Anyone else dating or married to a Sagittarius Man?


Well-Known Member
This is my first time dating a Sagittarius man and I have found they are one of the most exciting signs but yet the most difficult when it comes to dating.

Can anyone share some tips/experiences on how to show them that you are into them without coming across as smothering (which is something they hate). Also, do they just not like putting titles on relationships even though their actions show otherwise (calling daily, initiating weekly dates, talking about marriage,meeting his family and close friends, etc..)?

Although I've heard a lot of negative things about Sag men, I have also heard that once you do get them to commit they are very loyal (which I believe as well). So, any tips with dealing with the a Sag man would be greatly appreciated. :)

Thanks PopLife. I'm trying to be optimistic....but IDK. I've tried walking away in the past. Then fought my way back - they seem to be big on loyalty, so this was no easy task - in after he saw fit to "dismiss" me as well. He lives out of state though...he's def not feeling a long distance relationship (if a relationship at all). There is also a slight cultural barrier being that he is first generation Nigerian-American. I'm an African-American Cancer (Leo rising) I need all the luck in the world with him!

But all in all, thanks for your support. I hope it works out for you as well.

Wait, I just realized you said it didn't work...I have to check some of your threads about him. What happened? May I ask what zodiac sign you are just out of curiosity.
Thanks PopLife. I'm trying to be optimistic....but IDK. I've tried walking away in the past. Then fought my way back - they seem to be big on loyalty, so this was no easy task - in after he saw fit to "dismiss" me as well. He lives out of state though...he's def not feeling a long distance relationship (if a relationship at all). There is also a slight cultural barrier being that he is first generation Nigerian-American. I'm an African-American Cancer (Leo rising) I need all the luck in the world with him!

But all in all, thanks for your support. I hope it works out for you as well.

Wait, I just realized you said it didn't work...I have to check some of your threads about him. What happened? May I ask what zodiac sign you are just out of curiosity.

I'm a Pisces.
We have known each other for 11 years and reconnected earlier this year after a few years of not speaking. I thought he was really serious about us but he refused to acknowledge me as his gf although he treated me as such and we agreed to be exclusive.:rolleyes:
OHHHHHHH...I see. Sorry to hear that. I hope you made the right decision. I'm actually pretty stand-offish in relationships anyway so his distance is somewhat settling to me because I don't feel smothered. I will admit, he IS hard to read. I am just taking it in stride. If he wants to spend time with me and makes an effort to do so and stay in contact with me, I won't press for much more until I'm also ready. What is meant to be will be.
This is my first time dating a Sagittarius man and I have found they are one of the most exciting signs but yet the most difficult when it comes to dating.

Can anyone share some tips/experiences on how to show them that you are into them without coming across as smothering (which is something they hate). Also, do they just not like putting titles on relationships even though their actions show otherwise (calling daily, initiating weekly dates, talking about marriage,meeting his family and close friends, etc..)?

Although I've heard a lot of negative things about Sag men, I have also heard that once you do get them to commit they are very loyal (which I believe as well). So, any tips with dealing with the a Sag man would be greatly appreciated. :)

I am married to one and this is sooo not him. (the bold) The sign can't make the man. Find a way to connect with him and learn him as he should be learning you. Best wishes with your guy.
OHHHHHHH...I see. Sorry to hear that. I hope you made the right decision. I'm actually pretty stand-offish in relationships anyway so his distance is somewhat settling to me because I don't feel smothered. I will admit, he IS hard to read. I am just taking it in stride. If he wants to spend time with me and makes an effort to do so and stay in contact with me, I won't press for much more until I'm also ready. What is meant to be will be.

This is the best thing I have read in this forum all day.:yep: Just make sure you do your part. ;)
My Sag man was QUICK to put a title on it. Told everybody about it too.

However, I agree that they like their space, which can come off as standoffish. Luckily, I like my space and can be pretty independent myself, so we work very well together.

He's low-key and nonchalant in general, but he's very expressive about things that are important to him.

My dad and brothers are Sag's, so I know the sign well. Funny that I'm gonna marry one too!
My Sag man was QUICK to put a title on it. Told everybody about it too.

However, I agree that they like their space, which can come off as standoffish. Luckily, I like my space and can be pretty independent myself, so we work very well together.

He's low-key and nonchalant in general, but he's very expressive about things that are important to him.

My dad and brothers are Sag's, so I know the sign well. Funny that I'm gonna marry one too!

I believe this part to be very true of Sagittarians.
I am a Sag dating another Sag. Now this man is blunt as hell! Sometimes he is so blunt, he can be hurtful, without realizing it. Sometimes he can be a bit bossy, controlling. I am not sure if it is because he is older ( I'm 30, he's 43), or is it because of his background. He's from Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast). I am not saying that all African men are like this, but he was raised in a strict Muslim family where his father had five wives that were at his beck and call. He is not into the multiple wives thing, but he definitely wants to feel like "the man."
I have a Sag husband. I am a leo. He is the most brutally honest person I have ever meet in my life. I had to learn if you dont like the truth, dont All in all, mine is pretty stereotypical of a sag. The great thing about our match is i am very "in the line" and organized, he is nonchalant and go with the flow. We balance one another and it really works for us. He is also the best father I have seen in a while. The pride he puts into caring for the girls and me...well, lets just say we all appreciate him alot. When they are into you, I believe it is a 100% effort.