Anyone ever dated a shorter man?


New Member
So my guy is significantly shorter than me --> 5'4"-5'5" in comparison to me being 5'8.5"

I knew this getting involved with him, but it's not like I planned to start liking him. We were friends at first, really close friends, then best friends. He asked me out for the longest time and I said no - my reason only being that he was short. Nothing else. He's pretty cute, but I've never gone for a short guy. He ended up going on a date with another girl one day and what can I say? Lol I was very jealous, so his plan worked and I went on a date with him. Eventually I finally decided to get in a relationship with him just because he treats me so well! Our personalities mesh perfectly and he loves me very much:yep:

I guess this advice stuff starts coming in after the fact. I like how we interact with each other, I love him very much, the sex is fantastic and everything is cool. The thing is, I keep having those reoccuring thoughts of us not looking "right" together. I always feel weird introducing him to people because of the height difference. I worry about people looking at us funny. When it's just me and him, I don't think about that stuff at all, but when we go out on a date it's hard. Especially if it's a dressy affair, because I LOVE me some heels. In fact, I could say about 80% is heels of some kind lol. I feel so awkward with him though when wearing them because they make me like 6 ft tall. And I definitely can't look in a mirror at us together :perplexed I feel like my head is bigger than his........and my foot is longer than his too which bothers me sometimes. Honestly, I know it should be like "I knew what I was getting into" but it's really not like that. When we're laying on the couch alone, or just spending time together, I forget those things and love spending time with him. It's just been really hard to get over this whole "size" thing. I think it would be awfully shallow to not be with someone purely over height. Plus, I already know it's not like he has the problem with it. He told me he actually loves taller girls --> he's a "leg" man.

I don't want to say I settled, because everything else he has is absolutely perfect. I know I'm high extremely maintenance, and he takes it all in stride <--- especially so for a college student. He is sweet, incredibly smart, caring, and supports me in whatever I do. He loves me no matter how I look, what I wear, or even how I smell (how he can kiss and hug me after I come from a work out I do not know lol). It's like everyone has a full list of qualities they want in a man. For a lot of us, it's extremely long. And then it's like you find a man who fits every single quality but one. So ladies out there with shorter guys, did it ever bother you? How did you get over it?
I don't think it's shallow not to date someone because of height... let's face it... a taller girl and a shorter guy just... looks... weird.... its because as humans the man is always suppose to atleast APPEAR to have ability to protect his lady in case of danger.

i personally would never date someone shorter than me....

ETA: I rarely read through to the end... I didn't realize you were asking for only those in that situation...

If you are happy with your situated and you have accepted it then there's really nothing to work through. Wear your heels because you want to!! Just remember people have differing opinions about EVERYTHING.
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I'm 6'0" and i've like shorter guys before. I've just come to accept that I'm gonna be taller than most guys. It doesn't bother me because why should I miss out on someone just because of height?
Although, I don't think I can go to short because stuff :look: would just get really awkward.
I might just end up with a short man lmao
Are you sure everything else is ABSOLUTELY perfect!?!? :smirk:

I'm 6'0" and i've like shorter guys before. I've just come to accept that I'm gonna be taller than most guys. It doesn't bother me because why should I miss out on someone just because of height?
Although, I don't think I can go to short because stuff :look: would just get really awkward.
I might just end up with a short man lmao

Poohbear well like any relationship we have disagreements here and there but honestly, I've never met anyone else i've meshed with as well as with him and he definitely goes above and beyond to make me happy not to mention height has zero effect on the size of his what's in his pants lol

intergalacticartist Yeah that's how I feel. Being about 5'9", I honestly don't know that many guys that are taller than me; and the very few that are I don't like, are ugly, or just all around bleh. But he's like my perfect match, just short, so I feel like I'd be missing out if I turned him down for one feature that he has no control over. It seems like shorter guys also tend to have better personalities in my opinion....maybe it's cuz they've had to make up for their lack of height their whole life? lol
OP, if all you are worried about is what other people think then please banish that from your mind. Your companionship with this man is what matters.

I am 5'11 and have dated and been engaged to men shorter than me or the same height. When i put heels on i am much taller. They didn't care, infact they loved it as they said it looked like they were going out with a model!!!

There are many famous couples that are coupled with a women taller than them....
Jamie Callum and Sophie Dahl
Mick Jagger and all his wives have been much taller
Penny Lancaster and Rod Stewart (all his wives have been taller)
Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman

I think it shows confidence and strength of character in a man when they are proud to walk with a taller woman.

