the same!

This is the reason HORSETAIL kills horses! aint that a trip, they cant bring them back from the thiamine block
Now is the silica or the horsetail bad for the body. I just ordered some bamboo silica. I hope I just didn't waste more money.
Well, what this challenge was about was the Alta Silica. The bamboo's silica, I can't comment on, but the Alta Silica is SAFE!
Iris and Vev, just let it go. Points made.

I know my point was made! & I didnt have to be rude and ungracious to do it!

Vevster how you gonna sleep at night telling people something is safe that in high doses could literally do MAJOR harm! and then get mad at anybody the looks further into the safety of it for others or themselves!?

It was YOU that sparked my research, when you said 12 A DAY FOR A WEEK would be safe! But you could sleep at night telling people that , and you werent taking that amount yourself and had not researched that fact yourself?

12 a day for a week could have put someone even on the brink of low serum potassium in somebody's hospital or on the brink of death

yet you stilL want to brush it all off, its all jokes and being right? I didnt 'attack' a product I researched, and in fact the only reason YOU looked further is because of what I posted here, to prove me wrong right? But it wasnt wrong! horsetail DOES block Thiamine absoption , just Alta has removed the enzyme that does so, and it still a Potassium depleting diuretic! and that aint nothin to play with Vevster! not whatsoever!

This still is proven unsafe in high doses! you owed anyone doing the leg work to find that out at least some respect as it IS their RIGHT AND HEALTH!
The Horsetail is silica, its like Flax is omege 3 kinda thing, the horsetail is the herb that is the source of the silica

and since it has been shown that horsetail silica blocks thiamine absorption and this particular brand has removed the enzyme in the horsetail that causes this block, I would feel like you would basically be starting all over with another brand on that issue to know if they have done the same!

This is the reason HORSETAIL kills horses! aint that a trip, they cant bring them back from the thiamine block

:cowgirl: running towards ALTA SILICA :rofl:
:cowgirl: running towards ALTA SILICA :rofl:
This is like Child's play I swear!

I just seriously hope by the time people got to page 40 somethin on this thread they didnt listen to YOU that this was safe and without risk at a dose as high as 12 a day and I hope the young lady that posted on the thread I started STOPS taking 8 a day! SERIOUSLY!

even the normal dose can be dangerous had it not been 'fixed' and blocked thiamine absorption and it still is for anyone with any brand that doesnt and for anyone with even slightly low serum K levels or taking certain meds

I thank God some of us have a brain to think for ourselves and dont take someone actin like they 'CONTROL' a thread on a hairboard as something so critical as to back down on safegauding the health of others and ourselves!

my mission is totally accomplished! :yep:
This is like Child's play I swear!

I just seriously hope by the time people got to page 40 somethin on this thread they didnt listen to YOU that this was safe and without risk at a dose as high as 12 a day and I hope the young lady that posted on the thread I started STOPS taking 8 a day! SERIOUSLY!

even the normal dose can be dangerous had it not been 'fixed' and blocked thiamine absorption and it still is for anyone with any brand that doesnt and for anyone with even slightly low serum K levels or taking certain meds

I thank God some of us have a brain to think for ourselves and dont take someone actin like they 'CONTROL' a thread on a hairboard as something so critical as to back down on safegauding the health of others and ourselves!

my mission is totally accomplished! :yep:

:endworld: :deadhorse: :burning:
Thats equivalent to 3 tablets

The ingredients doesn't say "equivalent". :nono: it said amount per serving.

I know sweetheart, that was a TYPO. If you go to the Company's site, not vitacost you will see for yourself. I've ordered this many times. There is only one strength product. CALL THE COMPANY and AGAIN here is the link to the company's site

You are a stubborn young lady.

That's one heck of a typo. :rolleyes: It's no wonder my email(s) haven't been responded to as of yet. :perplexed

Not stubborn......determined. ;)

Its really weird but it definitely takes off in the nail area most and faster everytime!

take care of your health mama!
The horsetail will still be around and I do agree its best to start off slow especially for anyone that hasnt taken this before :yep:

This is true....that's what happened to me when I first started taking this supplement. :yep:
I have relistened to an interview with the president of the company-I posted a link to this earlier in the thread and to address another issue I have not hair related for a couple weeks I am bumping up my does to between 8-12 per day.

