Any Of Ya'll With A Man Who People Would Objectively Say Is Better Looking Than You? I never had anyone say the he was better looking. But I can admit my last SO was way more photogenic than I was. It angered me lol. We could take pics together and it could be at random without him preparing for the pic and his face would just be modelesque. So not fair
I used to date a guy who was extraordinarily handsome. I'm talking male friends and coworkers would be like, "look, I'm not gay, but that's a good looking man" kind of handsome. He was better looking than me and everyone I know. And I loved it! I could get enjoyment just from watching people's reactions when he walked in the room.
Men think like this?

Men do this alllll the time.

Actually I think people do it. Attractive people can be very insecure. Fragile egos too. Well people are insecure but looks tend to give people's behavior away....

Men will go after a woman they know can't do better than him. Esp in the looks category. That's why you see cougars and fat chicks at male strip club. Men also know that these women are also insecure and go after outwardly attractive men because they have something to prove like they can get the hot guy. Then they'll stay with him and ready to beat a btch down over him. Think Denzel and Pauletta. :look:

Actually when I see an attractive man with a plain Jane it makes sense to me. All I see is a likely cheating trfling man and a beaming plain Jane who thinks she finally landed a catch but really just looks like a security blanket....
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Men do this alllll the time.

Actually I think people do it. Attractive people can be very insecure. Fragile egos too. Well people are insecure but looks tend to give people's behavior away....

Men will go after a woman they know can't do better than him. Esp in the looks category. That's why you see cougars and fat chicks at male strip club. Men also know that these women are also insecure and go after outwardly attractive men because they have something to prove like they can get the hot guy. Then they'll stay with him and ready to beat a btch down over him. Think Denzel and Pauletta. :look:

Actually when I see an attractive man with a plain Jane it makes sense to me. All I see is a likely cheating trfling man and a beaming plain Jane who thinks she finally landed a catch but really just looks like a security blanket....

i disagree.

i find that truly attractive people do not care that much about looks. thats how really good looking people can even date an unattractive person.

its only people who desperately want to be thought of by others as attractive that put all this emphasis on every single little thing having to do with convincing people they are attractive. people who are the most insecure about their looks are actually the people that should be insecure about their looks, and it is total nonsense to me the idea that attractive people are insecure about their looks. they're not. like, basically ever.

but ive been saying this all year now on this forum and people still dont get it (ie halle berry attractive) so
i disagree.

i find that truly attractive people do not care that much about looks. thats how really good looking people can even date an unattractive person.

its only people who desperately want to be thought of by others as attractive that put all this emphasis on every single little thing having to do with convincing people they are attractive. people who are the most insecure about their looks are actually the people that should be insecure about their looks, and it is total nonsense to me the idea that attractive people are insecure about their looks. they're not. like, basically ever.

but ive been saying this all year now on this forum and people still dont get it (ie halle berry attractive) so

I disagree.

Been around way to many models, trophy wives and the like to agree with this.

My father, grandfather and uncle were more attractive than their wives. I wouldn't call them trife or anything but always felt like they picked women they knew they'd never have to worry about. No man was going to go after their woman that looked better than them. I think it sorta allowed them not to have to put in much effort to keep the women compared to what other men have to do to keep their woman happy.
I disagree.

Been around way to many models, trophy wives and the like to agtre with this.

My father, f and father and uncle were more attractive than their wives. I wouldn't call them trife or anything but always felt like they picked women they knew they'd never have to worry about. No man was going to go after their woman that looked better than them. I think t sir a allowed them not to have to out in much effort to keep the women compared to what other men have to do to keep their woman happy.

no offense but your opinion on this subject holds zero weight with me
Neither does yours to me.

I def expected you to be in this thread for a myriad of reasons. So for you, of course your perspective makes sense.

im glad we cleared that up cause ill basically never agree with your warped ideas on this subject (amongst others) so quite frankly im not sure why i opened conversation with you about it. how about if you do us all a favor this time around and not overtake yet another thread repeatedly insisting that your sole individual subjective experience and ideas on the subject are universal or in fact relevant to anyone else? i think thats why. do us a favor and dont do that this time.
I've always dated guys uglier than me but I thought they were fine going into the relationship. My DH is more photogenic to me. He hates taking pictures but he's really handsome when he does take a pic. Doesn't bother me at all. I never really even thought about it until this thread.
Nope. It would be really hard anyway, I'm physically gorgeous and photogenic. And my confidence just sets me apart from most. I do only deal with men who I can stare at and drool about :look: so I enjoy walking into anywhere really and having all the men stare at me, and all the women stare at whatever suitor I've brought around. :lachen:

I don't really care who I'm seen with, as long as I like what I'm looking at, or I like what I'm hearing :look:

When I see completely unequal couples it makes me think the prettier one has some fatal flaw that an ug would accept.
I agree that attractive secure people don't give a crap about looks for a variety for reasons.

I agree that attractive people who only have the "attractive card" to play and are otherwise insecure give a lot of a crap about looks. They have to.