I personally know a couple where he is 5'8 and she is 6'3". When i first met them i was like huh? but i cannot fault there love for each other and they don't give a toss what anyone thinks.

Girl, do you and don't give a fig what anyone thinks.
wow 5 11 ! you go girl! thats a nice height !
I m 5'7 I ve dated shorter guys and I ve found it a bit difficult ...the problem is ,i dont feel "secure" with them,keep in mind one of them was a martial arts instructor ,i always liked very tall men because they give me that sense of protection ,they re "calmer" and easier to deal with ,they seem more confident in themselves.Short men always lack in confidence for some reason ,they always tend to go above and beyond their abilities to prove the world they re worthy individuals ,they tend to get irated quicker aswell .
I ve noticed this ,not so much from dating but also on my job ,11 years in the airline industry ,comparing short and tall colleagues and customers..I can definetley see a difference.
I dated a short guy. Unfortunately he suffered from little man syndrome so he was nothing like your prince charming. Girl your guy sounds great!!! I wouldn't let height bother me much.
I'm 6'0 and unfortunately, not every man that approaches me or I date is my height or taller.
In the past, I have dated shorter men and although they had no issue with the height, I did....mainly when we're out in public. After a while I got over it because I would rather date a good short man than a sh*tty tall man.

Also..many of the shorter men I dated just felt like they had a super model on their arm. Their words not mine.
That kind of made me feel better if I thought of it like that
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OP, if all you are worried about is what other people think then please banish that from your mind. Your companionship with this man is what matters.

I am 5'11 and have dated and been engaged to men shorter than me or the same height. When i put heels on i am much taller. They didn't care, infact they loved it as they said it looked like they were going out with a model!!!

There are many famous couples that are coupled with a women taller than them....
Jamie Callum and Sophie Dahl
Mick Jagger and all his wives have been much taller
Penny Lancaster and Rod Stewart (all his wives have been taller)
Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman

I think it shows confidence and strength of character in a man when they are proud to walk with a taller woman.

I personally know a couple where he is 5'8 and she is 6'3". When i first met them i was like huh? but i cannot fault there love for each other and they don't give a toss what anyone thinks.

Girl, do you and don't give a fig what anyone thinks.

wow 5 11 ! you go girl! thats a nice height !
I m 5'7 I ve dated shorter guys and I ve found it a bit difficult ...the problem is ,i dont feel "secure" with them,keep in mind one of them was a martial arts instructor ,i always liked very tall men because they give me that sense of protection ,they re "calmer" and easier to deal with ,they seem more confident in themselves.Short men always lack in confidence for some reason ,they always tend to go above and beyond their abilities to prove the world they re worthy individuals ,they tend to get irated quicker aswell .
I ve noticed this ,not so much from dating but also on my job ,11 years in the airline industry ,comparing short and tall colleagues and customers..I can definetley see a difference.

I'm 6'0 and unfortunately, not every man that approaches me or I date is my height or taller.
In the past, I have dated shorter men and although they had no issue with the height, I did....mainly when we're out in public. After a while I got over it because I would rather date a good short man than a sh*tty tall man.

Also..many of the shorter men I dated just felt like they had a super model on there arm. Their words not mine.
That kind of made me feel better if I thought of it like that

Bublin and MsDee14 Yeah I feel like I would rather date someone short but great than tall that I didn't want. He says he loves me height and you're right, he feels like he landed a model lol. That thought does help sometimes. I do admire the fact that he doesn't care about the height in the slightest. He mentioned once to me that he feels like he's 7 ft tall on the inside so he never sees a problem. <--gotta admire that level of confidence lol

Kindheart that's the thing though, it's not like he suffers from Napoleon syndrome; I'm the one with the issue and not him. He honestly never really gets super angry, and every time he's been mad, he'll cool off in like 30 seconds. Honestly, it's kinda surprising since I have a bit of a short temper :blush: he teases me about it lol. I understand the "protection" thing, that was one of the main beginning issues. But I really don't feel that way anymore since for one, he's a bajillion times stronger than I am, and also he is "bigger" than me. He's not fat lol, but he's built like a short football player: big neck, broad shoulders, etc. He looks swole lmao. So, since I'm on the really skinny side (my family tries to force me to eat extra burgers almost every day lol) it probably doesn't look as strange as it would if he was skinnier than me too
*lights up a newport one hunnit*

yeah, i dated a man a lil shorter than me....but he was hung like one of dem 5 dolla foot longs so afta a few good sessions, he became very tall to me.

Keep datin him n stop complaining :)