I am fully confident by the special Kervan processing of this herb that this product save to use at the max theura does of 12/day for a while to address certain issues.

can i take this along with my biotin....??
ive been taking my vitamin shoppe biotin.. 2capsules =10mg
and a natures made multivitamen for her
I have relistened to an interview with the president of the company-I posted a link to this earlier in the thread and to address another issue I have not hair related for a couple weeks I am bumping up my does to between 8-12 per day.

I am fully confident by the special Kervan processing of this herb that this product save to use at the max theura does of 12/day for a while to address certain issues.

Vester, my hair is growing so well. I want to find you and hug you because I know you were instrumental in helping me find the answer to my hair woes by posting this challenge.

When I get off my vacation (I'm in Los Angeles now) I am going to join you in your step-up for the Alta challenge. I have been a little slack due to work and loss of a dear friend, but I'm ready to get back in the challenge. I think Alta is good to help the body recover from bodybuilding activities... I plan to prove that theroy. I have been running and working out just taking 2 a day when I can remember and I feel stronger than ever.
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Oh wow...just wow. Thank you Irresistible for sharing this information. I wish more people really understood how harmful/dangerous megadosing supplements and vitamins can be.

Just because 2 is good, doesn't mean 20 is better. Not picking on this in particular, this is true of ANY SUPPLEMENT.

Simply, nutrients are BEST obtained from WHOLE FOODS. If you're going to supplement, do so in MODERATION. You won't miss your health until you don't have it anymore.

My 0.5 Cents.


I so agree with you. I don't advise anyone to megadose on any supplements, especially for something as frivolous as hair, since I am not there to check their bodies for signs of toxicity or adverse reactions. Most people have not been trained to read their body signs as manifested in the nails, the bowel movements, the tongue, etc, so usually, they don't notice toxicity until the damage has been done.
Vester, my hair is growing so well. I want to find you and hug you because I know you were instrumental in helping me find the answer to my hair woes by posting this challenge.

When I get off my vacation (I'm in Los Angeles now) I am going to join you in your step-up for the Alta challenge. I have been a little slack due to work and loss of a dear friend, but I'm ready to get back in the challenge. I think Alta is good to help the body recover from bodybuilding activities... I plan to prove that theroy. I have been running and working out just taking 2 a day when I can remember and I feel stronger than ever.

I'm so happy for your JJ! I love this product. Ha! It makes me grow out my pedicure before it chips!
I'm so happy for your JJ! I love this product. Ha! It makes me grow out my pedicure before it chips!

all past aside, how are you doing taking this in high amounts Vevster? I started to have my typical low potassium heart skips with just taking one, had to increase my potassium back up to my reg dose, no biggie, just told me two things, I was still riding to low for comfort and this stuff does cause it to excrete faster. Also someone PM'd me about her heart racing for about two minutes every time she took this, she stopped to make sure thats what it was, and it stopped, she started again and her heart started racing again, I asked her to post about it here, I hope she will. how much are you taking?
Hey ladies, I've been taking silica but stopped because I noticed that my heart starts racing really fast. Is this normal?
Hey ladies, I've been taking silica but stopped because I noticed that my heart starts racing really fast. Is this normal?

Not normal at all sweetie! Good sign that its possibly sending you too low on your potassium. Never take anything that makes your heart race. It could be the potassium or some kind of reaction your having to this. it brings back my heart skips due to low potassium with just one pill so this seriously does cause potassium to excrete faster. Be careful sweetie!
This is the only thing close to what I was taking and I had to shave everyday when I was. Has anyone else taking this liquid. 8 drops in your juice.

OH YOU ANSWERED MY QUESTION!!! I am taking Vevster's recommended product though.

I AM NOT...let me correct that...I WAS NOT a hairy person. I would shave under my arms and I'd be straight for a few WEEKS. Now, as it's summer (and I only want an afro puff on my head), I have to shave freaking every other day.

But last night when I got in the shower and checked the pits, I was wondering WTH???!?!?!!!! Hell, come to think of it, I may have shaved just the night before...anyway, then I see your post. Simple price to pay for nice nails, skin and hair, I guess. Problems may arise if I get facial hair though. :nono:

Now that I am looking at my legs, I think I have to pull out the epilator stat.

This is the only thing close to what I was taking and I had to shave everyday when I was. Has anyone else taking this liquid. 8 drops in your juice.

This is the only thing close to what I was taking and I had to shave everyday when I was. Has anyone else taking this liquid. 8 drops in your juice.


Ive been taking this. Does yours smell fishy?