I realize that I used to purposely date people who were unattractive and way below me on the scale. I no longer care about looks so its a null and void thing for me now. I heard comments all the time, and I still think the people who make them area ultra flat as far as judgement and self awareness. There are tooooooo many variables in a relationship to take one look at the occupants of that relationship and make a judgement regarding who made out better. You would be very surprised.
i used to date very cute big man on campus type guys, then less attractive guys, and now back to attractive big man on campus types. and im annoyed with all of it. because tbh i dont know that a lot of it is me - i let people get in my head about looks and its hard to undo that influence. i had to end the friendship with the person that caused it, influenced me that way.

when i went to new york i realized i should be dating much more attractive people. and i said that at the time but then i really came home and did it. i didnt really think i actually would :lol: now they are not a big deal to me, but its become a problem because i start treating them like normal people. which means in reality like... i think having an attractive partner is an important thing as far as practical real life consequences and benefits, and ive gotten to a point where being attractive doesnt win you any points even though in some ways i think it should.

i have dated guys who were so good on paper and physically that i couldnt take them seriously. its like, you could pick any girl and im not about to waste my time thinking it's going to be me. im sick of this attractiveness issue because im not sure how much to factor it in. i could be attracted to guys that arent conventionally attractive. and tbh when a guy is too good looking i think sometimes im a little turned off by it because, again, im not really taking them seriously and these days thats having a lot of impact on my sex life.

ive definitely gone out with guys who were way out of my league looks wise, but its probably because im not giving them those looks points. and they dont care anyway so whats it matter?
I agree that often times good looking ppl date down because its like a security I'm a prize i know you aint going no where and will worship me....

dh and i are evenly yoked..i think I'm a smidge more as ppl always always comment to him like ya wife is hot!!! lmaoo

i do think people date down..i dont often see two good-looking ppl together....
What just happened up thread? :look:

Anyways, I dated a guy better looking and it wasn't an issue. He wasn't egoistical and he was a decent person.

Would I do it again? Yeah, but it depends on his heart.

My bff is currently dating a guy that is WWWWAAAAAYYYYYY better looking. But he cares for her deeply and you can tell. So yeah she wins.
I agree that attractive secure people don't give a crap about looks for a variety for reasons.

I agree that attractive people who only have the "attractive card" to play and are otherwise insecure give a lot of a crap about looks. They have to.

I've dated ugly men, but I feel like they be doing too much, like they had something to prove. Like a short man. SO and I are equally yoked, I think.
There are some truly attractive people that are insecure. Good looks don't always equal high self esteem. I think we keep forgetting that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and some beautiful people don't fall into their own standards of beauty. One of my gorgeous friends, whom I'd rate as a 10, would give herself a 7. She only dates old ugly men, cause that's where she feels "safe". I also know guys dating women way less attractive, but they actually find the women good looking.

I haven't dated anyone who I'd say was more attractive than me... But then, I think I'm attractive enough to not look out of place with anyone.
Nope...well maybe my ex-husband. My kids are soooo shallow and if even think about dating someone they (sons and daughters) think is below standards I have to hear about it. When they met my ex-husband they were all shaking their heads "no" and I thought he was relatively the beginning.

So for the most part I don't date down. But the guys I do date are considered very attractive...but no I wouldn't say more attractive than me. People will always say "ya'll make a cute couple or "look good together".

ETA: An attractive man has zero to do with being a pretty man...those I can't stand...ugh!
I agree that attractive secure people don't give a crap about looks for a variety for reasons.

I agree that attractive people who only have the "attractive card" to play and are otherwise insecure give a lot of a crap about looks. They have to.

I realize that I used to purposely date people who were unattractive and way below me on the scale. I no longer care about looks so its a null and void thing for me now. I heard comments all the time, and I still think the people who make them area ultra flat as far as judgement and self awareness. There are tooooooo many variables in a relationship to take one look at the occupants of that relationship and make a judgement regarding who made out better. You would be very surprised.

Girl...I just cannot...he's got to be easy on the eyes...I'm unapologetically shallow when it comes to characteristics that make a man attractive. Facial symmetry, beautiful eyes are a must.
Men do this alllll the time.

Actually I think people do it. Attractive people can be very insecure. Fragile egos too. Well people are insecure but looks tend to give people's behavior away....

Men will go after a woman they know can't do better than him. Esp in the looks category. That's why you see cougars and fat chicks at male strip club. Men also know that these women are also insecure and go after outwardly attractive men because they have something to prove like they can get the hot guy. Then they'll stay with him and ready to beat a btch down over him. Think Denzel and Pauletta. :look:

Actually when I see an attractive man with a plain Jane it makes sense to me. All I see is a likely cheating trfling man and a beaming plain Jane who thinks she finally landed a catch but really just looks like a security blanket....

I've seen more of the opposite where women will choose an unattractive man (and I've heard it said) he won't ever cheat on them and time and time again it's shown they will cheat just as soon as anyone. So my theory is a man is going to be a man regardless of how he let me get one that is easy on the eyes because I don't want to wake up having to put my hands over my eyes every morning just to say good morning.

But think about it what's worse knowing you got cheated on my Quasimodo or Denzel?

My current situation is very handsome and he worries far more about guys talking to me than I do about women who literally throw panties at him. Who want's someone no one else wants? Not I. I rather get a kick out of sitting back watching women come at him.